Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on
Tuesday 13th July 2021 at 7.15 pm in the Jubilee Hall.
Present: Cllr Jeff Ligo (Chair), Cllr Eddie Cole, Cllr Jo Jolly, Cllr Noel Kew, Cllr Keith Rayward, Cllr Steve Ridley and Cllr Steve Lloyd (from agenda item 2021/26).
In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk), Mr Ken Davis (Chair, Jubilee Hall Management Committee), Mr Mike Manson (Chair, Bratton Recreation Ground), Wiltshire Councillor Suzanne Wickham and 8 members of the public.
Open Forum
Members of the public were invited to make representations to the Council on any matters relating to the work of the Council or to raise any issues of concern:
• Mr Chris Beaver spoke on behalf of planning application PL/2021/05259 – Land north of Westbury Road and west of Court Orchard, Bratton, Wiltshire – Erection of 35 No. dwellings and associated works as the agent for the applicant. An outline plan including landscaping works was tabled. It was confirmed that the application had been submitted to WC as an outline application, therefore seeking a decision on the principle of the development although detailed supporting plans had also been provided as an indication of how the site would be developed.
Village updates:
• Police report – PCSO Alice Moore was not present.
• Wiltshire Council and Westbury Area Board – Cllr Suzanne Wickham reported the following:
o Footpath at Lower Westbury Road – this had been reported to the Rights of Way Officer so that parts of the path could be moved slightly to improve accessibility and assist the landowner. This was a work in progress.
o Westbury Area Board – three groups of funding were available; Area Board Fund (£31,500), Young Persons Fund (£15,000) and a Health and Wellbeing Fund (£7,000). At the first meeting a total of £6,325 had been allocated to local projects. The next meeting was scheduled for 2nd September 2021 and the Board was working on improving the level of local engagement.
o Roadwork, Bratton 23rd July – a surface dressing and subsequent white lining works would be carried out and information would be circulated.
2021/23 Apologies for Absence and to consider the reasons given
Cllr Whittaker had sent apologies for absence due to a family bereavement, accepted. The PC’s sympathies were sent to Cllr Whittaker and to Cllr Ridley who had also recently suffered a family bereavement.
2021/24 Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate
Cllr Goode declared an interest in planning application PL/2021/06115 – EMMS LANE FARM HOUSE, EMMS LANE, BRATTON, WESTBURY, BA13 4SA as the contractor for the works.
2021/25 Minutes of Council Meetings
The minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on 8th June 2021 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Ridley).
2021/26 Co-option of a Parish Councillor
Further to the Ordinary Elections in May 2021 and the PC’s resolution to fill the vacant seat via co-option, members considered the appointment of a Parish Councillor, noting the expression of interest received from Mr Steve Lloyd. Mr Lloyd addressed the Council in support of his application and took some questions from members.
It was proposed by Cllr Ligo, seconded by Cllr Kew and resolved to co-opt Mr Steve Lloyd as a member of the Parish Council. Mr Lloyd duly signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office and joined the table.
2021/27 Committee, Clerks and Council representative reports
a) Members received a report from the Chair of the Bratton Recreation Ground Committee, which had been circulated to members and is appended to the minutes. The following additional points were made:
a. A new cricket scoreboard had been obtained.
b. There had been an incident involving drug use by a group of young adults at the ground, which had been reported to the PCSO who had attended on the evening in question and confirmed she would add the ground to her regular routine to increase police presence.
c. Trees had been planted on the boundary to the ground last autumn and the saplings had taken well and were outgrowing their protective sheaths. Better protection was therefore required; this would cost in the region of £600 and the Chair asked the PC to consider how this cost should be met, given that the trees were contributing towards the climate change agenda.
b) Mr Davis, Chair of the Jubilee Hall Management Committee, reported the following:
a. The usage of the hall would likely be increased following the relaxation of the covid-19 regulations.
b. Groups using the hall were increasing in number.
c. Fundraising was being carried out at the monthly breakfast clubs, which would be continued throughout the year. There would be no club run through August.
d. The website was being reviewed and would be improved.
e. Consideration was being given to providing equipment to enable training and conference events and, potentially, the showing of films.
f. It was confirmed that cleansing facilities would still be available post the relaxing of the covid-19 regulations.
c) The Clerk reported the following:
a. Information on membership of the Parish Online mapping system had been circulated to members and permission was sought to sign up for the scheme. This was approved (proposed Cllr Kew, seconded Cllr Ligo).
b. Contact had been made with play equipment providers to consider the installation of a skate park and carry out necessary refurbishment to play equipment at the village green. An appointment was being arranged and plans would be brought to the September PC meeting. Cllrs Ligo and Kew would be attending the site meetings with the Clerk.
d) Cllr Rayward provided a report on the recent CATG meeting:
a. The meeting had awarded funding in support of works at Court Lane and Lower Road, to progress a 20mph speed limit.
b. The potential for the Edington to Bratton 50mph speed limit was currently with Wiltshire Council’s legal team.
2021/28 Planning applications and consultations
PL/2021/06176 – 8 ROSENHEIM RISE, BRATTON, WESTBURY, BA13 4SU – T1 – Laburnum tree – reduce all round by 2m-3m – Leave to Tree Officer.
PL/2021/05259 – LAND NORTH OF WESTBURY ROAD AND WEST OF COURT ORCHARD, BRATTON, WILTSHIRE – Erection of 35 No. dwellings and associated works – The PC resolved that it accepted the principle of development but had reservations regarding the detail of the application, as listed below, which Wiltshire Council was asked to raise with the applicant:
• Road safety and site access – the volume and speed of traffic on the B3098 was greatly increased from the data provided (new data now being available) and members felt that a roundabout would provide a safer access than the proposed T junction.
• Pedestrian links to the village – the links from the development to the village needed to be of a good standard and provide access for pushchairs and wheelchairs.
• Parking provision – the current provision was deemed to be inadequate and the developer was asked to consider an increase of spaces per household. The site was compared to Manor Fields, which had issues with inadequate parking.
• Local engagement – the PC expressed the wish to be involved in the development of the detailed plans, given that the Neighbourhood Plan was currently in development. The applicant was also encouraged to provide early consultation and engagement with the community on the detail of the plans, as they became available.
PL/2021/06115 – EMMS LANE FARM HOUSE, EMMS LANE, BRATTON, WESTBURY, BA13 4SA – Request for work to trees due to letter being received from Wiltshire Highways department. Wiltshire highways have requested the removal of 6 x ash trees showing signs of ash die back. Trees are adjacent to Stradbrook, Bratton and are on land owned by the applicant. Wiltshire Highways also request removal of low branches from an elm tree and a coppice Hazel. Branches are also overhanging Stradbrook. Branches are at a level that may interfere with traffic using the highway – Leave to Tree Officer.
21/00504/FUL – ROSE COTTAGE AND PRIORY HOUSE, STRADBROOK, BRATTON – Alteration to planning permission 16/04229/FUL. Addition of window into Rose Cottage. Alterations to previously approved dwelling (Priory House) to add velux windows to front of building and to increase height of garden wall onto Stradbrook – No objection.
Members considered a planning application received after the issue of the agenda: PL/2021/05959 – 27 LOWER ROAD, BRATTON, WESTBURY, BA13 4RG – Demolition of existing rear conservatory and replacement with new rear extension; alterations elsewhere including replacement glazing and enlarged rear dormer – it was agreed to deal with this application via email governance due to its late receipt.
Westbury Incinerator Planning Application – members considered requests for the PC to write to the Secretary of State, requesting that this application be ‘called in’ for determination at central government level. Following debate, it was resolved to support the request and write to the Secretary of State accordingly (proposed Cllr Kew, seconded Cllr Cole). Information on this issue would be provided in the next Bratton Parish News together with details on how residents could contact the Secretary of State. Cllr Jolly would provide the copy.
2021/29 Financial Matters
a) Schedule of payments and receipts April – May 2021 – noted and approved.
b) Bank reconciliation and Financial Position Statement as at 31st May 2021 – noted and approved.
c) Members noted the receipt of £5,679.14 Community Infrastructure Levy relating to development at Oxford House and considered projects which could be funded by this contribution. Following debate, it was agreed to this could be used as match funding to support the provision of replacement/new play equipment. This would be re-considered when the project plans from play equipment providers were received. It was noted that the monies were allocated to an earmarked fund within the PC’s accounts.
d) Members considered a funding request from Wiltshire Citizens Advice (copy previously circulated) and it was resolved to issue a grant of £200 (proposed Cllr Ridley, seconded Cllr Rayward) and request information on the services provided for local circulation.
2021/30 Memorandum of Understanding on Environment and Sustainability
The Clerk reported that initial letters had been sent to neighbouring town and parish councils. Westbury Town Council had confirmed it would appoint a member to the Steering Group and had arranged for one of its councillors to meet Cllr Kew. Dilton Marsh Parish Council had unofficially indicated it would appoint a member to join the Steering Group and this would be ratified at the meeting scheduled for 15th July 2021. No other responses had been received to date. Further reports would be provided in September, when other responses had been received.
2021/31 Neighbourhood Plan for Bratton
Cllr Cole had provided a report on the virtual meeting held with Wiltshire Council, which had been circulated to members, was noted and is appended to the minutes. Cllr Cole spoke to the report and members noted that the preparation of a Plan was important to the parish. The following actions were agreed:
• Arrange an informal Council meeting for Tuesday 27th July at 7.00 pm at the Village Hall to review the work carried out on the survey results thus far and identify the key messages to be presented to the public meeting.
• Re-establish contact with the Steering Group to ascertain current level of interest and invite them to the informal Council meeting. Councillor Wickham would also be invited.
• Arrange a public meeting to present the results of the survey and report on the main items which might be included in the Plan.
• Re-establish the Steering Group at the public meeting; with the first tasks to be to review progress to date, Terms of Reference and begin preparations to apply for funding from Locality in the amount of up to £10,000.
2021/32 Bin at Village Green
Members had been provided with a proposal to replace the current bin at the village green with a double bin to reduce overflowing. The Clerk reported that the cost of providing and installing the bin was £1,232 plus vat. The cost for emptying the bin had not yet been provided. Following debate, it was resolved to defer the item to the September meeting and the Clerk would endeavour to ascertain prices for collecting recycling.
2021/33 Trees adjacent to Playing Field
Members considered the location for the replacement of recently felled trees (information previously circulated) and agreed that the final arrangements would be delegated to Cllrs Ligo, Goode and the Clerk liaising with Cllr Wickham.
2021/34 Parish Council Website
Members noted reports previously received from Cllrs Rayward and Ridley and considered potential improvements to the parish website. Following debate, it was agreed that a working group should be established to work on this project and Cllrs Ridley, Kew, Cole and Rayward were appointed to the group. Cllr Jolly would attend time permitting and prepare information on Editorial and Communication policies for consideration at the September PC meeting.
2021/35 Councillor reports
Cllr Ridley – reported that there had been a change of legislation regarding website accessibility compliance and he had reviewed the website, identifying some small issues which needed to be attended to. The security of the website had also been reviewed and was of a good standard. The compliance issues would be attended to before the September deadline.
Cllr Ridley – reported that Lt Gen Lillywhite (founding member of the Emergency Planning Team) had given permission for him to let members know he was currently unwell. It was agreed to send the Council’s best wishes to Lt Gen Lillywhite. The Chair would write accordingly.
Cllr Lloyd – reported on the telephone kiosk, which had received some attention during the last clean-up day. The kiosk was used as a food exchange during the winter, but this had now ceased operation as lockdown had ended. Other uses would now be identified. A new front door was needed and a hard wood surround had been identified at a cost of £260. Cllr Lloyd was working on how this could be installed. Cllr Lloyd offered to act as Lead Member on the kiosk renovation project and this was agreed. Cllr Cole recommended that Cllr Lloyd liaise with Westbury Shed for assistance with the renovation work. It was noted that the telephone kiosk needed to be added to the Asset Register and a budget for long term maintenance be established.
Cllr Rayward – suggested requesting that a review into the B3098 cross road signage at the cross roads with Lower Road and Stradbrook be carried out by CATG. Cllr Rayward would re-circulate his report on this matter and Cllr Wickham would raise this with the Highways Engineer for the Area Board. Cllr Rayward referred to ash die back; reporting that there were some trees affected on WC land near his property. Cllr Rayward was advised to report this to Pat Whyte via the Clerk.
2021/36 Date of next meeting
Tuesday 14th September 2021 at 7.15 pm in the Jubilee Hall. It was noted that the Council would recess during August.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.30 pm.