
Parish Council Minutes June 2022

Parish Council Meeting Minutes Uploaded on March 8, 2023

Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on
Tuesday 14th June 2022 at 7.15 pm in the Jubilee Hall.

Present: Cllr Keith Rayward (Chair), Cllr Jo Jolly, Cllr Steve Lloyd, Cllr Jeff Ligo, Cllr Phil Whittaker and Cllr Steve Ridley.

In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk), Wiltshire Councillor Suzanne Wickham and 5 members of the public.

Open Forum
Members of the public were invited to make representations to the Council on any matters relating to the work of the Council or to raise any issues of concern:
• A representative from Cygnets Pre-School addressed members in respect of the grant application on the agenda for consideration; outlining the background and reasons for the application and highlighting the urgent need for specialist work required in the outdoor space. It was confirmed that Cygnets had submitted various grant applications to other organisations. A short question and answer session was held.

Village updates:
• Police report – PCSO Alice Moore had not been able to attend.
• Wiltshire Council and Westbury Area Board – Cllr Suzanne Wickham reported the following:
o She had recently attended a liaison meeting at NREL in respect of the incinerator and had been given a tour of the facility at which a discussion on waste management had been held. Cllr Wickham confirmed that the original planning application for the Gasification plant application had been given permission and the ground had ‘been broken’ which would extend the ‘life’ of the application beyond the deadline of June 2022. It was noted that if the current planning application was not granted the development of the gasification proposals was still available to NREL.
o It was further confirmed that the Secretary of State had determined not to call in the current application relating to the NREL site and that WC’s Strategic Planning Committee had delayed a decision on the application until July 2022 as a result of new material information. The main issue was whether a need for the development could be demonstrated given the other available facilities in the South West and the UK as a whole. She reported that it had been argued that there was already sufficient provision of such sites.
o Cllr Wickham reported that grant applications to the Area Board now needed to be received no later than four weeks prior to the scheduled meetings, which was a change to current practice. This had been reported in her submission to the Bratton Parish News.
o The Chair asked if there was any update in respect of the proposed letter to the Police and Crime Commissioner regarding the enforcement of speed restrictions by the police. Cllr Wickham confirmed that this was being discussed and was on the radar.


2022/12 Apologies for Absence and to consider the reasons given
Cllr Cole due to holiday, accepted.

2022/13 Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate

2022/14 Minutes of Council Meetings
The minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on 8th March 2022 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr Ridley, seconded Cllr Ligo).

The minutes of the Annual Council Meeting held on 10th May 2022 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Ridley).

2022/15 Parish Council Vacancies
The Clerk reported that confirmation had been received from Wiltshire Council that an election for the two casual vacancies had not been called and the Council was able to proceed with co-option. It was agreed that information on this would be included in the next Parish News and the co-option of two members added as an agenda item for the July meeting (proposed Cllr Ridley, seconded Cllr Lloyd).

2022/16 Committee, Clerks and Council representative reports
a) A report from the Chair of the Bratton Recreation Ground Committee had been circulated to members, was noted and is appended to the minutes.

b) A report from the Chair of the Jubilee Hall Management Committee had been circulated to members, was noted and is appended to the minutes.

c) Cllr Rayward reported on highway matter informing members that he was awaiting feedback regarding altering the route on satnavs, to avoid the use of Emms Lane to access the estates behind it.

d) A report from Cllr Cole on the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group had been circulated to members, was noted and is appended to the minutes. It was noted that good progress was being made.

e) Cllr Rayward had provided a report on the evolution of the parish website which contained a methodology for the presentation of the site and the information to be included. This was discussed and the proposals approved. Cllr Rayward further spoke to issues of accessibility with the site and it was agreed that he and Cllr Ridley would review this issue before deciding on a way forward. Cllr Ridley confirmed his understanding that the site should be accessible from mobile phones and tablet devices. Post meeting note – Cllr Ridley demonstrated that access to the parish website worked, after the meeting.

2022/17 Planning applications and consultations

PL/2022/03571 – ROE DEER FARM, LOWER WESTBURY ROAD, BRATTON, WESTBURY, BA13 4RH – Erection of a 12m x 5m single-storey extension to the south side of the existing utility block (Day Room) and erection of a 3m x 4m conservatory to the front north-west side of the existing utility block (Day Room) – No objection (proposed Cllr Ridley, seconded Cllr Ligo).

To receive and consider planning applications received after the issue of the agenda (where the response time falls outside of the meeting schedule and an extension cannot be obtained)

PL/2022/04503 – Little Stoke, 2 Port Way, Bratton, BA13 4SZ – T1 – Pine tree in decline to be section felled to ground level – Leave to Tree Officer.

2022/18 Parish Council Accounts year ending 31st March 2022
a) Members received and considered the Internal Audit Report, reviewed its findings and confirmed the effectiveness of the system of Internal Control. Members noted the Clerk’s supporting report, which had been circulated with the Audit Report. Following debate, it was resolved to receive and note the Internal Auditor’s report and accept the Clerk’s response to the issues raised (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Ridley). As part of the Council’s response to the Auditor’s report the following actions were resolved (proposed Cllr Ridley, seconded Cllr Lloyd):
i. The Clerk would provide the HR Committee with copies of the payslips and end of year payroll information so that the income tax paid could be verified according to the Clerk’s report.
ii. The Council would engage the services of an external payroll provider as a response to the Auditor’s comments and given that the Clerk had now been enrolled in the WC pension scheme. The associated costs of £90 + vat per quarter were approved in relation to this resolution.
iii. A dedicated Finance page would be established on the Council’s website.
iv. Bank reconciliation statements and bank statements would be signed by the Chair at each meeting at which they were presented.
v. The Asset Register would be reviewed; with the column headed Present Value being amended to Purchase Price.
vi. Annual Parish Meeting minutes would no longer be prepared on Council headed paper.
vii. Missing invoices would be located by the Clerk and submitted to the Auditor on his return from holiday.

b) Members prepared and approved Section 1: parts 2 and 3 (Annual Governance Statement 2021/22) of the AGAR (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Lloyd).

c) Members considered Section 2; parts 2 and 3 (Accounting Statements 2021/22) of the AGAR.

d) Members approved, signed and dated Section 2; parts 2 and 3 (Accounting Statements 2021/22) (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Ridley).

e) The dates for the period of public inspection were set as Monday 20th June 2022 to Friday 29th July 2022.

2022/19 Allotments
Cllr Ligo had provided a report regarding the future management of the allotments and members considered the recommendations contained therein):

1. That the Council ask each tenant to sign a new agreement in accordance with the template in the Appendix below following discussions with the current allotment holders to include any other terms which are considered necessary – Resolved (proposed Cllr Whittaker, seconded Cllr Lloyd).

2. That the Council review the rent levels for next year at its July 2022 meeting – Agreed. Cllr Ligo would prepare proposed allotment fees for consideration.

3. That the Council promote the availability of the vacant units to Bratton residents – Agreed.

4. That the Council allocate £500 to carry out necessary works to vacant units to ensure that prospective tenants will take them over – Agreed that Cllr Ligo would bring back some costed proposals for consideration at the July meeting, at which point the required allocation of funding would be considered.

2022/20 Grant Applications
Members considered the below listed grant applications (information previously circulated):

a) Cygnets Pre-School had submitted a grant application for support towards the enhancement of outdoor area. The application was considered and it was resolved that the Council supported the project in principle, with the pre-school being asked to bring forward firm proposals for the Council to consider; including information on how the project was to be funded and the amount being requested from the PC (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Ridley). Cllr Whittaker would liaise with the Pre-School accordingly.

b) The Jubilee Players had submitted a grant application in the amount of £400 towards an upgrade to the microphone system. Cllr Jolly declared an interest in the application as a member of the Players. The application was considered and it was resolved to suggest that the Players approach the Jubilee Hall Management Committee in the first instance. Cllr Whittaker undertook to assist as it was possible he could obtain the equipment at a reduced cost. Members agreed that, in principle, the project was an excellent idea.

2022/21 Communications Policy
Members considered a draft Communications Policy prepared by Cllr Jolly (copy previously circulated); for which Cllr Jolly was thanked. Members resolved to adopt and publish the Policy with some agreed amendments (proposed Cllr Rayward, seconded Cllr Ligo). Cllr Jolly would make the necessary alterations and send to the Clerk who would then formalise the policy for publication.

2022/22 Repairs to a path near St James’ Churchyard and to the church steps bridge
Members considered authorising expenditure in the amount of £137.23 to meet the costs associated with the above repairs (January 2021 minutes refer). This was so resolved; with the funds to be paid out of the parish maintenance budget (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Ridley).

2022/23 Councillor reports
a) Cllr Cole had circulated a report on the future use of the telephone kiosk, Melbourne Street, which contained a proposal that the telephone box could hold a number of paper documents describing walks or points of interest in the village. This was discussed and agreed; with the overall concept being approved (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Lloyd). Cllr Lloyd then spoke regarding further required maintenance to the kiosk; it was agreed to refer this to the July meeting with information on both expenditure to date and expected ongoing costs. Cllr Lloyd would prepare two costings for the required works to cover the project being carried out both internally and externally. Members approved the outstanding bill from Westbury Shed of £90.60 and a donation to the organisation would be considered at the July PC meeting (proposed Cllr Lloyd, seconded Cllr Ligo).

b) Cllr Ligo reported on the Jubilee celebration events June 2022 and the Chair stated that the events had been well organised and well received by the village. Cllr Ligo reported that the group which had worked on planning the Jubilee would now begin planning for a ‘Bratton Week’ in 2023. It was noted that the expenses for the Jubilee events had resulted in a budget overspend of approximately £200 and it was resolved consider the virement of sufficient funds to meet the additional costs upon receipt of the list of final expenditure. It was further resolved to authorise payment of the invoice for the Jubilee souvenir brochures in the amount of £455.00 (proposed Cllr Ridley, seconded Cllr Whittaker).

2022/24 Correspondence
None at time of issue.

2022/25 Date of next meeting
Tuesday 12th July 2022 at 7.15 pm in the Jubilee Hall.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.40 pm.


Agenda Item 2022/16 a – Bratton Recreation Ground Report

The pitches are all in good condition. Trowbridge CC reported that they were very pleased with the cricket wicket, square and outfield after their first three games. Particular thanks for this should go to Peter Sharland, who has spent many hours mowing, scarifying and marking the square, and to Dave Baker for doing most of the rolling.
Football games stopped in early-March and the pitches recovered well in time for cricket. The Duke FC will have a stand at the Church Fete at the Church Institute on 25 June, hoping to attract more Bratton players.
Bratton CC have played several games so far, and also used the nets for pre-season practice. Their relationship with Westbury CC is proving fruitful in gaining a few players if BCC are short for matches. Trowbridge 3rd XI have started playing on Saturdays.
All of our equipment remains in very good condition.
Almost all of the 30 saplings have survived.
Richard Dent, our grass cutting contractor, continues to do an excellent job at a very competitive rate. The volunteer team are concentrating their efforts on strimming grass around the edges of the Ground and around the trim trail equipment and the saplings. This is a time consuming task.
Revenue Account
Budget Year to date
Income 6,170.00 4,405.00
Expenditure 5,905.00 6,304.00

Note – unpaid invoices as at 31.03.2022 2,410.00

Capital Account

Total EMR Funds 01.04.2021 21,491.47
Total capital expenditure to date 7,285.00
EMR balance 31.03.2022 14,206.47
Most outstanding invoices have now been paid. The Revenue Account therefore effectively showed an excess of income over expenditure of £509 for FY 21/22.
Mike Manson
M P Manson
Chairman, Bratton Recreation Ground Management Committee

Agenda Item 2022/16 b – Jubilee Hall Report

Firstly, we are delighted with the efforts of all concerned with Platinum Jubilee celebrations. The Jubilee Hall, decorated with the amazing Mosaics, Village Bunting and Emma Edmonson’s Montage really stood out as one of the focal points of the weekend. A massive thank you to all involved in the above displays. The Open Day on Saturday was also very successful and was well attended.

The Hilly Run took place Saturday 28th May and attracted 150 entries with 130 turning up to take part on the day. Again, we were blessed with good weather.
In terms of hall maintenance, we have three main priorities. Firstly, the repairs to the roof. We are experiencing difficulty getting a third quote which is delaying it’s repair. We have tried to keep to local roofers but now will need to look further afield to ensure repairs are carried out whilst we still have fair weather. We are also awaiting stone to repair a second mullion. Finally, the replacement of the heating which continues to be expensive. Two independent Reviews have been carried out and we are awaiting a Report from the second review.

Agenda Item 2022/16 d – Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Report

Jubilee Celebrations Event
The focus of the steering group over the last two meetings has been community interaction at the Jubilee Celebrations. The SG decided that rather than setting up a table to give feedback on where we are etc, it would be beneficial to try and engage with people to get their hopes and fears for the future of the village and in that way introduce the neighbourhood plan.

Neil Brawn kindly printed a large scale map, flyers and rolls of sticky labels on which people could write their comments and place them on the backboard.

On the day the table was set up and manned by James Linehan and Eddie Cole, later joined by Roger Hames. Interaction with the community was very good and there was a lot of interest, approximate figures are 50 people spoken to of which 24 chose to comment. (The figures are approximate as it was difficult at busy times to maintain an accurate record). Only 2 children under 18 commented but it was notable that there was a children’s party in the Church Institute that would have depleted the numbers in the hall. Some of those who did not leave written feedback on the day said they would do so later online.

In total there were 23 stickers on the “Hopes” side and 26 on the “Fears“ side. The comments will now be typed up and a full analysis made so that they can be taken into account, in the interim the main themes appear to be some affordable housing but fears of over development, concern over maintaining existing services and the identity of the village.

Margaret Hart who runs the Guides/Brownies ran an event with the Guides to get their “Pros” and “Cons” of living in the village, she has offered the results for further feedback.

The event clearly raised the profile of the neighbourhood plan and it was notable that there were a number of newcomers to the village who were not aware of the plan or previous surveys etc.

Neighbourhood Plan Website Section
Keith Rayward and Eddie Cole have been constructing a neighbourhood plan section on the parish website. Although this is still in its infancy the 2019 survey documents are now available together with minutes of meetings. This is an ongoing process and we hope to have further detail added shortly.

Neighbourhood plan email address
Steve Ridley has kindly set up a new email address for the neighbourhood plan and this was featured on the flyers taken a by a number of people.

Draft NP Document
A first draft of sections of the NP document has been started by Jeff Ligo. The BHA is drafting the historical section of the NP and a first draft is nearing completion. This focusses on the development of Bratton over the past 1000 years, with particular emphasis on buildings in the past 100 years.

Cllr Cole (NPSG Chair)