Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on
Tuesday 12th September 2023 at 7.15 pm in the Jubilee Hall.
Present: Cllr Keith Rayward (Chair), Cllr Jo Jolly, Cllr Phil Whittaker, Cllr Caroline MacDuff, Cllr Jeff Ligo, Cllr Steve Lloyd and Cllr Elliott (via Zoom, not physically present so not voting).
In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk), Wiltshire Councillor Suzanne Wickham, 8 members of the public and 2 representatives from Planning Sphere/Ashford Homes.
Land at Westbury Road Bratton
Following the grant of outline planning permission, members had been informed that Planning Sphere Ltd had been retained by the new site owners, local developers, Ashford Homes SW Ltd. Ashford Homes had submitted a reserved matters planning application and representatives of Planning Sphere and Ashford Homes (Chris Beaver and Tom Griffiths respectively) were in attendance and presented proposals. The main points reported were:
- The background to the site and the history of the associated planning applications was given.
- Plans were tabled detailing design and layout proposals for the site.
- The detailed design was currently being worked on and it was confirmed that the density of the site had been reduced to 31 homes, of which 12 were affordable units. This was in line with the approvals given at outline planning permission stage.
- It was confirmed that the current application was seeking permission for the layout and detailed design of the individual houses.
- An introduction was also given by Ashford Homes with background being provided on the decision to reduce the housing density.
- Local vernacular had been drawn on in terms of building materials and the site had been split into three courtyards to bring out a contemporary barn aesthetic.
- The development would comprise a mix of 2, 3 and 4 bed homes.
- The affordable homes would be a mix of affordable rent and shared ownership with the same mix as open market homes.
- Ecology buffer zones and access had been set at outline planning permission stage and were now fixed. It was planned to upgrade the two rights of way running through and alongside the site. It was intended to keep these upgrades with a rural feel and detail would be agreed via a separate legal agreement with the LPA.
- The 50mph to 30 mph transition into the village was being discussed with Wiltshire Council.
In response to questions the following was confirmed:
- Site roads would be adopted and the footpath to the B3098 would be extended onto the site.
- Street lighting would be installed, which would be required at 30m distances apart in accordance with the regulations for street lighting. The importance of lighting along BRAT24, particularly for school access, was noted.
- Drainage was discussed and it was reported that there were attenuation ponds throughout the site and theses would be subject to detailed design.
- Ashford Homes had completed sites in Hilperton (off Church Farm) which members could visit if they wished to get a feel for the company’s delivery of sites.
- It was confirmed that the ecology and wildlife plan had been submitted and Ashford Homes was aware of comments received relating to these.
- It was confirmed the landscaped areas within the site would be subject to ongoing management as part of the biodiversity net gain elements of the site.
- There was to be a substantial buffer zone around the site and the sewer was to be relocated. A designed edge to the village was to be developed.
- Some houses were to be built with side ends onto the road and would be on view when approaching the village, which some members felt would be quite a severe aspect. The materials to be used were queried and it was confirmed that the architect had drawn on the local vernacular although it was commented that there was not a lot of the stained black material in the parish, which did appear in the design plans. It was felt natural building materials would be preferred. It was confirmed that this was part of the reserved matters stage of the planning process. Some reconstructed stone would be used and that would be dealt with at discharge of condition stage.
- Solar panels were likely not to be fitted as the push was towards the installation of air source heat pumps. This was in line with building regulations and the developer stated these were lower maintenance. Electric charging points would be offered to each property.
- A local resident and member of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group (NPSG) introduced herself and reported her thoughts and comments on the proposals contained in the application. She expressed concern that there had not been sufficient time between the receipt of the application and the date of the PC meeting for local residents to be properly informed and consulted on the plans. It was confirmed that the resident had emailed her comments to the Chair for the PC’s information.
- A representative of the Tidy Bratton Group asked for information as to the plans for maintenance of the wildlife areas and Rights of Way and also highlighted the impractical nature of proposed apple trees being planted in the on-street parking areas. The developer confirmed that the Management Company would be responsible for ongoing maintenance and the comment regarding apple trees was noted.
- A local resident and member of the NPSG asked about the turning arrangements from the main road into the site. It was noted that there was still considerable concern from local residents regarding the speed of traffic entering the village. The developer confirmed that the access arrangements had been settled as part of the outline planning permission and reported that consultation was underway regarding the transition to the 30mph zone.
Open Forum
Members of the public were invited to make representations to the Council on any matters relating to the work of the Council or to raise any issues of concern: Nothing additional.
Village updates:
- Police report – PCSO Alice Moore was not present. No report had been sent in and the Chair was not aware of any major issues.
- Wiltshire Council and Westbury Area Board – Cllr Suzanne Wickham reported the following:
- The Local Plan consultation events were highlighted and attendance was encouraged.
- The Westbury Area Board would next meet on 3rd October at the Leighton Recreation Centre and the Chief Constable and Police & Crime Commissioner would be in attendance. Cllr Wickham urged people to attend if possible.
- The pollinator project was still going well and Cllr Wickham had more seeds available for additional planting if the parish could identify additional, suitable areas. It was noted that these seeds could not be planted in private gardens.
- Attention was drawn to the S114 notice recently served on Birmingham City Council and Cllr Wickham assured those present that Wiltshire Council remained financially sound, with a well monitored and well performing budget.
- Cllr Wickham reported that a traffic speed survey would shortly take place on Edington Road, following a request from a landowner. A speed reduction had been requested although Cllr Wickham felt this request was unlikely to be successful. This was given for information only, the site being within the parish of Edington.
- There had been a recent issue with bonfires in the parish; this had been resolved between the residents in question. It was noted that Wiltshire Council had no emergency out of hours contact for environmental issues and that the Environment Agency would only act on issues relating to commercial premises or where hazardous pollutants were involved.
- Cllr Wickham continued to liaise with the planning department in respect of enforcement issues at the Kahja site. She had been advised that the landowner had confirmed that he would reinstate the site to its original condition although there were some issues to sort out relating to the historic spoil heap.
- Cllr Ligo asked if there was any update regarding the issues with Footpath 29. Cllr Wickham reported that a further meeting had taken place and she was hopeful an arrangement could be reached between all parties.
- Tidy Bratton –Mr Tarling spoke to his report, which had been previously circulated and is appended to the minutes. Mr Tarling highlighted the following:
- The Tidy Bratton Group would put together a team to clear the path from Rosenheim to Lower Road in the autumn, as this had not been touched for some time and was overgrown.
- Giles Lane to Bury Lane was in the process of being tackled by the Group. The Parish Steward had planned to assist however, had been unavailable. It was confirmed that a skip was not required on this occasion.
- It was hoped that the Monday Gang would tackle the branches overhanging the handrail down The Ball; the arisings would be taken by trailer up to the Church.
The Chair thanked Mr and Mrs Tarling for all their efforts, confirming the PC’s support for the actions outlined.
2023/28 | Apologies for Absence and to consider the reasons given
Cllr Eddie Cole due to holiday, accepted. Cllr Andrea Franklin due to holiday, accepted.
2023/29 | Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate
2023/30 | Minutes of Council Meetings
a) Members confirmed for accuracy, signed and adopted the minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on 11th July 2023 (proposed Cllr Lloyd, seconded Cllr MacDuff). b) Members confirmed for accuracy, signed and adopted the minutes of an extraordinary meeting of the Parish Council held on 8th August 2023 (proposed Cllr Whittaker, seconded Cllr Jolly). c) Members adopted the minutes of a meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group held on 3rd August 2023 (proposed Cllr Lloyd, seconded Cllr MacDuff).
Committee and Council representative reports
Members received reports on the following:
a) Bratton Recreation Ground Committee – Mr Mike Manson had provided a report, which had been circulated to members and is appended to the minutes.
b) Jubilee Hall Management Committee – Cllr Elliott had provided a report, which would be circulated to members and is appended to the minutes.
c) Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group – A report had been circulated to members and was noted. The Chair reported that he had taken an action to discuss the AECOM site assessment report with the owners of the red and amber sites. He would liaise with the Clerk to take this forward.
d) LHFIG and Highways matters – the Chair reported that the previously agreed LHFIG request forms had been submitted and he would attend the next meeting, which would be a face to face meeting.
e) Website Working Group – the Chair reported that he was intending to present proposals from the working group (report previously circulated) and these would be considered in more detail at the next PC meeting. He reported that good progress was being made on the site and that Cllr Jolly had undertaken some editorial work on the layout and look of the site. Cllr Jolly reported that she was working on developing the official Bratton Parish Facebook site and would liaise with the Clerk in respect of the required authentication codes.
2023/32 | Parish Council Projects Updates and Reports
a) Members received and noted the brought forward list as previously agreed for circulation (previously circulated). b) Snow Plan including the purchase of additional grit bins and a spreader (referred from July meeting) – the Chair reported that he proposed to incorporate this with the item on Community Resilience planning, which would be discussed under Correspondence. c) Telephone Kiosk – Cllr Lloyd reported that the project was going well, although there was some ‘culling’ required of the second-hand books. d) War Memorial – Cllr Lloyd reported that there was still some pointing work to be undertaken and it was hoped this would be completed in time for Remembrance Sunday in November. e) Village Green Play Area – Cllr Elliott had provided a report on the planned refurbishment work, which had been circulated to members and was noted. Cllr Elliott further reported on the costs associated with the storage of the equipment on site prior to installation (£840) and the Council resolved that heras fencing would be sufficient in order to avoid the additional costs (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Lloyd). The Clerk would ensure that the equipment was added to the insurance on the day of delivery. The Chair thanked the team for the work undertaken on painting the existing equipment. f) Allotment Gales Ground – members noted that Allotment 11 had now been let and Cllr Ligo reported that the agreement had been amended as the tenant did not live in the parish but did have demonstrably close links with the village. The Chairman stated that the budget for 2024/25 would consider the budget for allotments to see if they could be further supported. g) Footpath naming – the Chair had circulated a draft list of proposed footpath names, which was discussed and he confirmed that this would be posted on the website and feedback monitored and reported. h) New Street Light Request – Cllr Lloyd had provided a report, which had been circulated to members. Cllr Lloyd reported on the need for additional lighting between Tynings Lane and Melbourne Street and confirmed that alternatives were being investigated; solar lights were being considered and he would report further to a future meeting.
2023/33 | Planning applications
PL/2023/07432 – 7 LOWER ROAD, BRATTON, WESTBURY, BA13 4RG – Proposed Works to Trees in a Conservation Area – Leave to Tree Officer.
PL/2023/07400 – 2B BURY LANE, BRATTON, WESTBURY, BA13 4RD -Proposed Works to Trees in a Conservation Area – Leave to Tree Officer. PL/2023/07398 – SUMMERDOWN HOUSE, UPPER GARSTON LANE, BRATTON, WESTBURY, BA13 4SN – Proposed Works to Trees in a Conservation Area – Leave to Tree Officer. PL/2023/07170 – LAND NORTH OF WESTBURY ROAD AND WEST OF COURT ORCHARD, BRATTON, WILTSHIRE – Reserved Matters application for the erection of 31 No. dwellings and associated works pursuant to outline application PL/2021/05259 – Members discussed the application having regard to the request from a resident to convene a special PC meeting dedicated solely to this application. Following debate, it was agreed to grant this request and arrange an extraordinary meeting. This would comprise of an extended public consultation session with the developers present and contain a single agenda item to enable members to determine the PC’s response to the application. The Clerk would liaise with members as to the date and venue of the meeting. It was agreed that information on this meeting would be publicised as widely as possible.
To receive and consider planning applications received after the issue of the agenda (where the response time falls outside of the meeting schedule and an extension cannot be obtained) – None.
Current Consultations
Wiltshire Council – Local Plan Members noted the previously circulated information and agreed that Cllr MacDuff would attend the consultation sessions and report back to the October PC meeting. It was noted that the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group would also be considering and responding to the consultation.
DLUHC Consultation on Local Plans Members noted the consultation circulated from NALC and agreed that no response was required.
2023/34 | Planning Inspectorate ROW/3287255: Footpath at Luccombe Mill, BA13 4SH
Members received and noted information from the Planning Inspectorate and considered any further comments required (documents previously circulated). It was noted that the PC had previously supported the proposals and the policy position remained unchanged. It was agreed that Cllr Ligo would attend the Hearing on the Council’s behalf.
2023/35 | Financial Reports (reports previously circulated)
a) Members noted the schedule of payments and receipts July 2023 (proposed Cllr Lloyd, seconded Cllr Jolly). b) Members noted and approved the bank reconciliation statements as at 31st July 2023 (proposed Cllr Lloyd, seconded Cllr Jolly). c) Members noted and approved the Consolidated Financial Position Statement as at 31st July 2023, including information on Earmarked Reserves and funds available for allocation. Following debate, the below listed EMR movements were approved (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Lloyd): a. EMR Website – £1,000 to be reallocated as EMR LHFIG Projects b. EMR Pavilion – the negative balance would be adjusted from the current year fund c. EMR War Memorial – £850 no longer required, fund to be vired to EMR Unallocated Projects d) Members received and adopted the Budget Reports as at 31st July 2023 (proposed Cllr Lloyd, seconded Cllr Jolly).
2023/36 | Parish Council Accounts Year Ending 31st March 2023
Members received, noted and adopted the External Audit report year ending 31.03.2023 (previously circulated) (proposed Cllr Whittaker, seconded Cllr MacDuff). The Clerk confirmed that she would arrange for the appropriate Notice of Conclusion of Audit notices to be posted.
2023/37 | Parish Council Budget/Precept 2024/2025
Members discussed arrangements for the setting of the Council’s budget/precept 2024/25 and confirmed that the Council would meet informally on Tuesday 10th October 2023 to hold a Budget Workshop.
2023/38 | Correspondence
Wiltshire Council re: Community Resilience – the Chair reported that he would look into this and include the Council’s Snow Plan within the raft of emergency planning required.
2023/39 | Bratton Parish News
Members noted that the Chair had provided draft copy for inclusion and this was approved. In addition, the following items would be included in the next edition of the BPN: · Planning information · Local Plan consultation
2023/40 | Parish Council Calendar
Members received and noted the calendar of parish council meetings and events (previously circulated). It was noted that the Clerk would add the following: · CPRE presentation 24th September 2023 · Extraordinary PC meeting to discuss planning application PL/2023/07170 – LAND NORTH OF WESTBURY ROAD AND WEST OF COURT ORCHARD, BRATTON, WILTSHIRE – date to be confirmed · Council budget workshop – 10th October 2023
Date of next meeting
Tuesday 14th November 2023.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.41 pm.