
Parish Council Minutes November 2022

Parish Council Meeting Minutes Uploaded on March 8, 2023

Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on
Tuesday 8th November 2022 at 7.15 pm in the Jubilee Hall.

Present: Cllr Keith Rayward (Chair), Cllr Jeff Ligo, Cllr Eddie Cole, Cllr Phil Whittaker, Cllr Steve Lloyd, Cllr Jo Jolly, Cllr Cathy Elliott and Cllr Andrea Franklin.

In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk), Wiltshire Councillor for Ethandune Suzanne Wickham, Mr Mike Manson (Chair, Recreation Ground Committee) and 3 members of the public.

Open Forum
Members of the public were invited to make representations to the Council on any matters relating to the work of the Council or to raise any issues of concern: None.

Village updates:
• Police report – PCSO Alice Moore attended the meeting at 8.30 pm and Standing Orders were suspended to enable her to address members. PSCO Moore reported the following:
o Outlined recent incidents at the White Horse involving quad bikes, some graffiti and damage to bollards.
o Reported on incidents reported in Bratton since the last meeting; including reporting on an incident of a vehicle collision with a property in the parish, which was currently under investigation.
o Spoke regarding the police support of the Community Speed Watch team; highlighting that she requested a police presence as often as possible and informing members that she was working with her senior officers to obtain a report of CSW activity and the resulting police action taken. Members agreed that this would be most useful.
o Informed members there had been a staffing reshuffle in the local police team and that some permanent appointments had yet to be made.

• Community Speed Watch – The Chair reported that the device was due back in the parish in December. Cllr Lloyd reported that although the CSW had traditionally been shut down during the winter month, the new co-ordination team hoped that sessions could continue all year round. It was noted that the Trowbridge Road site was currently out of action due to the required re-assessment following the change in speed limit.

• Wiltshire Council and Westbury Area Board – Cllr Suzanne Wickham reported the following:
o Magpie Retreat 2022/07435/FUL – Cllr Wickham had spoken to the case officer and called in the application to the Planning Committee; issues relating to the environmental impact and Core Policy 47 would be considered.
o Land at Millditch 2022/00902/FUL – the enforcement team had investigated the development and ordered building work to cease, requesting an application be submitted which would include an application for change of use.
o 20mph signage – Cllr Wickham had been contacted by local residents and queries had been submitted regarding the lack of a speed limit reduction on Castle Road. Cllr Wickham had confirmed that this had previously been considered but that the road did not meet the criteria for a speed reduction. The Chair confirmed that this matter was an agenda item.
o Community Governance Review – Cllr Wickham had been interviewed by the CGR panel and had stated her views on both the BPC application and the WTC application; in terms of the latter she had stated her view that the request was not a valid CGR application as there were no governance implications involved in the relocation of the White Horse from Bratton to Westbury.
o Five-year housing land supply – Cllr Wickham had circulated a draft letter to the local MP expressing concerns at the government’s policy on housing land supply and the impact it was having on the determination of planning applications. She asked the PC to consider writing to the MP on this basis. She confirmed that Wiltshire Council was in touch with the MP in respect of this issue. The Chair confirmed this would be considered under Correspondence.

Cllr Lloyd drew attention to the absence of the previously agreed Council Calendar and Brought Forward List. The Chair and the Clerk confirmed that these would be picked up and included from January 2023.


2022/54 Apologies for Absence and to consider the reasons given

2022/55 Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate

2022/56 Minutes of Council Meetings
The minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on 11th October 2022 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr Whittaker, seconded Cllr Cole).


Committee and Council representative reports
a) The Chair of the Bratton Recreation Ground Committee had provided a report, which had been circulated to members and is appended to the minutes.

b) Cllr Elliott of the Jubilee Hall Management Committee reported the following:
a. The secondary glazing had been installed and had been funded by grants.
b. The skittles night had been a great success.
c. The pantomime was coming up.
d. Tickets for the New Year’s Eve party were now on sale.
e. The heating system was now working although a visit from contractors to explain the heating controls was still awaited.
f. The Chair comments on works required to the outside wall and it was noted that the Committee were able to submit a formal request to the Council should financial assistance be required.

c) Cllr Cole reported on the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group following a meeting of the SG held on 1st November 2022 and a copy of the report is appended to the minutes.

d) Members discussed Christmas events for 2022 and the Chair undertook to take this forward. Consideration would be given to the provision of a Christmas tree and further contact would be made with the school. It was noted that lighting around the village green would be problematical this year due to the recent felling of trees.

e) Members received and noted file reports from the Chair a) CPRE award 2022 and b) The death of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (copies previously circulated). The Chair was thanked for his preparation of the reports, which were felt to be most useful in providing a record of historical events provided by the Parish Council.

2022/58 Parish Council Vacancy
Members noted that no election had been called in respect of the current PC vacancy and considered the commencement of a process to co-opt a parish councillor (copies of the Co-option Procedure previously circulated). Following debate, it was resolved to proceed with a co-option process, with applications to be considered at the January 2023 meeting (proposed Cllr Elliott, seconded Cllr Cole).

2022/59 Planning applications

PL/2022/07517 – Land at Brook Farm adjoining the Northacre Renewable Energy Facility, Northacre Industrial Park, Westbury, Wilts, BA13 4WD – Landscaping and Screening Bund previously permitted under Planning permission 18/09550/FUL – No comment on the application although members agreed to re-state the Council’s policy position with regard to the incinerator when lodging the response with WC.

PL/2022/07582 – Land at New Barn Yard, Reeves Farm, Bratton, BA13 4SA – Proposed Rural Workers Dwelling – The Clerk would circulate information on the application and members were asked to submit comments by return. It was agreed that, as the minimum, the Council would comment that the application related to land outside of the settlement boundary and request that WC satisfy itself that the criteria and policies for such developments were met by the application.

Members considered a planning application received after the issue of the agenda (where the response time fell outside of the meeting schedule).

PL/2022/08247 – 1 Holme Lane, Bratton, Westbury, Wilts, BA13 4TF – Removal of existing dwelling and detached garage, and erection of two storey house, and associated works – No objection.

2022/60 LHFIG and Highways
The Chair had provided information and reports on the below items, which were discussed:

a) The current work planned for the speed reductions in the parish was noted and members noted the allocation of the required contribution of £2,000 as listed in the Earmarked Funds.

b) Members were asked to consider the completion of the original plan for speed limits in the parish and the associated allocation of a further £2,000 as the required contribution to Wiltshire Council (copy of plan previously circulated). Following debate, it was proposed by Cllr Cole, seconded by Cllr Franklin and resolved to submit a request to LHFIG that the remainder of the plans be implemented; with an additional request that a review be carried out on Castle Road. In support of the latter request, members noted the special nature of the road as a well-used access to the White Horse ancient monument site and requested that options to mitigate speeding on the road be identified by Wiltshire Council. The Clerk would add the necessary funding to the EMR for Highway Projects.

2022/61 Village Green Play Area
Cllr Elliott reported that contractors had visited the site, with another visit scheduled and plans were being put together for a refurbishment of the play equipment. A further report would be brought to Council when the plans were completed and costed. The Chair thanked Cllr Elliott for her work on this project.

2022/62 Financial Reports
a) Members received and noted a schedule of payments and receipts June – September 2022 (previously circulated).
b) Members received and noted the bank reconciliation statements as at 30th September 2022 (previously circulated).
c) Members received and noted a Budget Report and Consolidated Financial Position Statement as at 30th September 2022 (previously circulated).

2022/63 Parish Council Budget and Precept 2023-24
Members considered priority setting for projects to be included in the budget and precept for 2023-24; and agreed that the below listed allocations should be included in the draft budget, which would be considered at the January 2023 meeting:
• Telephone kiosk – £500
• Website – £2,000
• Village Events – £1,000 (Bratton week and Coronation celebrations)
• War Memorial work – £1,500
• Pavilion Roof – to consider resources which may be required
• Play equipment – £2,000
2022/64 Correspondence
a) Wiltshire Council – Briefing Note 22-21 – Community Governance Review (copy attached) – Noted, no further action required at this stage.

b) Letter to MP re: WC’s five-year housing land supply – member considered the draft letter as circulated by Cllr Wickham and authorised the Chair to send the letter to Dr Andrew Murrison as drafted.

2022/65 Bratton Parish News
Members agreed the below listed items for inclusion in the next edition of the BPN:
• Planning application information
• Parish Council Vacancy and Co-option (January meeting)
• Christmas events
• Highways report (Cllr Rayward)
Date of next meeting
Tuesday 10th January 2023 at 7.15 pm in the Jubilee Hall – to include precept setting for 2023/24.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.20 pm.