Questionnaire Article document description
This document is the Neighbourhood Plan detailed survey launched in March 2019. It allows the reader to understand the questions that were asked and the scoring that was evaluated in the analysis. It was hand delivered to all households within the Parish and collected by hand a week later. A post box was set up in the Village Shop to collect any that were unavailable on the day of collection.
Open Detailed Questionnaire Document
Survey Results Article document description
This document was first presented to the community in September 2021 after delays imposed by the pandemic. It contains graphical and summarised results for the questions asked in the 2019 Survey with a preamble slide that detailed some history and is followed by some “Further things to consider” slides. The opportunity was used to canvass community opinion whether the Parish Council should still proceed with the plan.
Open Survey Results Document
Age-Split Survey Results Article document description
Following the community presentation of the survey results a number of new members joined the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group and at the first meeting a question was raised whether we had looked at how different age groups had voted. As the Parish demographic is one of an ageing population it was felt that we should understand whether the younger age groups who will have to live with the longer term aspirations of the plan had a different view. The age groups 18-24 and 18-39 are displayed against the original overall vote of all age groups.