
Village Green Committee – Minutes May 2024

Parish Council Meeting Minutes Uploaded on July 3, 2024

Minutes of a meeting of the Village Green Committee held on

Friday 3rd May 2024 at 10.00 am in the Oratory Room, Bratton Church Institute, Bratton.


Present: Cllr Keith Rayward (Chair), Cllr Eddie Cole, Cllr Cathy Elliott.


In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk), Mr Chris Tarling.


Open Forum

Members of the public were invited to make representations to the Council on any matters relating to the work of the Council or to raise any issues of concern: None.




VGC01 Election of Chair

It was proposed by Cllr Cole, seconded by Cllr Rayward and resolved to elect Cllr Elliott as Chair of the Village Green Committee for the municipal year 2024/2025.


VGC02 Apologies for Absence



VGC03 Declarations of Interest



VGC04 Appointment of Weekly Inspectors

Members agreed the members and volunteers to be appointed as weekly play area inspectors as listed:

Cllr Elliott

Cllr Cole

Mr Tarling


VGC05 Inspector Training

Members noted that the training session had been provided on 19th April 2024. The Clerk confirmed that certificates would be issued and kept on file. Members asked for their thanks to be passed to the contractor for the training course.


VGC06 Weekly play area checks

Members discussed the following:

a)       Method for carrying out play area checks (tick list sheets and filing) – members discussed the check list, which had been circulated previously. The check list would be filled in on the NAS system with a separate list of any areas of concern noted being kept.  The Chair would prepare a list of areas of concern, which could be monitored, commented against and marked as resolved as appropriate.  This second document would also be available online (either via NAS or Google documents).

b)      Rota arrangements – it was agreed that the new inspection regime would commence week commencing 6th May 2024. Members would liaise to establish a rota.


VGC07 Items for repair/replacement

Members discussed the items of equipment requiring repair or replacement and set a timeline for the required works as below:

·         Gates – Cllr Cole would attend to the required repair of the Carpenters Lane pedestrian gate (hinges and closing springs). A combination lock would also be installed on the machinery access gate. The pedestrian gates at the Melbourne St entrance would also be adjusted by Cllr Cole.  The gate at the pre-school end of the field also required some adjustments which again Cllr Cole would attend to.

·         Fence – required straightening following a tree fall. Cllr Cole and Mr Tarling would attend to this.

·         Holes on climbing frame – Mr Tarling would deal with the finger traps.

·         Old Trim Trail – members considered the installation of metal protectors to safeguard against strimmer damage and agreed that this was not necessary.  The toddler’s unit was also considered and it was agreed there was no hazard presented although it was agreed to add some metal protectors at some point.

·         Bottom of the slide – the ground would be levelled and grass matting installed when the weather conditions permitted.  The same would be done under the cradle swing.  The Chair would identify the rubber matting to be used, investigate the options for material to fill the holes and provide members with the costs.

·         Litter bin cover – a replacement hood would be ordered by the Clerk. The Chair would provide the information.

·         Cradle swing repair – a repair kit would be ordered by the Clerk. The Chair would provide the information.

·         Wet pour – was required to fill the gap under the swings (some earth would also be required to level the ground). The surfacing cost was £60 per square meter + vat.  The Chair would arrange to obtain some advice and quotations for the surfacing repair.

·         Vegetation at the school end of the Green – Mr Tarling would attend to this.

·         Rotacone climber – this was noted to be safe however, it was not working properly.  It was agreed that the unit would be stripped down and the required work established when the weather conditions permitted. It was noted that some barriers would be necessary whilst the investigations and work was being carried out.  Cllr Cole would see if he could find a local source for the barriers.


VGC08 Purchase Approvals

Members had approved the purchase of a swing seat repair kit under the previous agenda item.


Members then considered any further items required for the play area and noted that the Tesco grant fund had awarded £1,000 towards the trim trail equipment. The Chair had reported back to Tesco that the project had been concluded (due to the timescales involved) requesting that permission be given to spend the grant on the addition of a piece of equipment.  This was being considered and the Chair would keep members informed.


VGC09 Installation of a seesaw

Members considered the arrangements for the installation of a seesaw and agreed that this would be deferred until the outcome of agenda item VGC08 was known.


VGC10 Future workings of the Committee

Members considered the future workings of the Committee, required meeting schedule and any adjustments to the Terms of Reference or standing of the Committee for referral to the Parish Council. Following debate, it was agreed to continue with the current arrangements, which would be ratified at the Annual Council Meeting. Members noted the s106 funding for the play area associated with development in the village and agreed that future plans, which would include the provision of additional seating, would need to be identified as part of the Committee’s work. It was proposed by Cllr Rayward, seconded by Cllr Cole and resolved to endorse the Terms of Reference as adopted by the Parish Council.


VGC11 Members Reports

Cllr Rayward reported that the electric cabling for the lights around the village green was currently being stored by a resident, who was requesting that this be relocated. However, it was reported that the cabling was in a doubtful condition and would need assessing.  Following debate, it was agreed that Cllr Cole would take an initial look.


VGC12 Date of next Committee meeting

To be arranged under the direction of the Chair.



There being no further business the meeting was closed at 11.25 am.