
Parish Council Minutes March 2021

Parish Council Meeting Minutes Uploaded on March 8, 2023

Minutes of a virtual (Zoom) meeting of the Parish Council
held on Tuesday 9th March 2021 at 7.00 pm.

Present: Cllr Jeff Ligo (Chair), Cllr Freddie Forsyth, Cllr Steve Ridley, Cllr Mike Bolt and Cllr Phil Whittaker.

In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk), Wiltshire Councillor Suzanne Wickham, Mr Mike Manson (Chair, Bratton Recreation Ground Committee), Mr Ken Davis (Chair, Jubilee Hall Management Committee) and 3 members of the public.

Open Forum
Members of the public were invited to make representations to the Council on any matters relating to the work of the Council or to raise any issues of concern: None.

Village updates:
• Police report – PCSO Jamie Darvill – no report.
• Wiltshire Council and Westbury Area Board – Cllr Suzanne Wickham reported the following:
o Wiltshire’s elections on 6th May 2021 were to be the largest elections in the country; with four ballot papers in some places – Wiltshire Council, Parish Council, Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) and Neighboutrhood Plan referendums. The big message from the Council was to register for a postal vote via the Wiltshire Council websiteif you were reluctant to visit a pollig station on the day
o Due to the coronavirus pandemic there would be no counting done on the night of the elections and less public attendance would be allowed to attend the count. The unitary elections would be counted on the Friday, town and parish councils on the Saturday and the PCC votes in Salisbury on the Monday.


2020/50 Apologies for Absence and to consider the reasons given
Cllr Goode due to work commitments, accepted.

2020/51 Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate

2020/52 Minutes of Council Meetings
The minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on 12th January 2021 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Forsyth) and the minutes of a meeting of the Bratton Recreation Ground Committee held on 26th October 2020 were adopted, having been approved for accuracy by the Committee (proposed Cllr Forsyth, seconded Cllr Whittaker).

2020/63 Committee, Clerks and Council representative reports
a) The draft minutes of a meeting of the Bratton Recreation Ground Committee held on 22nd February 2021 had been circulated. Members approved the appointments of Cllrs Forsyth and Whittaker to the Committee following the resignations of Cllrs Morris and Sims (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Ridley). Mr Manson, Chair of the Committee, spoke to the minutes as circulated, adding that the fencing along the ditch was now nearly complete and the wire had been erected, which would stop football and cricket balls going into the ditch. The tarmacking of a further stretch of the car park was also due to take place. The Chair drew attention to the fantastic job the volunteers had done at the Rec Ground, thanking them for their efforts. The Chair reported that he had sent some images of proposed signage for the ground to Mr Manson, who had consulted with colleagues and confirmed that the proposal was approved. Mr Manson would confirm the required wording with the Chair. The Chair also reported that he had researched the criteria for the installation of brown signs and it was confirmed that the Rec Ground would not qualify for these. Mr Manson further reported that the volunteers had installed a drain along the front of the building and the garages.

b) The Chair of the Jubilee Hall Management Committee reported the following:
a. It was expected that the Hall would not be able to re-open until May 2021. The Committee was working on the covid risk assessments.
b. The Hall had received grants totalling some £7,000, although the exact figures would be confirmed.
c. The hall was only operating two one to one sessions a week at the current time.

c) The Clerk reported that she was still working on project plans for the proposed skate park, which had been delayed due to the Covid-19 lockdown. The Chair asked for an update on the required works to the corrosion on the play equipment and the Clerk confirmed she was waiting for quotes.

2020/64 Planning applications and consultations
Members considered the below applications and resolved comments as listed:
20/09993/FUL- 38 Lower Road, Bratton, Wiltshire, BA13 4RQ – Remove existing roof on conservatory and replace with solid panel roof – No objection.
21/01653/TCA – 14 Lower Road, Bratton, Westbury, Wiltshire, BA13 4RG – Fell Ash Tree – No objection.
21/01837/TCA – Melbourne House, Melbourne Street, Bratton, BA13 4RL – Removal of self-seeded sycamore tree. Tree has grown to a size where it is creating damage to a grade II listed wall and put building, client is concerned than another storm will cause substantial collapse of the wall and outbuilding – Leave to Tree Officer.

21/01838/TCA – Melbourne House Melbourne Street Bratton BA13 4RL – Pollard Large Eucalyptus back to existing pollarding points. Tree is overhanging the roof of Melbourne House, a grade II listed property. It also overhangs the car park of Bratton Primary School – Leave to Tree Officer.
21/01836/TCA – The Laurels, 26 B Trowbridge Road, Bratton, BA13 4RF – Reduce 1 x silver birch in front garden by max 30% to reduce height and width. Tree is overhanging a garage and neighbouring property. Tree A. Remove lower branches from 1 other silver birch in front garden. Tree B. Pollard 1 x horse chestnut in rear garden to previous pollarding cuts. Tree C. Pollard 1x acer in rear garden to previous pollarding cuts Tree D – Leave to Tree Officer.

21/01839/TCA – 12 Lower Westbury Road Bratton BA13 4RH – Reduction of up to 30% of a eucalyptus tree in rear garden of 12 Lower Westbury Road, Bratton – Leave to Tree Officer.

At this point Cllr Mike Bolt joined the meeting (7.20 pm).

Wiltshire Council Local Plan –Cllr Ligo and Mr Cole (NPSG) had circulated a report to members, which was considered and approved for submission to Wiltshire Council (proposed Cllr Forsyth, seconded Cllr Ridley with copy appended to the minutes). The Chair reported that the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group would recommence its work after the local elections in May 2021.

Members received and considered a planning application received after the issue of the agenda (where the response time fell outside of the meeting schedule):
21/02087/TCA – 40 Lower Road, Bratton – Willow – excessive shading, pollard as has been done before – Leave to Tree Officer.

2020/65 Financial Reports
Members had been provided with the following reports, which were adopted (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Whittaker):
a) Schedule of payments and receipts January and February 2021
b) Bank reconciliation and Financial Position Statement as at 28th February 2021
c) Budget report as at 28th February 2021
d) List of Earmarked Reserves as at February 2021
e) The Clerk reported that she had prepared a revised bank mandate to remove signatories no longer members of the PC, which would be passed to councillor signatories for signing. The Chair proposed that the Clerk be added as a full signatory so that she could load online payments. This was approved (proposed Cllr Forsyth, seconded Cllr Ligo).

2020/66 Parish Council Accounts Year Ending 31st March 2021 (report previously circulated)
Member addressed administrative tasks relating to the preparation and submission of the accounts year ending 31st March 2021 including:
a) Appointment of the Internal Auditor – it was resolved to appoint Mr Simon Pritchard (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Ridley).
b) Confirmation of scope of Internal Audit – the scope of the audit was approved as per the Clerk’s circulated report with the addition of a review of the Covid-19 Emergency Fund (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Whittaker).

2020/67 Governance Reviews Year Ending 31st March 2021 (documents previously circulated)
Members carried out reviews of governance documents for year ending 31st March 2021 including:
a) Review of the Risk Registers – documents adopted (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Forsyth)
b) Review of the Fixed Asset Register – document adopted at £203528.93, with a review to be carried out of the supporting photographs (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Forsyth).
c) Members agreed to list the review of Standing Orders and Financial Regulations for the Annual Council Meeting in May 2021.

2020/68 20mph Speed Restriction Assessment
Members considered a report from Cllrs Ligo and Forsyth regarding the implementation of a 20 mph speed limit (report previously circulated and appended to the minutes) following receipt of the Speed Restriction Assessment Report circulated to all Councillors on 2 February 2021. Cllr Wickham reported that it had been hoped this work would go forward as a substantive bid to Wiltshire Council. Cllr Ligo confirmed that the Parish Council was hoping to make some immediate progress, with a substantive bid being submitted for the gateway and other major roads following the elections in May 2021. Following discussion, the below recommendations contained in the report were resolved (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Forsyth):

1. That the Council support the immediate implementation of the 20mph recommendation in accordance para 9 (a) including the provision of roundels on the highway on Court Lane.
2. That the Council seek the support of CTAG and request a grant of 50%.
3. That the Council identify other priorities for further Orders in future years.

It was noted that the application would need to go to CATG as soon as practicable and the Clerk would liaise with the Highway Engineer at Wiltshire Council accordingly.

2020/69 Highways Act 1980 Section 119 – Proposed diversion of Footpath Bratton 42
Members noted the correspondence from Wiltshire Council (previously circulated) and considered whether the PC wished previous comments to be referred to the next stage of the process. It was agreed the PC had no further comments to make, given it had not objected to the proposed diversion.

2020/70 Parish Maintenance Contract 2021/22
Members received and considered the tenders for the parish maintenance contract 2021/22 and award the contract accordingly (information previously circulated). The Clerk introduced the report and the Chair provided some background, reporting that the aim was to achieve the most responsive and efficient service possible within the PC budget. It was felt that a local approach would be the best way to achieve this.

At this point it was agreed to suspend Standing Orders to enable Mr Brabner who leads the Tidy Bratton Group, to address the meeting. Mr Brabner welcomed the new approach being taken, hoping that things would be more efficient and work carried out in a timelier manner. At this point Standing Orders were re-instated.

It was resolved to appoint Viridian as the Council’s contractor for 2021-22, with ASK Grounds Maintenance as reserve contractor for the call off contract (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Bolt) (Total allocation £6,800 as provided for within the PC budget).

2020/69 Councillor reports – for information only.

Cllr Whittaker – reported that he had been approached by a number of parents concerned at the potential removal of the gates on the village green. The Chair reported that the PC’s play area contractor had worked on a repair to the gate closures and that further repairs would be attempted. The gates would not be removed at this stage. Cllr Whittaker undertook to see if he could effect a repair.

Cllr Ridley – reported he had experienced some issues with the website which had resulted in a delay of the publication of the agenda papers for the meeting.

Cllr Ligo – spoke to the recent resignation of Cllr Terry Sims, thanking him for his service to the PC over his term of office. The PC recorded a vote of thanks to Cllr Sims. The Chair also noted that this would be last meeting of the current Council’s term of office. He thanked the members for their support over that term of office, noting that the Council had achieved significant things during the past four years. Members thanked Cllr Ligo for his service as Chair throughout the term of office.

2020/70 Date of next meeting
Annual Parish Meeting Tuesday 27 April 2021 – waiting for NALC guidance as to the proposed arrangements for this meeting. Members discussed the benefit of producing an Annual Report and it was agreed to prepare one, with the Clerk and the Chair liaising to take this forward.

Annual Council Meeting Thursday 13 May 2021

All arrangements would be subject to latest guidance on in person meetings in relation to the coronavirus pandemic.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.15 pm.