Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group
What is the Steering Group?
Government legislation requires that development of a neighbourhood plan needs to be carried out by what is called a “qualifying body”. In our case this is the Parish Council and they will make decisions and submit the plan.
Development of the plan requires a lot of help and views of the community and so the Parish Council has set up a “Steering Group” made up of councillors and members of the community that manages and directs the work to produce the plan on the Council’s behalf. The steering group does not make decisions but reports back to the Parish Council for final decisions.
Developing a neighbourhood plan is a complex and onerous task that requires some guidance through the process and legalities and the steering group are working with experienced consultants Place Studio to bring the plan to fruition.
Why get involved
A neighbourhood plan is a community led plan, it is not the Parish Council’s plan and needs to reflect the views and aspirations the community has for the parish. This is the reason the 2019 detailed survey was undertaken and there will be numerous events to engage and get the views of the community. Draft versions of the plan will be presented for feedback so that a final version submitted for a referendum reflects the views of the people.
There is much work to do if we are to protect our green spaces, create policies for development how and where we want it and putting forward potential sites for housing of the size and type we want.
This is your plan, so if you would like to get involved in any of the teams running events, be part of a team doing a study, drafting the plan or in any other way then please contact the Clerk of the Parish Council, or the Neighbourhood Plan team direct using the contact details in this section.
Contact details:
Our target is to answer emails to the following addresses within 48hours
Parish Clerk: Nicola Duke
Neighbourhood Plan:
Steering Group membership
Robert Drummond (Chair)
Peter Thomas (Vice Chair)
Karen Lewis-Jones
James Linehan
Rupert Lyon
Caroline MacDuff (Cllr)
Sian Morgan
Mike Manson
Keith Rayward (Cllr)
Eddie Cole (Cllr)