An extra-ordinary Bratton Parish Council meeting was held on 28th September to consider Ashford Homes’ planning application to build 31 new residences on land north of Westbury Road and West of Court Orchard. (This was a Reserved Matters application concerning the design of the buildings, the principle to build and access from the B3098 having been previously agreed).
The meeting was well attended, with the Jubilee Hall filled by over 120 people, and afforded an opportunity for Bratton residents to hear directly from representatives for Ashford Homes as to what their plans are, and to ask their own questions about the development. Ashford Homes answered all the questions raised in an open and helpful manner, and these will be recorded in the minutes from the meeting.
It is clear that there remain several concerns about the development, and the discussions afforded the Bratton Parish Council the opportunity to better gauge what should go into the BPC submission in response to the planning application. This will be submitted to Wiltshire Planning in time for the 3rd October deadline.
The BPC would like to thank the Jubilee Players, for the use of their sound system – without which the meeting would have been a lot less fruitful.
Particular thanks are due to Sian Morgan, who ensured that the whole village was made aware of the significance of the meeting, and the Bratton Parish News distribution team for making the leaflet distribution to all the homes in the Parish.
For the draft minutes of the Parish Council meeting, click here.
For the draft notes recording the Open Forum part of the meeting with Ashford Homes, click here .
For Bratton Parish Council’s objection to the development submitted in response to the planning application, click here
For report on meeting in White Horse News, click here