
NPSG Minutes March 2024

NDP - Current Minutes Uploaded on March 28, 2024

Minutes of the meeting held to discuss the Neighbourhood Plan (NP) for Bratton on Thursday, 1st February 2024 commencing at 7.15pm

Present: Rob Drummond (Chair), Cllr Keith Raywood, Cllr Eddie Cole, Cllr Caroline MacDuff, Sian Morgan,     Karen Lewis-Jones, James Linehan




162 Apologies for Absence

Mike Manson, Rupert Lyon, Peter Thomas


163 Minutes of previous meeting

The Minutes from meeting of 1st February 2025 were recoded as a true record of the meeting

o   Proposed – James Linehan

o   Seconded – Keith Rayward


164 Update on Outstanding actions  


·         Funding has been reviewed and it is thought that the current level will be sufficient for the Place Studio work through to referendum. Place Studio will notify any requests that may impact this.

·         We do not have budget for any additional costs such as design of the plan (although Rob has indicated that he does not feel that professional input is necessary given that we are following the format of other “made plans”), nor is there budget for publication, advertising, distribution of the NP around the time of the referendum. Historically the SG has done much of this internally. Much can be learnt from BPC Clerk on this who is involved in other NPs which are at a more advanced stage.

·         A potential site layout has been submitted to SG for one of the sites that may be considered for inclusion in the NP, it was agreed that a single SG response would be made, rather than individual comments. Member comments should be sent to Rob. Until the results of the SEA/HRA sites are known later this year (see item 166), the NP won’t be able to allocate site(s).



165 Draft Neighbourhood Plan


·         A draft copy of the NP has been submitted to Wiltshire Council (WC) for screening for a SEA. Awaiting a response from WC


Green Spaces:

·         It was noted that there are 10 green space nominations but only 9 appear in the draft NP. This was noted and will need to be changed.

·         The main documentation is almost complete with some minor changes to wording and maps required.


·         The views work is almost completed, a review of comments and formatting carried out by Place Studio is in progress and Keith proposed updated maps on the Parish Online website.

Non-designated heritage Asset (NDHA)s:

·         Work has been ongoing to detail the NDHA’s on the Bratton History Association website. It is proposed that the NP will contain a brief description and a link to the BHA website for more detail

·         Work is ongoing to assign the NDHA’s to the different character areas.

Character Areas:

·         Work on the character areas by Mike Manson is almost complete and currently subject to review by members.

·         The remaining CA’s are coming to a conclusion with a target date by the end of April

Economy and Getting Around:

·         No change since the last meeting

Climate Change:

·         It was noted that there has been little community consultation/engagement on climate change and therefore no evidence base for the Plan. Some engagement could take place at the Village Halls week event but the duration is only two hours.

·         Climate change will be an overarching theme weaving throughout the NP document

·         It was proposed that any future projects could be included in the NP at  5 yearly review or may be raised at the regulation 16 community consultation

Regulation 14:

·         It was proposed that the SG raises the subject of a Regulation 14 launch event with the Parish Council in due course but with enough time to allow for the PC to consider and prepare for the event. Rob to action.


166 Current Plan Timeline

·         We have no response to the draft plan submitted to WC for for SEA/HRA screening, estimates vary from 3 to 8 weeks.

·         We are awaiting on the funding decision from Locality/DLUHC, which will allow AECOM to perform the scoping and assessment

·         The uncertainty on WC and DLUHC timeframes means we cannot be confident that we will hit all the milestones on a timely basis.  However for now it is recommended to keep to the target of end July for formal submission of the NP to WC for Regulation 14 review.


167  Neighbourhood Plan

As above, the various work streams will continue to work on the basis that the Regulation 14 review submission target is July 2024.


168 BPC Aspirations Paper

·    Keith submitted a concept paper of aspirational subjects for review.

·    It was agreed to adopt this approach with projects

Proposed: Keith Rayward

Seconded: Caroline MacDuff

·    Member review comments to be sent to Keith



169 Village Halls Week

·    It was agreed to have a maximum of two A1 boards and easels, one being the NP process

·    Rob to prepare a rolling slide show set up on a monitor for the event

·    Members are requested to send suitable photographs to Rob


170 Date of next meeting

Thursday 4th of April at 7.15pm in the Oratory Room, Bratton Church Institute