Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on
Tuesday 8th June 2021 at 7.15 pm in the Jubilee Hall.
Present: Cllr Jeff Ligo (Chair), Cllr Eddie Cole, Cllr Jo Jolly, Cllr Noel Kew, Cllr Keith Rayward, Cllr Steve Ridley and Cllr Phil Whittaker.
In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk), Mr Ken Davis (Chair, Jubilee Hall Management Committee), Wiltshire Councillor Suzanne Wickham.
Open Forum
Members of the public were invited to make representations to the Council on any matters relating to the work of the Council or to raise any issues of concern: None.
Village updates:
• Police report – PCSO Alice Moore was not present.
• Wiltshire Council and Westbury Area Board – Cllr Suzanne Wickham reported the following:
o A complaint had been received regarding the planning application at Magpie Retreat, which she had discussed with the Planning Officer who was now working with the Enforcement team to address the issues raised.
o There was a CATG meeting scheduled for 11th June, the agenda for which contained several items of relevance to Bratton parish. The 20 mph application for Court Lane was not currently listed as one of the top five priorities at Wiltshire Council. Cllr Wickham was confident that this would be included in that list following the CATG meeting mentioned above.
o An enquiry had been received regarding trees behind the footpath at Manor Road, which needed to be assessed. Cllr Wickham would liaise with Cllr Goode to arrange an inspection of the trees. The same resident had also reported a light which was out and repair would be arranged.
o The Area Board would arrange for four business meetings during the coming year, with other meetings being themed to encourage wider attendance. Meetings might also be held at different locations throughout the area. Members were encouraged to attend meetings and it was noted that funding was available from the Area Board. Cllr Ligo provided background on the formation of the Community Area Boards, following the transition to a unitary authority for Wiltshire.
2021/13 Apologies for Absence and to consider the reasons given
Cllr Goode.
2021/14 Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate
2021/15 Minutes of Council Meetings
The minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on 9th March 2021 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Ridley) and the minutes of the Annual Council Meeting held on 19th May 2021 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr Rayward, seconded Cllr Jolly).
2021/16 Committee, Clerks and Council representative reports
a) The Chair of the Bratton Recreation Ground Committee had provided a report, which had been circulated to members and is appended to the minutes. Mr Manson had sent apologies for absence and the report was presented by Cllr Kew in his absence.
b) The Chair of the Jubilee Hall Management Committee reported the following:
a. The hall was re-opening to some degree and some of the regular users were returning.
b. Covid regulations were still in place.
c. Fundraising breakfasts had restarted and the first event had had a good attendance. It was planned to run the breakfasts on a weekly basis in August.
d. Private booking enquiries had been received for post 21st June (the end of lockdown), which would proceed Covid road map permitting.
e. Hall hire charges would be increased to assist with covering costs, and this would be publicised.
f. Additional noticeboards were planned for installation.
g. The financial position was quite healthy although significant expenditure was expected to carry out improvements to the heating.
c) The Clerk reported that she had received an expression of interest in co-option from Mr Stephen Lloyd. It was confirmed that the vacancy had been advertised, with a deadline for responses of 11 June. Co-option would be an agenda item for the July meeting. The Clerk was asked to clarify whether the PC had a duty to fill the vacancy by co-option.
2021/17 Planning applications and consultations
Notification of proposed works to trees in a conservation area
Up to 30% reduction to beech tree on boundary with 11 The Butts and The Wilderness, Bratton.
PC Comment – Leave to Tree Officer
Notification of proposed works to trees in a conservation area
Pollard 2 x Beech trees on land bordering Tynings Lane, Bratton. Trees are interfering with overhead cables. Pollard to previous pollard cut points .
PC Comment – Leave to Tree Officer
To receive and consider planning applications received after the issue of the agenda (where the response time falls outside of the meeting schedule and an extension cannot be obtained) – None.
2021/18 Parish Council Accounts Year Ending 31st March 2021
a) Members received and considered the Annual Internal Audit Report from the Internal Auditor; reviewed its findings and the effectiveness of the system of internal control. The following was agreed:
a. Members would record the dates set for the period for the exercise of public rights in the minutes and ensure the relevant notice was posted on the website.
b. Invoices from the Recreation Ground cleaner had now been received.
c. Members discussed the website and agreed to undertake a review of the information provided and layout of the website with the Clerk to be added as a website administrator so that information could be loaded at the point of issue.
b) Members prepared and approved Section 1; parts 2 & 3 (Annual Governance Statement 2020/2021) of the AGAR (proposed Cllr Kew, seconded Cllr Cole), welcoming and noting the comments made by the Internal Auditor which would be addressed.
c) Members considered and completed Section 2; parts 2 & 3 (Accounting Statements 2020/2021) of the AGAR.
d) Members approved Section 2; parts 2 & 3 (Accounting Statements 2020/2021) of the AGAR; signing and dating the statements accordingly (proposed Cllr Kew, seconded Cllr Ridley).
e) Members confirmed the dates of the period for the exercise of public rights as Monday 14th June 2021 to Friday 23rd July 2021. Copies of the notice would be posted on the noticeboard and on the parish website.
2021/19 Memorandum of Understanding on Environment and Sustainability
Members discussed the previously circulated report and MOU from Cllr Kew. After debate it was agreed to confirm and proceed with the MOU as circulated and make an approach to the parish councils listed with a view to forming a Steering Group.
Cllr Kew spoke to the scope and objectives as contained in the MOU; highlighting the various projects which could be taken forward by the proposed Steering Group. Cllr Kew confirmed that the approach to the local parish councils would be made via an initial letter, with the MOU being sent once an expression of interest had been received. Each parish council would be invited, via that letter, to send a representative to an initial meeting at which point the MOU would be discussed. The Chair would prepare a draft letter and send to Cllr Kew and members were asked to send any comments on the MOU to Cllr Kew in the meantime.
Cllr Kew further confirmed that the MOU was not a legally binding document and that any projects taken forward by the group formed would need to be mutually agreed.
2021/20 Neighbourhood Plan for Bratton
Members discussed the previously circulated report from Cllr Cole, which had included information on the process and timing of completing a Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr Cole introduced and spoke to the reports; confirming that a village survey had been undertaken and the majority of the analysis completed. He proposed that the next step was to present the results and conclusions of the survey again to the new Council, requesting feedback and including proposed objectives which could be included in the Plan. Potential development sites in the village would also need to be identified and a ‘call for sites’ would need to be carried out.
Cllr Ligo suggested that some background information on Neighbourhood Plans would be useful, so that the benefits and risks of preparing a Plan could be understood. Reference was made to a CPRE document on Neighbourhood Planning available via the NALC website which gave a good overview of the process. Cllr Cole would circulate the link to members.
It was agreed that a Neighbourhood Plan focussed meeting would be arranged for members. The Clerk was asked to see if an appropriate officer from Wiltshire Council could attend the meeting and Cllr Wickham would assist with this. Proposed dates would then be circulated.
Cllr Ligo would check with members of the BPC Steering Group to ascertain if they were still interested in being involved and advertise the need for new members in the Bratton Parish News.
2021/21 Councillor reports
Cllr Ridley – reported that changes in accessibility legislation would require updates and changes to the website, which were due by September 2021. Cllr Ridley would prepare a report for members for consideration at the July meeting.
Cllr Cole – reported that he had examined the Asset Register and noted the value of the Speed Indicator Device, questioning whether the PC should consider the installation of three permanent devices. Cllr Wickham reported that the advice from Wiltshire Council was to avoid permanent units as better results were obtained from moving the unit between sites. It was agreed that Cllr Rayward would carry out some more research into the potential for providing additional SID units.
Cllr Kew – reported on an approach which had been made by a resident requesting that replacement trees be planted on the verge of the village green (to replace two recently felled trees). The Chair confirmed that this land belonged to Wiltshire Council and Cllr Wickham was asked to look into the potential of WC meeting this request.
Cllr Jolly – reported that she would work on a draft Media and Communications Policy for the Council, which she would prepare for consideration at the July meeting. This was welcomed.
Cllr Rayward – reported that he received the crime statistics for Bratton and tabled a location map of local crime. It was agreed that Cllr Rayward would circulate this information to members. He also asked for confirmation as to whether the village fete was proceeding and it was confirmed this was scheduled for 26th July 2021. Cllr Rayward drew attention to the report from the Emergency Planning Team (EPT) made at the Annual Parish Meeting, which had suggested that the EPT continue. He suggested that the Council should agree its response to this suggestions. Cllrs Ligo and Ridley outlined that the calls for assistance had decreased and confirmed that information posted on the website and throughout the village was due to be removed. The Chair would confirm the status of the EPT in the next edition of the Bratton Parish News.
2021/22 Date of next meeting
Tuesday 13th July 2021 at 7.15 pm in the Jubilee Hall; to include consideration of co-option to fill the vacant seat remaining after the Ordinary Election held in May 2021.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.03 pm.