Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on
Tuesday 11th October 2022 at 7.15 pm in the Jubilee Hall.
Present: Cllr Keith Rayward (Chair), Cllr Jeff Ligo, Cllr Eddie Cole, Cllr Phil Whittaker, Cllr Steve Lloyd, Cllr Jo Jolly, Cllr Cathy Elliott and Cllr Andrea Franklin.
In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk), Wiltshire Councillor for Ethandune Suzanne Wickham and 1 member of the public.
Open Forum
Members of the public were invited to make representations to the Council on any matters relating to the work of the Council or to raise any issues of concern: None.
Village updates:
• Police report – PCSO Alice Moore was not present.
• Community Speed Watch – The Chair reported that our CSW organiser had informed him that the CSW was taking place, and sharing the device with another local parish means more frequent speed watch operations. Additional speed watch information signs had been requested and the Chair took an action to take this forward. It was also reported that the CSW group were seeking additional volunteers.
• Wiltshire Council and Westbury Area Board – Cllr Suzanne Wickham reported the following:
o WC’s Cabinet Member for Development, Nick Bottrall, had attended a meeting of Heywood Parish Council and spoken to members regarding the Five Year Housing Land Supply issue. The following points had been made:
The Baker Review had allocated housing across the UK some years ago with Wiltshire being allocated 2,000; a five-year target had then been decided upon taking the total requirement to 5,000 homes for Wiltshire.
Most local authorities were struggling to achieve their targets and Wiltshire Council was therefore not alone in experiencing difficulties.
There were planning matters affecting the calculation of the supply; delayed development of larger sites and delays to private sales where permission had been granted and landowners were renegotiating sale prices.
Without a confirmed five-year HLS planning policies were carrying less weight; this was also having an impact on the determination of planning appeals lodged with the Planning Inspectorate.
The current HLS figure was 4.72.
o Cllr Wickham drew attention to two late received planning applications, which the Clerk confirmed she was in receipt of and would report on under Agenda Item 2022/44.
o Cllr Wickham reported that the Footpath and Cycleway Group were moving forward and pushing for pothole repairs on Lower Westbury Road. She also reported that a local resident from Warminster had achieved significant results in improving local rights of way and making them suitable for cycle ways and that he would be attending the next meeting. Information on the next meeting would be circulated via the Clerk.
o The next meeting of the LHFIG would take place on 12th October 2022; it was confirmed that the Chair would be attending.
• Remembrance tide Commemorations – Col Mike O’Donoghue had sent apologies as he was unable to attend the meeting. The Chair reported that there would be a commemoration event at the War Memorial on 11th November and the traditional parade would take place on Sunday 13th November; with Cllr Ligo again managing the traffic. The Chair expressed the hope that as many as possible would attend and confirmed that a wreath would be laid on behalf of the Parish Council.
Prior to the start of the meeting the Chair reported that Cllr Steve Ridley had resigned and a casual vacancy had therefore arisen. The Chair spoke to Cllr Ridley’s dedication and commitment to the PC and expressed thanks to him for his service.
2022/40 Apologies for Absence and to consider the reasons given
2022/41 Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate
2022/42 Minutes of Council Meetings
The minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on 12th July 2022 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Lloyd).
Committee and Council representative reports
a) The Chair of the Bratton Recreation Ground Committee had provided a report, which had been circulated to members and was noted. The draft minutes of a meeting held on 1st September 2022 had also been circulated and were noted.
b) Cllr Elliott spoke on behalf of the Jubilee Hall Management Committee reporting the following:
a. That grants for the heating and lighting improvements had been received and LED and PIR lighting installed.
b. The boiler had been serviced and deemed efficient; the system would now be flushed out.
c. The airflow system would now be looked at and quotes were being obtained to install additional radiators.
d. The Committee was investigating the potential of installing solar panels however, this would be subject to planning permission.
e. There were two skittles events planned prior to Christmas, together with the traditional monthly breakfasts.
Cllr Elliott was thanked for her efforts in obtaining grants for the Hall.
c) Cllr Rayward had provided a report on Highways meetings and projects, which had been circulated to members and was noted. Members resolved support for the following issues to be reported to LHFIG (proposed Cllr Rayward, seconded Cllr Elliott). Cllr Rayward confirmed he would raise these at the LHFIG meeting the following day:
a. Parking issues affecting visibility and access at Court Lane and Crossways Orchard.
b. Potential extension of 20mph speed limit to extend beyond Luccombe Terrace to include the whole Stradbrook road and bring this in line with other speed limits throughout the village.
c. Parking issues at Court Orchard which were causing congestion and access issues; with particular concern being expressed as to how emergency vehicles would gain access.
d) Cllr Cole reported that the next meeting of Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group was being arranged with a potential date of Tuesday 1st November. He confirmed that the Locality grant funds had now been received.
e) Cllr Rayward had circulated a report on the evolution of the parish website following an informal meeting held on 7th October 2022. Following debate, it was resolved that a new website should be developed and the Website Working Group were asked to identify potential website providers and costs and bring a report to the November PC meeting so that budgetary provision could be included in the budget for 2023/24 (proposed Cllr Rayward, seconded Cllr Ligo).
f) The Clerk reported the following:
a. One final quotation was awaited for the replacement bus shelter at Castle Road. The insurance company would then authorise the works.
b. The agreed Brought Forward List would be implemented with effect from the October meeting.
c. WALC were unable to undertake the agreed review of the Clerk’s salary (July minutes refer) and the Clerk had identified that South West Employers could carry out the review at a cost of £150. This was approved (proposed Cllr Rayward, seconded Cllr Elliott).
g) Members considered event planning for Christmas 2022 and the Clerk reported that the budget provided a fund of £250 for this event. Cllr Ligo reported that he had received contact from the Friends of Bratton School (FOBS) asking for information on any Christmas event planned. It was noted that there was the possibility that new Christmas lights were required. Cllr Ligo undertook to liaise further with FOBS and Cllr Whittaker would liaise with Mr Goode regarding the lights. The Clerk would add this to the agenda for the November meeting.
2022/44 Planning applications and consultations
Planning Applications
PL/2022/06305 – 20 Westbury Road, Bratton, Westbury BA13 4TE – Single storey rear extension and attached garage – No Objection.
PL/2022/06679 – Luccombe Mill, Imber Road, Bratton, Westbury, Wilts, BA13 4SH – Erection of livestock shelter in grazing paddock – No Objection.
PL/2022/06876 – 10 Westbury Road, Bratton, Westbury, Wilts, BA13 4TE – Norway Spruce – Fell. Originally a Christmas tree that was planted out in the garden it has become too big for the space – No Objection.
PL/2022/06874 – 6 The Picquet, Bratton, Westbury, Wilts, BA13 4RU -Fell 1 x Beech tree at 6 The Piquet, Bratton. Crown reduction of Beech tree at opposite end of same beech hedge. Reduction by up to 30% of current crown size to reduce overhang to own garden, pavement and neighbours garden – No Objection.
PL/2022/07455 – 3 Blatchs Orchard, Bratton, Westbury, Wilts, BA13 4TS – G1 – 3 Himalayan Birch – Prune all round by 2-3m to manage trees close to west neighbouring property and allow more light into east neighbour’s garden. G2 – 2 Hornbeam – Prune all round by 2m to allow light into the garden where the trees are starting to cause a lot of shade. G3 – 4 Spruce – Remove to ground level where causing light issues for neighbour’s garden. Trees are poor quality in a crowded area which would allow better trees to thrive e.g. Gingko – Leave to Tree Officer.
Members considered a planning application received after the issue of the agenda (where the response time falls outside of the meeting schedule):
PL/2022/07435 – Magpie Retreat, Court Lane, Bratton, Westbury, Wilts, BA13 4RF – Retention of building – Objection on the grounds that the proposal is contrary to the rules for the provision of gypsy and traveller sites and that the proposal is for a new build not the retention of an existing building; which is misleading and inaccurate.
Consultations – Regulation 14 Consultation – Draft Westbury Neighbourhood Plan (previously circulated) – members considered whether the Council wished to make any response to the Regulation 14 consultation and agreed that no comments were required. Members commented on the high standard of the Draft Plan.
Cllr Elliott enquired whether there was any update on the enforcement issue relating to development between Reeves Orchard and Kajha. Cllr Wickham confirmed that this had been designated as a priority for WC’s Enforcement Officer. It was agreed that the Council would write to express its concern at the development on the site and the Clerk was instructed to contact WC accordingly.
2022/45 Councillor Roles and Responsibilities
The Chair reported on the planned review of Councillors’ roles and responsibilities, which had required further adjustment following the resignation of Cllr Ridley. The following appointment were resolved (proposed Cllr Rayward, seconded Cllr Lloyd).
Committees and Working Groups
a) Staffing Committee – Cllr Cole, Cllr Rayward and Cllr Ligo.
b) Bratton Recreation Ground – Cllr Rayward, Cllr Whittaker and Cllr Ligo.
c) Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group – Cllrs Cole, Rayward, Franklin and Ligo.
d) Website Working Group – Cllrs Jolly, Franklin, Elliottt, Cole and Rayward.
e) Telephone kiosk repurposing project – Cllr Lloyd and Cllr Elliottt
Parish Council Lead Member/Point of Contact Appointments
a) Local Highways and Footpath Improvement Group (LHFIG) – Cllr Rayward.
b) Wiltshire Council Westbury Area Board – Cllr Ligo.
c) Jubilee Hall – Cllr Elliottt.
d) Allotments – Cllr Ligo and Cllr Franklin.
e) Reeves Orchard – Cllr Cole.
f) Bratton Parish News – Cllr Jolly.
g) Village Green – Cllr Elliottt
h) Footpaths and Rights of Way – Cllr Ligo
i) Speed Indicator Device – Cllr Cole
2022/46 Bratton War Memorial
Cllr Lloyd had provided information regarding the worn lettering on the war memorial together with two quotations and a proposal that funding be applied for the work from the War Memorials Trust. Following debate, it was resolved that Cllr Lloyd was authorised to submit a grant application to cover the £1,400 required for the works to clean the memorial and re-engrave the worn lettering (proposed Cllr Rayward, seconded Cllr Franklin). It was accepted that the decision to seek funding support would mean the works would not be carried out in time for the Remembrance tide commemorations in 2022.
2022/47 Pavilion on the Green
Cllr Whittaker reported that he had carried out a recent inspection of the roof at the Pavilion on the Green. He reported that, in his view, the roof was sound with the evidence of sagging being a natural result of the way in which it was constructed. Following debate, members resolved that, as a precaution, a structural engineer would be appointed to conduct a survey of the roof (proposed Cllr Whittaker, seconded Cllr Ligo). Cllr Whittaker would provide the Clerk with some suitable contacts.
2022/48 Bratton Play Provision
a) Cllr Elliott provided a report following a site meeting with contractors to consider plans for a potential skate park and the renovation of existing play equipment on the Village Green. Following debate, it was agreed that the most suitable location for any skate park would be the Recreation Ground. The Clerk would refer this suggestion to a meeting of the Recreation Ground Committee and Cllr Elliott would attend to speak to the proposals. It was also noted that the existing play equipment on the Village Green could be refurbished rather than replaced and the Clerk would look into this further once the annual RoSPA inspection report had been received. Cllr Elliott also suggested that the obstacle course, which was removed on health and safety grounds, should be replaced. An illustration of the obstable course provided at Warminster park was shown.
b) Members considered the formation of a working group to include local residents and stakeholders to take the development of plans forward and it was agreed to defer consideration of this until a location for the skate park had been agreed.
c) Members discussed the funding arrangements for any potential skate park and agreed that this would be revisited at the point an agreed location had been determined.
d) Members discussed the informal skate park erected in the woods opposite Stradbrook including the issue of safeguarding and noted that the land in question was within the ownership of the Ministry of Defence. Following debate, it was agreed that there was no action the Parish Council could reasonably take.
2022/49 Telephone Kiosk, Melbourne Street
Members considered the draft Terms of Reference for the Kiosk Working Group, which had been prepared by Cllr Lloyd and previously circulated. The Terms of Reference were adopted (proposed Cllr Lloyd, seconded Cllr Whittaker).
Cllr Lloyd provided an update on planned works to the kiosk, informing members he was liaising with Westbury Shed to collect the materials the PC had paid for but which had not been used. Members discussed the future use of the kiosk, noting a request from a resident that a book swap be provided. Cllr Lloyd commented on the potential risks that this would generate for the spread of covid. The Clerk informed members that Dilton Marsh had recently refurbished its kiosk as a general information hub, which included the provision of signposting information, walking routes and a book swap. This was felt to be a potential solution and Cllr Lloyd would visit the Hub in Dilton Marsh.
2022/50 Parish Council Accounts Year Ending 31.03.2022
The External Audit Report for the financial year 2021/2022 had been circulated to members and the Clerk confirmed that the Council was in receipt of a clear audit for the year. The external auditor had noted the comments regarding salary payments raised by the internal auditor and confirmed he was satisfied that these had been addressed as an external payroll company had now been appointed. A review of the payments made to HMRC in respect of the Clerks salary for 2021/2022 was currently being carried out by the payroll company and a report would be brought to the November PC meeting.
2022/51 Community Governance Review
a) Members noted the impact of proposals from Westbury Town Council to the parish of Bratton and considered a response to Wiltshire Council (information previously circulated). Following debate, it was resolved that the PC would object to the proposal that the White Horse is transferred from the parish of Bratton to the town of Westbury on the following grounds (proposed Cllr Rayward, seconded Cllr Ligo):
a. That the proposed transfer of the White Horse from the parish of Bratton to Westbury holds no merit in terms of a Community Governance Review; there being no governance implications to the proposed transfer.
b. That any such transfer would have the negative effect of breaking the continuous, historic link with Bratton Camp and the resulting boundary change would have the undesirable effect of splitting the Camp between two parishes.
c. That the White Horse and Bratton Camp are inextricably linked with the linkage being of long standing and historic importance and should not therefore be separated.
b) Members considered the proposal that the Parish Council request a Community Governance Review for Bratton (information previously circulated), which would change the parish boundary with Edington Parish to encompass Fitzroy Farm. Following debate, it was resolved to support the proposal as submitted to Wiltshire Council (proposed Cllr Lloyd, seconded Cllr Cole).
2022/52 Correspondence
Wiltshire Citizens Advice re: funding request (copy previously circulated) – the Clerk reported that the Council had awarded a grant of £200 in the previous financial year. It was proposed by Cllr Rayward, seconded by Cllr Lloyd and resolved to award a grant of £200 for the financial year 2022/23.
2022/53 Date of next meeting
Tuesday 8th November 2022 at 7.15 pm in the Jubilee Hall – to include initial budget setting for 2023/24.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9. 15 pm.