Plan Documents

Plan Documents

Submitted Plan

Bratton’s Neighbourhood Development Plan is comprised of the following sections…

Part A and Part B, as below

The statutory Consultation Statement, which defines how The Plan aligns with planning legislation; along with a number of associated Appendices which record the public consultations made to gain public opinion that forms the basis of the Plan. The final appendix (#15) reports the verbatim comments received during the Regulation 14 Public Consultation, Bratton’s response to each comment, and shows how these comments influenced the wording of the Policies in the Plan.

The Annexes to the Plan are supporting studies that informed the conclusions contained  in the Plan. These include locally made assessments of Bratton’s assets, and expert studies concerning suitability of sites for development and environmental assessments.

Part A – The Plan

Section 1.      Introduction to Neighbourhood Planning
Section 2.      Introduction to Bratton
Section 3.      Planning Context – Implications for Bratton
Section 4.      Plan Policies and Climate Change
Section 5.      Vision and Strategic Objectives
Section 6.      Policies
Section 7.      Using and Reviewing the Plan
Section 8.      Proposed Aspirations/Projects
Section 9.      Conclusion
Section 10.    Glossary
Section 11.    References

Part B – Bratton Character Assessment and Design Guide 

Section 1.    Introduction
Section 2.    Context and Methodology
Section 3.    Landscape, Topography and Views
Section 4.    Historical Context
Section 5.    Character Areas and Character Assessments
Section 6.    The Bratton Community Spirit
Section 7.    Design Guidance
Section 8.    Appendix 1: Bratton Parish Council – pre-Application Community
xxxxxxxxxxxInvolvement Protocol
Section 9.   Appendix 2 – Bratton Conservation Area
Section 10.  References