
Parish Council Minutes – July 2023

Parish Council Meeting Minutes Uploaded on September 6, 2023

Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on

Tuesday 11th July 2023 at 7.15 pm in the Jubilee Hall.


Present: Cllr Keith Rayward (Chair), Cllr Eddie Cole, Cllr Jo Jolly, Cllr Cathy Elliott, Cllr Phil Whittaker, Cllr Caroline MacDuff, Cllr Jeff Ligo and Cllr Andrea Franklin.


In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk).


Open Forum

Members of the public were invited to make representations to the Council on any matters relating to the work of the Council or to raise any issues of concern: There were no members of the public present.


Village updates:

  • Police report – PCSO Alice Moore was not present. The Chair informed members he had contacted the PCSO regarding the lorry which had been left outside the War Memorial.


  • Wiltshire Council and Westbury Area Board – Cllr Suzanne Wickham had sent apologies for absence.




2023/14 Apologies for Absence and to consider the reasons given

Cllr Lloyd due to holiday, accepted.

2023/15 Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate



2023/16 Minutes of Council Meetings

a)    The minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on 14th March 2023 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr Cole, seconded Cllr Elliott).


b)   The minutes of the Annual Council Meeting held on 23rd May 2023 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr MacDuff, seconded Cllr Franklin).


c)    The minutes of a meeting of the Bratton Recreation Ground Committee held on 24th March 2023 and approved at a subsequent committee meeting held in June 2023 were duly adopted (proposed Cllr Elliott, seconded Cllr Cole).


d)   The minutes of the below listed meetings of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group were duly adopted (proposed Cllr Cole, seconded Cllr Ligo):


I.  2nd March 2023 (approved by the SG at a meeting held on 30th March 2023)

II. 30th March 2023 (approved by the SG at a meeting held on 4th May 2023)

III. 4th May 2023 (approved by the SG at a meeting held on 8th June 2023)





Committee and Council representative reports

Members received reports on the following:


a)       Bratton Recreation Ground Committee – Mr Mike Manson had provided a report, which had been circulated to members and is appended to the minutes.


b)      Jubilee Hall Management Committee – Cllr Elliott had circulated the below report:

The recent Murder Mystery event, jointly held with the Jubilee Players was sold out and judged a great success.  The food, prepared by the Hall committee was well received and we hope to repeat the evening next year.  The profits from the event will be shared between the 2 organisations.  The July breakfast was the biggest ever, with 41 attendees.  A skittles evening is planned for September 23rd and a mini beer festival in October. 

We are researching new ways to reduce the hall carbon footprint and energy costs by using mini water heaters rather than the gas boiler and applying for grants to include the installation of a solar array.  No strings grants appear to have dried up so we will investigate match funding.


c)       Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group – Cllr Cole had provided a report, which had been circulated to members and is appended to the minutes. He added that the attendance at the Bratton Week event had been extremely good and thanked the members of the SG who had worked so hard to prepare for the event, as well as the W.I which had provided refreshments.


d)      LHFIG and Highways matters – the Chair had provided a report, which had been circulated to members and is appended to the minutes. The Chair spoke to the following matters:

a.       LHFIG project funding – the PC had previously allocated the sum of £2,000 for highway projects however, this had been spent on previously agreed work and additional funding was therefore required for the current projects.  It was agreed that a review of the planned speed limit adjustments was required given that, in some areas, these had made little difference due to the absence of meaningful enforcement.  It was noted however, that the PC had been encouraged by residents to complete the work through the parish.  Following debate, and due to the fact that the current projects would not now be considered by LHFIG until later in the year, it was agreed to consider allocating the sum of £2,500 in the budget for 2024-2025.  This would be referred to the budget setting process for formalisation later in the year.

b.       Traffic calming measures – road markings at Court Lane to address parking issues and at Castle Road to reduce speed had been agreed by LHFIG and would be carried out over the summer.  It was anticipated that the contribution required from the PC would be £300 (£90 for Court Lane and £120 for Castle Road) and this sum was allocated (proposed Cllr Franklin, seconded Cllr Elliott).

c.       Highway Improvement Form from Bratton Primary School – the HIF had been circulated to members and was considered.  Following debate, the school’s request for signage was supported and the Chair would liaise with the school to discuss a contribution to the project (proposed Cllr Rayward, seconded Cllr Jolly).


e)      Website Working Group – the Chair reported that the working group had met recently and agreed that good progress was being made with the website.  Cllr Jolly would now commence an editorial review of the content and carry out any required improvements. The Chair reported on the need for a policy to manage access levels to the website, highlighting the need to maintain the sites integrity.  It was agreed that such a policy would be required and the established Media Policy cross referenced in its development.  A draft policy would be brought back to the PC for its consideration. The PC thanked the Chair for the tremendous amount of work he had undertaken in developing the website to date.


f)        Bratton Week – Cllr Ligo reported that the events had received positive feedback and that the linking of the Neighbourhood Plan consultation with Bratton Week had proved a great success.  A large number of residents had now engaged with the process and parish awareness of the NP had been raised.  A meeting of the Bratton Week group would shortly be planned to review the week and to consider plans for any future events.  It was confirmed that the group had been allocated a £500 grant of which, to date £466 had been spent.  It was noted that there was a further charge due for the hire of the marquees.  The Bratton Week Group was thanked for its efforts in arranging the week.


g)       Recent incident off Imber Road on 27th June 2023 and access issues faced by the Fire Service when attending – the Chair reported on the incident and it was confirmed that access for the fire service was an established issue due to the number of vehicles parked along the road.  It was agreed that, in the first instance, the Chair would raise with the fire service via the Area Board meetings. It was felt appropriate to consider a method to reduce the level of parking along the road and this would be considered once the Chair had discussed the issue at the Area Board.


2023/18 Parish Council Projects Updates and Reports

a)       Members received and noted the brought forward list as previously agreed for circulation (previously circulated).  The Chair highlighted that work was progressing on assessing the Pavilion on the Green roof and that the Clerk continued to liaise with the insurer in respect of the bus shelter at Castle Road.  Cllr Elliott queried the progress being made with obtaining WI-FI extenders for the Jubilee Hall, highlighting the issues being experienced due to the poor coverage.  The Clerk confirmed she would raise this with BT and report back.


b)      Snow Plan including the purchase of additional grit bins and a spreader (noting that the bin near the school is now damaged) – the Chair reported that he would present a report to the September PC meeting.  He further reported that April Tarling had taken over the monitoring of the salt bins and confirmed that any replacement of salt bins would need to be funded by the parish.  The Chair stated the view that it may be more prudent to purchase a salt spreader (likely cost £250) and this would be considered in September.


c)       Big Help Out Day and an update on the potential naming of Bratton footpaths – the Chair reported that there had been a good turnout of volunteers for the recent Big Help Out Day and April Tarling was thanked for her efforts in arranging this.  The Chair also reported that a document containing proposals for the naming of footpaths had been circulated and would be made publicly available for comment.  Final consideration of the proposals together with any other nominations for naming would be considered at the September PC meeting.


d)      Use of the defibrillator and ownership and maintenance responsibilities – the Clerk reported that it had been established the defibrillator was owned by the parish council and permission was given for this to be added to the Fixed Asset Register.   It was noted that a local resident monitored and maintained the defibrillator. It was agreed that this arrangement could continue. Cllr Ligo would investigate the process by which the parish was informed when the defibrillator had been used, as there had been no report issued following a recent incident. The PC expressed its thanks to Mr Martin Gray for his work in maintaining and monitoring the defibrillator.


e)      Telephone Kiosk – Cllr Lloyd had provided an update on the repurposing project, which had been circulated to members and is appended to the minutes.  Cllr Elliott provided the Clerk with copies of receipts for payment.


f)        War Memorial – Cllr Lloyd had provided an update on the planned refurbishment works, which had been circulated to members and is appended to the minutes. The PC expressed its thanks to Cllr Lloyd for his work on this project.



2023/19 Committee and Council Representatives

Following the co-option of a new parish councillor members reviewed the committee and council representative appointments (Annual Council Meeting minutes refer for current list). Following debate, the below was agreed:


·         Cllr Whittaker stood down as a rep of the Bratton Recreation Ground Committee. It was confirmed that Cllrs Rayward, Ligo and Lloyd remained as reps and no further appointment was required however, this would be reconsidered if any members wished to volunteer. Cllr Whittaker reported that he had now carried out the risk assessment at the Pavilion in respect of Legionnaire’s Disease and confirmed he had provided a copy of the report to Cllr Ligo.  The Chair would obtain a copy so that this could be discussed with the Chair of the BRGC.

·         Cllr MacDuff was appointed to the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee (proposed Cllr Cole, seconded Cllr Jolly).


2023/20 Planning applications


PL/2023/04031 -The Barn, 26A Court Lane Bratton, Westbury, BA13 4RF – Proposed single-storey extension – No Objection


Members considered planning applications received after the issue of the agenda (where the response time fell outside of the meeting schedule and an extension could not be obtained).


PL/2023/05547 – 36 LOWER ROAD, BRATTON, WESTBURY, BA13 4RQ – T5 Eucalyptus Remove TG1 Mixed Species Group Remove The tree works are proposed to stop the influence of the tree(s) on the soil below building foundation level and provide long term stability – Leave to Tree Officer.


PL/2023/05539 – 3 BLATCHS ORCHARD, BRATTON, WESTBURY, BA13 4TS – H1 Beech Remove The tree works are proposed to stop the influence of the tree(s) on the soil below building foundation level and provide long term stability – Leave to Tree Officer.


PL/2023/05586 – 1 PORT WAY, BRATTON, WESTBURY, BA13 4SZ – Works identified after survey carried out on 16th May 2023 2419 – Corsican Pine – Remove Major Dead Wood 2423 – Scots Pine – Reduce rubbing branches over lane 2425 – Common Beech – Remove Deadwood over lane 2434 – Common Beech – Raise canopy to height of power lines 2435 – Common Horse Chestnut – Raise canopy to height of power lines 2436 – Common Horse Chestnut – Raise canopy to height of power lines 2437 – Common Beech – Raise canopy to height of power lines 2442 – Ash – 50% dead due to dieback – Fell to ground level Various Sycamore saplings not tagged in small groups around property boundary – Fell to ground level – Leave to Tree Officer.


Members noted the recent work to install a new boundary fence at the school and the proximity of this fence to Council owned land.  It was also noted that there had been no planning application of which the Council was aware.  The Clerk was asked to check the situation and requirements with Wiltshire Council and report back to members.

Current Consultations


Neighbourhood Plan for Westbury

Members noted that Westbury Town Council had submitted the draft Westbury Neighbourhood Plan (2022 – 2036) to Wiltshire Council, which was coordinating a public consultation on this document between Monday 5th June 2023 and Monday 17th July 2023 and considered whether the PC wished to make any consultation response (information previously circulated). Cllr Cole reported that the NPSG had considered the consultation at its recent meeting and a member of the SG had prepared comments, which had been circulated to the group.  Members noted the importance of WTC liaising with neighbouring parishes in respect of planning for cycleway routes and it was confirmed this comment was contained within the proposed SG submission.


Wiltshire Council’s Draft Wiltshire Design Guide 

Members considered the current consultation on the Draft Design Guide (information previously circulated). Cllr Cole reported that the NSPG had considered the consultation at its recent meeting and a member of the SG was reviewing the document. The PC therefore felt no further action was required.


2023/21 Financial Reports (previously circulated)


a)     Members received and approved the schedule of payments and receipts April – June 2023 (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Cole).


b)    Members received and noted the bank reconciliation statements as at 30th June 2023, which were duly signed by the Chair (proposed Cllr Jolly, seconded Cllr Elliott).


c)     Members received the Consolidated Financial Position Statement as at 30th June 2023, including information on Earmarked Reserves and funds available for allocation (which were noted to stand at £2,821.93).  The reports were noted.


d)    Members received and noted the Budget Reports as at 30th June 2023.


e)    The Clerk reported on the final budget position of the Bratton Recreation Ground Committee for the financial year 2022-2023, and members noted the budget over spend of £3,018.  It was noted that this overspend had occurred due to a drop in expected income and a significant increase in water and electricity costs.  The Clerk reported that the BRGC had requested that the over spend be absorbed by the PC’s general reserves.  It was also reported that the Clerk and Chair were meeting the Chair of the BRGC on Friday 14th July to examine the financial planning for 2023/24.  Following debate, it was agreed that the over spend for 2022/2023 would remain ‘absorbed’ within the PC’s accounts however, the situation would be reviewed at the end of 2023/2024 when the BRGC’s financial position at the end of the financial year was confirmed.


2023/22 Grant Applications


a)     Members considered the previously submitted grant application from Cygnets Pre-school, together with additional updates circulated post agenda issue.  (March minutes referred). Following debate, it was resolved that no grant could be awarded in this instance due to the PC’s lack of available resources (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Elliott).


b)    Members considered a grant application request from the Jubilee Hall Management Committee (information previously circulated). The Clerk reported that the sum of just under £2,000 remained allocated to the JHMC for 2023-2024 and members noted the additional request of a further £2,000.  Following debate, it was agreed to ask the JHMC to investigate other grant providers and report back to the PC when the amount of match funding required had been identified.


c)     Members considered a grant application from Citizens Advice Wiltshire (copy previously circulated) and noted that, in previous years, a grant of £200 – £250 had been awarded.  Following debate, it was resolved to award a grant of £200 (proposed Cllr Jolly, seconded Cllr Ligo).


2023/23 Village Green Play Equipment

Members received an update from Cllr Elliott on the planned refurbishment project, including pricings on the proposed activity trails for members’ consideration.  The Clerk confirmed that the PC currently held the sum of £9,329.14 available for the refurbishment works with an addition £3,500 in grant expected shortly.


Cllr Elliott presented the options and quotations for the installation of a new trail for the village green and following debate, it was resolved to accept the quotation from Playdale in the amount of £8,939.28.  It was noted that storage for the equipment would need to be arranged and this would result in an additional cost if no local storage could be found.  It was therefore resolved that the project budget be set at a maximum of £9,500 (proposed Cllr Elliott, seconded Cllr Jolly).


Cllr Elliott was thanked for her hard work in bringing the project to fruition.


Cllr Elliott also drew attention to the condition of the wooden trail currently in situ and commented that the play inspections should have picked this up. The Clerk would investigate and report back.


2023/24 Correspondence

Local Resident re: retiring milkman (previously circulated) – it was agreed that the PC would recognise the work and the commitment of the retiring milkman and the Chair would liaise with the correspondent accordingly.


2023/25 Bratton Parish News

a)     Members agreed the below listed items for inclusion in the next edition of the BPN:

a.       Planning Information

b.       Village Green play equipment project

c.       Next meeting date

d.       Thank you to retiring milkman

e.       Information on the volunteer group painting the play equipment


b)    Members received a report from the Chair on a recent fault with the photocopier, approved for payment additional costs relating to alternative printing of the BPN in the amount of £120 (proposed Cllr Macduff, seconded Cllr Jolly).  Members further noted that the Chair and Clerk were carrying out an analysis of the costs of the photocopier for review (current contract ends February 2024; recommendations would be presented to the November PC meeting as part of the budget setting process).


2023/26 Parish Council Calendar

Members received and noted the calendar of parish council meetings and events – previously circulated. The Clerk would add the remainder of the meetings scheduled for 2023.




Date of next meeting

Tuesday 12th September 2023.


2023/28 Confidential Information

In view of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted at Agenda Item 2023/29 members resolved that the press and public be excluded from this part of the meeting (proposed Cllr Rayward, seconded Cllr Cole).


Such a resolution would be in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 Sec 1 (2), which states “A body may, by resolution, exclude the public from a meeting (whether during the whole or part of the proceedings) whenever publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted or for other special reasons stated in the resolution and arising from the nature of that business or of the proceedings; and where such a resolution is passed, this Act shall not require the meeting to be open to the public during proceedings to which the resolution applies.’’


Reason for exclusion – Staffing matters.


At this point the Parish Clerk left the meeting.


2023/29 Staffing Matters

Members received a report and recommendations from the Staffing Committee following a meeting held in July 2023. Following debate, the recommendations were duly resolved as listed (proposed Cllr, seconded Cllr):


1.     It was noted that the Parish Clerk had not yet received payment of the NALC cost of living increase awarded for 2022/23.  It was resolved that this should be awarded and paid (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Whittaker).

2.     It was noted that the Staffing Committee had determined in 2022 that the NALC salary ‘spine’ appropriate to the Clerk’s role was to be independently benchmarked. Based on the resulting recommendations, it was resolved that the Parish Clerk’s role should be regraded to NALC SCP 25 scale with effect from 1st April 2023 (proposed Cllr Elliott, seconded Cllr MacDuff).

3.     The number of hours worked by the Parish Clerk were discussed and it was agreed that the Parish Council would benefit from an increase.  It was noted that the Clerk was willing to increase her hours from 16 to 20 hours per week; but there would need to be a delay to enable her to rearrange her commitments.  It was resolved to ask the Clerk to increase her working hours for Bratton Parish Council to 20 hours a week with effect from 1st April 2024 (proposed Cllr Jolly, seconded Cllr Franklin).

The Councillors asked the Chair to convey thanks to the Parish Clerk for her excellent support of the Council, which was greatly appreciated.



There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.45 pm.