27th August 2024
Here is Part 2 of ‘Character’. May we remind you that it does not replace the full Neighbourhood Plan document; it merely gives you a taster of what is included. There is a set of objectives and policies, together with a vision statement in Part A which we recommend that you read in order to be able to answer the questionnaire. Top tip: either have two screens open when you answer the questionnaire – one with the policies and one with the questionnaire or, have the paper questionnaire (which you can pick up in the village shop) and Section A available. That way you can refer to the relevant policies easily. Click on the link to access the documents:
26th August 2024
18th August 2024
Thank you to all the lovely people who came to today’s (Aug 17th) consultation day.
We were delighted by the fantastic turnout. What a wonderfully supportive village we live in! Thank you, too, for all the kind words that you offered and for your appreciation of the work that has gone into producing the R14 draft of the Neighbourhood Plan.
An extra special thank you goes to Suzanne Brown, Rachel Linehan, Ro Freestone, Angie Cole and Ellie Cove, the lovely ladies who baked the cakes and biscuits for the occasion, serving them with tea and coffee all day. What a fabulous team they make!
You can read the draft Neighbourhood Plan on the parish website by following the link above or using the QR code.
If you prefer, you can choose the Plan on paper by contacting Cllr Keith Rayward by email: parish.chair@brattonparishcouncil.gov.uk or, telephone him on: 01380 831199 to arrange a mutually convenient time to read it in the Jubilee Hall.
7th August 2024
Thank you to all the lovely people who came to yesterday’s (Aug 6th) consultation day.
We were delighted by the fantastic turnout given that it was a working day in August. Thank you, too, for all the kind words that you offered and for your appreciation of the work that has gone into producing the R14 draft of the Neighbourhood Plan.
An extra special thank you goes to Suzanne Brown, Rachel Linehan, Ro Freestone, Angie Cole and Ellie Cove, the lovely ladies who baked the cakes and biscuits for the occasion.
There will be a second opportunity to come and consult with the Steering Group in the Jubilee Hall on:
Saturday 17August between 11.00 am and 4.00pm.
https://brattonparishcouncil.gov.uk/bratton-ndp-regulation-14- consultation/
You can read the draft Neighbourhood Plan on the parish website by following the
link above or using the QR code.
If you prefer, you can choose the Plan on paper by contacting Cllr Keith Rayward
by email: parish.chair@brattonparishcouncil.gov.uk
or, telephone him on: 01380 831199 to arrange a mutually convenient time to read it in the Jubilee Hall.
29th July 2024
Bratton Parish Neighbourhood Plan: It’s live!
The 8-week consultation period has begun!
We need your help!
Please look over the Plan and tell us what you think by filling in the questionnaire or
by collecting one from the village shop.
https://brattonparishcouncil.gov.uk/bratton-ndp-regulation-14- consultation/
Read the draft Neighbourhood Plan on the parish website by following the link above or use the QR code.
You can choose to read the Plan on paper by contacting Cllr Keith Rayward by email: parish.chair@brattonparishcouncil.gov.uk or, telephone him on: 01380 831199 to arrange a mutually convenient time to read it in the Jubilee Hall.
There will be opportunities to consult the steering group committee on:
Tues 6 Aug – 4pm – 8pm and
Sat 17 Aug – 11am – 4pm in the Jubilee Hall where you will be able to enjoy a cup of tea and a slice of cake while you contemplate the plan.
We’re very much looking forward to hearing your thoughts. Remember, YOUR VOICE MATTERS!
8th July 2024
Neighbourhood Plan
We are approaching the time when we will be able to reveal the first draft of the Neighbourhood Plan for your comments. This is the first step in a formal consultation process that will lead, next year, to a referendum where you will be able to choose to either accept or reject the Plan.
The Plan will be put up on the Bratton Parish website at the end of July, and would genuinely value your comments until the end of September. (Exact dates to be finalised.)
If you feel that we have missed anything out or, have misunderstood your priorities, let us know. The plan is, after all, designed, to be a representation of the future village that you want to live in.
We understand that a document like this is very complicated, so, to help explain what is in it, we invite you to discuss it with us in the Jubilee Hall on:
Tues 6 Aug – 4pm – 8pm
Sat 17 Aug – 11am – 4pm
More details on these will be given next Bratton Parish News, on notices near you, on the Bratton Parish website and on Facebook.
31st May 2024
Exciting News: We Are Nearing the End!
As you can see from the time line below, work on the Neighbourhood Plan has been ongoing for a long time with hours and hours of hard work going into it. We are now in the process of drawing the final threads together before we present it to you. We hope that you, whose wishes the Plan represents, will review it when the draft is completed within the next few months. WATCH THIS SPACE!
Time Line of Bratton Parish Council’s Neighbourhood Plan
2016: Bratton Parish Council began considering having a Neighbourhood Plan with the Steering Group being set up the following year.
2019: Steering Group sent out a community survey about housing needs
2021: Survey presented at a public meeting (Covid prevented earlier publication)
2022: Call for Sites for possible developments put out
2022: Green Spaces: call put out for suggestions followed by a consultation with the village
2024: AECOM Strategic Environment Assessment of the draft Neighbourhood Plan to identify further environmental considerations to include in the plan. (Ongoing)
2024: Summer presentation of draft Neighbourhood Plan for Bratton Parish residents’ consideration. (Date to be confirmed shortly.)
16th September 2023
An essential part of the NDP development process has been to identify sites potentially suitable for residential development.
Several sites were put forward by Bratton residents in response to the earlier Call for Sites, and these have been independently assessed by AECOM, a leading Town Planning consultancy.
We have now received the final report from AECOM concerning their assessment of suitability of the sites put forward under the Neighbourhood Development Plan Call for Sites process – please click here for the full AECOM report.
The conclusions are essentially the same as was presented at the 28th June Consultation event, with some of the arguments for the conclusions being further developed.
In summary….
- No sites were deemed to be suitable for allocation in the NDP for residential development (in terms of having few constraints to being currently suitable, available and achievable for development),
- Three sites are deemed as potentially suitable sites, subject to various levels of (specified) mitigation,
- Four sites, including our Parish-owned Pear Tree Orchard, are deemed to be unsuitable for development.
28th June 2023
The Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group will be holding a Public Consultation Meeting in the Jubilee Hall from 2:30 to 8:00 PM. Do come along to learn about our findings, and to let us know your views about how the Parish of Bratton should evolve to meet the demands of the future.
30th April 2023
What have we been doing ?
Since our update in the November edition of this newsletter, the following progress has been made:
- Local Green Spaces – We had a great response to this exercise and a short-list of those that meet the criteria set for designation is being prepared for public consultation.
- Special Views – We also received a good number of nominations to this exercise, several of which overlapped with LGS nominations.
- Community/Heritage Assets – Work has also begun to identify other elements that make Bratton special. Some of these are already protected through National Designations such as Conservation Area Status and Listed Buildings, others are more ‘locally-valued’.
- Call for Sites – 5 sites were nominated by their owners. These will be assessed for technical suitability by independents experts by the end of the Summer. This will provide the basis for an informed discussion about whether or not our community supports their inclusion in the plan.
What’s Next ?
Members of the volunteer-led Neighbourhood Planning Steering Group are continuing to work on various aspect of the plan and meet on the first Thursday of each month to discuss progress. If you would like to get more involved by joining the Steering Group please contact The Chair for details.
We will also be at the two following events to answer any questions you have:
Tuesday 23 May @7:15 pm: Parish Annual Meeting in the Jubilee Hall
Wednesday 28th June: Community Consultation Event in the Jubilee Hall as part of Bratton Week. More details to follow in next month’s Newsletter.
Cllr Eddie Cole, Chair of the Bratton Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group: neighbourhoodplan@brattonparishcouncil.gov.uk
https://www.brattonparishcouncil.gov.uk (Neighbourhood Plan Section)