What is the Call for Sites?
This Call for Sites is a key stage in the development of Bratton’s Neighbourhood Plan, through which we can identify sites potentially available for development.
The Call for Sites is an invitation for you to make submissions proposing particular areas of land within theparish for future development. We are interested to hear about potential opportunities for any kind of development, for example for housing, community uses, open space and land suitable for nature recovery.
The earlier community consultations have shown an interest for some small developments of 5-10 houses, with a focus on affordable housing to secure a sustainable future for village and itsamenities.
The call for sites is open to any land within the parish boundary.
Click here for more information about the Call for Sites process, and how you can respond.
Making a Submission
Everyone owning land in the Parish who wish to have their land considered for development are asked to submit details using the Call for Sites form (click here).
Please note…
- The structure and content of the form is drawn from that used by Wiltshire Council
- Please use a separate form for each site and complete each form as fully as possible.
- Please return any completed form with a map that identifies the boundaries of any submittedsite.
- With the exception of the first two personal details sections (which will remain confidential), the information submitted will form part of the Neighbourhood Plan evidence base and will thus bein the public domain.
- Please address any queries to the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Chair (contact details as below).
- Completed forms must be submitted to the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Chair by 31stJanuary 2023.
Please send completed forms to:
Email: neighbourhoodplan@bratton-parish.co.uk
Post: Keith Rayward, 2 Flowers Mead, Bratton, Westbury, Wilts. BA13 4SR
Or drop into the Responses box at the Central Store, Melbourne Street, Bratton.
Click here for a copy of the Call for Sites poster.
Click here for the the mapped responses to the Call for Sites.