
Parish Council Minutes March 2024

Parish Council Meeting Minutes Uploaded on June 5, 2024

Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on

Tuesday 12th March 2024 at 7.15 pm.


Present: Cllr Keith Rayward (Chair), Cllr Jo Jolly, Cllr Phil Whittaker, Cllr Caroline MacDuff, Cllr Jeff Ligo, Cllr Steve Lloyd, Cllr Eddie Cole, Cllr Andrea Franklin and Cllr Cathy Elliott.


In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk), Wiltshire Councillor Suzanne Wickham, Mr Mike Manson (Chair, BRGC). Mr Rob Drummond (Chair, NSPG) and 2 representatives from the Bratton Community Brass Bands.


Open Forum

Members of the public were invited to make representations to the Council on any matters relating to the work of the Council or to raise any issues of concern:

  • Representatives from the Bratton Community Brass Bands spoke to their grant application, reporting that the Band was growing in membership and, as a result, storage was becoming an issue. The Church Institute had arranged for the storage rooms to be swapped however, the new room would require some shelving to be installed and this had resulted in the grant application.  It was confirmed that the Band had not applied to other funding sources at this stage and reported that the current levels of expenditure were draining the reserves.  This would be rectified by the increased membership, although the effects of this would not be seen until Christmas.  It was noted that the Band was 165 years old and an important part of the heritage of Bratton. The Band also confirmed that it was working hard to increase its revenue and would be self-funding elements of the required work, with volunteers assisting in the installation of the shelves. It was further confirmed that the Band had approached the Westbury Area Board last year for the purchase of beginner instruments and had been successful in that application; hence no further application had been made to it at this time.


Village updates:

  • Police report – PCSO Alice Moore was not in attendance but it had been confirmed she would be attending the Annual Parish Meeting in May 2024.


  • Wiltshire Council and Westbury Area Board – Cllr Suzanne Wickham reported the following:
    • Provided an update on the development at Penn Farm, Capps Lane where a significant amount of building work had been undertaken without planning permission. The WC enforcement team had issued a Planning Contravention Notice (PCN) to the landowner.  This had now been returned, after a lengthy delay, however it was very incomplete and officers would need to revert to the landowner for additional information.  Cllr Wickham reported that she had concerns over waste water and the proximity of the approaching summer season. The Parish Council would be kept informed.
    • The Police and Crime Commissioner elections were to be held on 3rd May 2024. Parish and Town Councils were being reminded of the efficacy of postal votes and further reminded that such votes should be returned to WC by Royal Mail and not dropped off.  Residents were able to apply for a postal vote until the middle of April.
    • The next Area Board meeting was scheduled for 19 June 2024. Cllr Wickham confirmed that the Bratton Community Brass Band had been successful in a previous grant application and was supported by the Area Board although whether further funding would be granted was uncertain.




2023/87 Apologies for Absence and to consider the reasons given


2023/88 Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate

Cllr Whittaker declared an interest in agenda item 2023/91 b) as he had prepared some quotations for the replacement of the bus shelter (insurance claim).


2023/89 Minutes of Council Meetings

a)    The minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on 9th January 2024 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr MacDuff, seconded Cllr Jolly).


b)    The minutes of meetings of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group held on 11th January 2024 and 1st February 2024 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr Cole, seconded Cllr Elliott).


c)     The minutes of the Bratton Recreation Ground Meeting held on 16th January 2024 were adopted (proposed Cllr Lloyd, seconded Cllr MacDuff).





Committee and Council representative reports

Members received reports on the following:

a)       Bratton Recreation Ground Committee – Mr Mike Manson had provided a report, which had been circulated to members and is appended to the minutes.  Mr Manson drew attention to the following update items:

a.       The pitch maintenance grant from the Football Foundation had been awarded in the amount of £6,400 and would be paid over a six year period. There were some conditions which would need to be met; including some online grounds maintenance training and regular pitch inspections. The first tranche of funding was expected in the next month.

b.       Village football and cricket clubs were both performing well. There was a reasonable chance that the football club might be promoted, which would result in some improvements being required at the Ground however, much of this work would be carried out by the team itself.

c.       A defibrillator had been installed externally in the porch of the Pavilion, which had been given to the Ground by Westbury Rovers and fitted at no cost to the BRGC. The device had been registered. It was confirmed that this unit would need to be added to the Asset Register and maintenance costs would need to be budgeted for.

d.       The Football Foundation had advised, following the submission of the grant application for support for the new storerooms, that it would not grant any funds towards this project as the fund only awarded grants for container storage.  Mr Manson reported that this had not been made clear at the application stage and that he would revert to the Committee for its views as to whether to proceed with built storage or look at the options for containers.

Members then considered recommendations to the Council from the meeting of the Committee held on 5th March 2024 as listed below, noting the cost savings resulting from the work contributed by team members.  The recommendatoins were duly resolved en bloc with the exception of item 1) where a decision was no longer required (proposed Cllr Whittaker, seconded Cllr Lloyd):

1)    Approval, in principle and subject to funding, for new storerooms – Cllr Lloyd spoke to the item, outlining the results of the tender process in general terms however, this had now been overtaken by events as reported above. No decision therefore required on this item.

2)    Approval for the allocation of £342 from the BRGC Covid Grant EMR to fund the purchase of replacement showers for the away teams.

3)    Approval for the purchase of a fuel card.

4)    Approval for the virement of £500 from the 2024/25 contingency allocation to the BRGC for the costs of required Legionnaires disease monitoring.


b)      Jubilee Hall Management Committee – Cllr Elliott had provided a report, which had been circulated to members and was noted.


·         The Hall committee was hugely indebted to Eve Bird, a member of the village community who had lived here for 50 years – she had donated the cost of the window restoration.  This had taken the immediate pressure off fundraising but there were many more items that need addressing.

·         The “Back to School Bingo Disco” planned for Saturday 16th March was going ahead despite lower numbers than hoped for, as it would cause disappointment otherwise.

·         There were at least 9 organisations signed up for the Open Morning on the 23rd; this needed proper advertising but there would be A-boards out on the day.

·         The committee was providing tea/biscuits before the History talk on Sunday 24th and a bar afterwards.

·         Adrienne Hale of Steeple Rocks had very kindly arranged a fundraising concert for 19th April, along with Debby Bailey and folk artists.  The committee would run a bar, the choir would organise a raffle and there would be donations rather than tickets.

·         The committee needed at least one more member, to take bookings and for publicity.


c)       Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group – Mr Rob Drummond reported the following:

a.       The SG would be present at the Village Halls Week event to update residents on the progression of the Plan.

b.       The SG members were working hard to write their sections of the Plan and it was hoped to have a draft document ready in April/May.

c.       The next stage would be the Reg 14 consultation, followed by the independent examination and the referendum.  It was hoped that the latter would take place in April/May 2025 and would possibly tie in with the local council elections.

d.       AECOM would be carrying out some required environmental assessments on the potential housing sites.  This work was funded separately by central government and would not impact on the SG budget.  The SG was still waiting for WC to confirm the exact scope of the assessments required.  Cllr Wickham would liaise with Mr Drummond to see if she could provide any assistance to move this forward.

e.       Once the assessments had been completed the SG would be able to allocate the housing development site/s and proceed to the Reg 14 stage.

f.        The Chair thanked Mr Drummond for the recent workshop event with the PC and for the group’s efforts in moving the Neighbourhood Plan forward.

g.       Mr Drummond drew attention to the amount of work which the Parish Clerk would need to do in preparation for, during and after the Reg 14 stage, which the Council would need to have regard to.


d)      LHFIG and Highways matters – The Chair had circulated a report with the agenda papers, which was noted and the Chair reported that the planned site meeting with WC had been delayed until the 27th March. Members considered the request to LHFIG for movement of the SID mounting spigots on the B3098, which was spoken to by the Chair and Cllr Cole.  Following debate, the request was resolved, with it being noted that the work would require a financial contribution from the PC (proposed Cllr Rayward, seconded Cllr Lloyd).  In addition, Cllr Lloyd reported that WC jetting machines had visited Trowbridge Road and the flooding situation he had reported had been resolved.  Any other works suitable for the discretionary gully service should be reported to Cllr Lloyd, who would then forward to the Clerk for submission to WC.


e)      Website Working Group – The Chairman had circulated a report with the agenda papers, which was noted. A meeting had now taken place and the website was felt to be working well although there was a limited amount of information being provided for the community section of the site. Members’ support in promoting this element of the site was sought.  The Chair further reported that a lay member had now joined the editorial team.


f)        Emergency Planning Working Group – The Chairman reported that an advertisement had been published in the BPN but had generated no responses.  Work did need to be done on how the parish could tie in with WC planning and he reported that he would be grateful for any assistance members could provide.


g)       Community Speed Watch – Georgina Dahl had provided a report, which had been circulated to members and was noted. It was further noted that the unit was again operational in Trowbridge Road and speed enforcement officers had attended site.


2023/91 Parish Council Projects Updates and Reports

Members received updates on the below listed projects discussed at previous meetings:


a)       Village Green Play Area – No report.  It was noted that the newly formed Committee was due to meet towards the end of the month.  The Chair noted that the new equipment was proving popular.


b)      Castle Road bus shelter replacement – the Clerk informed members that the insurance claim was now being progressed and had been re-accepted by the insurers.  Cllr Whittaker reported on options for the new shelter and following debate, it was resolved to proceed with the replacement of the bus shelter on a like for like basis (powder coated aluminium, solid Perspex and corrugated roof) and to submit the associated quotation in the amount of £9,800 + vat to the insurance company.  It was noted that the quote included the provision of a bench (proposed Cllr Cole, seconded Cllr MacDuff).


c)       Best Kept Village Competition 2024 – the Chair reported that judging would take place for the Laurence Kitching Award between the 1st and 31st July 2024.  The Tidy Bratton Group would be working towards this and any help would be gratefully received.


d)      Pollinator Corridor – members considered a previously circulated proposal from the Chair that part of the green space by the B3098 between The Butts and Tynings Lane is included as part of the Pollinator Corridor.  Following debate, this proposal was approved (proposed Cllr Rayward, seconded Cllr MacDuff).


e)      Bratton Parish News – Members had been provided with the draft Terms of Reference for the BPN editorial team, which were duly adopted (proposed Cllr Jolly, seconded Cllr Cole).


f)        Parish printer – Members considered and approved the purchase of a printer for the BPC room in the Jubilee Hall (2024/25 budget refers; information previously circulated) (proposed Cllr Cole, seconded Cllr MacDuff).


g)       Village Halls Week – Members approved the purchase of posters and backing sheets to publicise the Village Hall week event (23rd March) at a revised cost of £170 (inc VAT) (information previously circulated by the Chair) (proposed Cllr Rayward, seconded Cllr Whittaker).


h)      Christmas Events 2024 – Cllr Lloyd reported that he had been developing a plan for the Christmas event which would involve a lights switch on, a potential Christmas market in the Jubilee Hall and possibly a Carol sing along with the Bratton Silver Band at The Duke.  He reported that he was provisionally looking at a date of Thursday 19th December.  Members commented that this felt a little late to be switching on the lights and Cllr Lloyd would consider this further.  It was agreed that Cllr Lloyd would bring a costed proposal to the next routine PC meeting.  The Chair thanked Cllr Lloyd for taking this project on.


2023/92 Planning applications


PL/2024/01412 – Court Farm House, 22 Court Lane, Bratton, Westbury, Wilts, BA13 4RF – Replace existing rear and garage extensions with single storey wrap around extension, replace existing garden sheds with garden studio building, demolish outside WC No objection (proposed Cllr Elliott, seconded Cllr Whittaker).


PL/2024/01721 – Court Farm House, 22 Court Lane, Bratton, Westbury, Wilts, BA13 4RF – Replace existing rear and garage extensions with single storey wrap around extension, replace existing garden sheds with garden studio building, demolish outside WC. Refurbish existing first floor bathroom to create family bathroom and en-suite, re-instate original door opening to North Eastern elevation, open up old alcoves besides fireplaces in dining room and lounge and replace small hatch to old dining room with traditional dresser unit – No objection (proposed Cllr Elliott, seconded Cllr Whittaker).


To receive and consider planning applications received after the issue of the agenda (where the response time falls outside of the meeting schedule and an extension cannot be obtained) – None.


2023/93 Financial Reports (previously circulated)

a)     Schedule of payments and receipts February 2024 – Noted.

b)    Bank reconciliation statements as at 29th February 2024 – Noted.

c)     Consolidated Financial Position Statement as at 29th February 2024 – Noted.

d)    Budget Report as at 29th February 2024 – Noted.

e)    Members received the CIL guidance note and expenditure report from Wiltshire Council and approved the necessary return in the amount of £4,798.

The Chair thanked the Parish Clerk for the timely and well presented reports.


2023/94 Grant Applications (applications previously circulated)

Members received and considered the below listed grant applications:

a)   Wiltshire Search and Rescue – Deferred to the new financial year

b)  Carer Support Wiltshire – Deferred to the new financial year

c)   Bratton Community Brass Bands – Following debate, it was resolved to award a grant in the amount of £375 (proposed Cllr Lloyd, seconded Cllr Franklin).


2023/95 Parish Council Accounts Year Ending 31st March 2024 (report attached)

Members addressed the administrative tasks relating to the preparation and submission of the accounts year ending 31st March 2024 including:

a)       Appointment of the Internal Auditor – Mr Pritchard was appointed (proposed Cllr Elliott, seconded Cllr Whittaker).

b)      Confirmation of scope of Internal Audit – Approved as circulated (proposed Cllr Elliott, seconded Cllr Whittaker).


2023/96 Governance Reviews Year Ending 31st March 2024 (documents attached)

Members carried out the reviews of governance documents for year ending 31st March 2024 including:

a)       Review of the Risk Registers – Adopted with three amendments (proposed Cllr Rayward, seconded Cllr Cole).

b)      Review of the Fixed Asset Register (proposed Cllr MacDuff, seconded Cllr Lloyd).

c)       Review of the Earmarked Reserves – Approved (proposed Cllr Cole, seconded Cllr Ligo).

d)      Insurance Cover 2024/25 – Approve, with members noting that this was Year 2 of the 3 year long term agreement (proposed Cllr MacDuff, seconded Cllr Franklin).


2023/97 Grounds contracts 2024/25

Members received a report from Cllr Ligo (previously circulated) and noted the requirement to re-visit the appointment of the ground’s contractor for 2024/25.  The Clerk reported that three further quotes had been sought, with one no response.  One quote had been received in the amount of £1,984 for the grass cutting and £32 per hour for the call off contract.  A further quote from another contractor was awaited.  Following debate, it was resolved to award the contract in the amount of up to £2,000 and accept the report as circulated (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Lloyd). The Clerk would confirm the appointed contractor once the final quote had been received.  It was noted that the grass on the village green needed to be cut and that the Clerk was arranging this.


Cllr Ligo also reported that he been liaising with the landowner of part of footpath BRAT24 (Rosenheim Rise to Lower Westbury Road) who had confirmed the hedges would be attended to.  The Tidy Bratton Group and Cllr Ligo would be meeting with the landowner to co-ordinate the maintenance of the footpath. The Chair thanked Cllr Ligo for his diligent work sorting this out.


2023/98 Correspondence

Wiltshire Council re: Wiltshire Cultural Strategy (previously circulated) – Noted, no action required.


2023/99 Bratton Parish News

Members agreed the following items for inclusion in the next edition of the BPN:

·    Planning information

·    Penn Farm

·    Dates of the PCC elections and postal vote information

·    Area Board meeting date

·    Defibrillator at Rec Ground

·    Update on the Castle Road bus shelter

·    Christmas event planning


2023/100 Parish Council Calendar

Members had been issued with the calendar of parish council meetings and events, which was noted. Any updates were to be emailed to the Clerk.




Date of next meeting

Annual Council Meeting (ACM)– Tuesday 14th May 2024 at 6.30 pm – Jubilee Hall

Annual Parish Meeting (APM) – Tuesday 14th May 2024 at 7.30 pm – Jubilee Hall


The Chair reported that the current list of Councillor roles and responsibilities would be circulated to members prior to the ACM, so that thought could be given to appropriate appointments for 2024/25.  Members were asked to let the Chair know of any items they felt should be included in the Council’s annual report to the APM.



There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.10 pm.