Minutes of a meeting of the Village Green Committee held on
Wednesday 2nd October 2024 at 10.00 am in the Oratory Room, Bratton Church Institute.
Present: Cllr Cathy Elliott (Chair), Cllr Eddie Cole, Cllr Keith Rayward.
In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk) and Mr Chris Tarling.
Open Forum
Members of the public were invited to make representations to the Council on any matters relating to the work of the Council or to raise any issues of concern: There were no members of the public present.
VGC22 | Apologies for Absence
VGC23 | Declarations of Interest
VGC24 | Minutes of Meetings
The minutes of a VGC meeting held on 9th July 2024 were approved for accuracy and referred to the Parish Council for adoption (proposed Cllr Rayward, seconded Cllr Cole).
VGC25 | Weekly play area checks
Members considered and reviewed the current system for the weekly inspections, which was felt to be adequate.
Cllr Elliott reported that she had noted the waste bin was very full during her recent inspection. It was confirmed the contractor attended weekly. She also noted that the strimming under the tables and activity trail had not been done; it was agreed that the Clerk would confirm with the contractor that the strimming should cover the play equipment, activity trail and picnic tables. The moss under the steel play equipment needed to be attended to, there was a slip risk given the recent wet weather. Mr Tarling reported that commercial organic vinegar could be used to deal with this. Cllr Elliott also suggested the use of soda crystals. It was agreed to investigate the best method for removing the moss. Cllr Elliott also reported that there was mud at the bottom of the slide, which would be dealt with when the grass matting was installed. It was confirmed that this would be done as soon as possible.
The Clerk reported that the annual RoSPA inspection had now been carried out although the report had not yet been received. This would be forwarded on as soon as received.
The Clerk would obtain a copy of the play inspector’s reports for the NAS drive.
VGC26 | Works in Progress
Members received updates on works in progress and considered any further works which needed to be planned as below listed: · Grass matting (agenda item VC25 refers) – Members considered the use of sand as the base under the matting. Members considered installing a square of rubber matting however, the cost of the material was noted. It was agreed that members would review this on site with at least a temporary fix being undertaken. · Mr Tarling reported that he had filled both sides of the basket swing with foam to fill the gap however, this had only lasted a week as it had been ‘picked’ out. Mr Tarling tabled the use of a sticky tape as a base for the rubber but it was too wide for what was required. Cllr Cole suggested the use of stainless steel to bolt in and cover the whole shape, which was felt to be a potential solution. Another option would be to use rubber roofing material. Following debate, it was agreed to wait and see whether any recommendations on this issue were listed in the annual RoSPA report. It was also agreed that the identified solution needed to be vandal proof. · The Committee expressed its thanks to Cllr Cole, Mr Crosby and Mr Tarling for their hard work at the play area in recent months.
Requests from Parishioners
Members considered the below requests (previously circulated):
a) Alterations to the village green pedestrian gates – Cllr Cole had looked at the possibility of reversing the way the gates opened, which he confirmed was potentially achievable. Cllr Cole reported that he was finalising a costed report which he would circulate to the PC; this included recommendations regarding the potential replacement of the gate hinges. It was noted that CIL funds could potentially be used for any agreed works to the gates. Following debate, it was agreed that Cllr Cole would finalise his report, would be listed for consideration at the November PC meeting. The Clerk would update the parishioner accordingly.
b) Installation of exercise equipment – The Chair had spoken to the parishioner who had raised this suggestion and had highlighted the costs of initial purchase and ongoing maintenance, the difficulty of finding an appropriate site at the village green and the uncertainty as to the levels of future usage. Given these difficulties, Members agreed not to pursue the suggestion. The Clerk would write back to the parishioner accordingly.
VGC28 | Committee Budget Report
Members noted the below information:
VGC29 | Committee budget 2025/26
Members discussed the request to be made to the Parish Council for budget allocation for 2025/26 for a) revenue budget and b) capital works:
Revenue budget – it was agreed to request an allocation of £2,000 in order to fund the play area inspections and routine maintenance required throughout the year.
Capital budget – it was agreed to request an allocation of £2,000 for capital replacement (to be added to the EMR fund); to be either funded by precept or CIL funds.
The Clerk would establish with WC the method for the drawn down of s106 funds allocated to play equipment by the site 321 development. It was noted that the Committee would need to plan a project for these funds.
Cllr Rayward tabled the suggestion of installing a seating area and providing a power supply to the Green (for use at community events). Cllr Elliott would establish with the pre-school which supplier provided the electricity to the Pavilion building and consideration would be given to identifying the costs associated with providing a power supply. She would also investigate the costs of recycled plastic seating (prepared to look like wood). Cllr Cole referenced work done at the Rec Ground to lay trenches, which could be an option to prepare the ground for any agreed electricity cable installation.
Cllr Cole also reported that there had been a suggestion for an art installation in the village; with Reeves Orchard and the village green being potential sites. Cllr Cole reported on the idea to install a segmented display board, which could be used for art work generated via a community art project. Cllr Elliott reported that Arts Council or Lottery grant funding could be available for such a project, with a community event being planned to carry out an artist led workshop to prepare the art installation. Cllr Cole would speak to local artists about their potential involvement in the project and Cllr Elliott would take forward a grant application for the community art project at the appropriate time, once details had been agreed.
Cllr Rayward tabled a suggestion for a meeting area and/or equipment for older children; Cllr Elliott would investigate options.
VGC30 | Members Reports
None. |
VGC31 | Date of next Committee meeting
A date would be arranged upon receipt of the annual RoSPA inspection report, in order that this could be reviewed. Project Planning would be considered at the same meeting.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 11.00 am.