The Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) Steering Group held an informal public consultation event on Saturday, 2nd December. This was to canvas opinion from Bratton residents on the sites that had been identified as being potentially suitable for housing development.
Welcome to the materials that are being shared with the village to explain the key development options we need to address in building our Neighbourhood Plan.
Residents of Bratton Parish are invited to complete a questionnaire if they have not already done so, and return it to the special box inside Bratton Store by 16th December. Copies of the questionnaire can be obtained by emailing .
These materials provide context to help you consider whether the village should allocate more land for development and which of the sites that are currently offered by landowners are preferred.
They were intended to prompt discussion with explanation from the team, hence visitors to the drop-in event on 2nd December were able to talk with the team, ask questions and leave comments.
Of course, you are welcome to interact via the email address and we intend to address your questions as quickly as possible given the volume and the complexity of the subject.
To see the image in greater detail please click here
To see the images in greater detail please click here
To see images in greater detail please click here
To see images in greater detail please click here
Thank you for taking the time to read these materials. Please remember to return completed questionnaires to the special box in Bratton Store by 16th December.
Although these questionnaires are individually numbered, they are anonymous and we do not track who has which numbered questionnaire.
To see the image in greater detail please click here