
Parish Council Minutes July 2020

Parish Council Meeting Minutes Uploaded on March 8, 2023

Minutes of a virtual meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 14th July 2020 commencing at 7.00 pm.

Present: Cllr J Ligo (Chair), Cllr P Whittaker, Cllr F Forsyth, Cllr T Sims, Cllr T Goode, Cllr N Morris, Cllr S Ridley and Cllr M Bolt.

In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk), Mr K Davis (Chair, Jubilee Hall Management Committee), Wiltshire Councillor Suzanne Wickham, Mr M Manson (Chair, Bratton Recreation Ground Committee) and one member of the public.

Open Forum – None.

Village updates:
• Police report – PCSO Luke George had replaced PCSO Caroline Wright and had been in touch with the Council to advise that the police were unable to attend Zoom meetings however, a meeting would be arranged with PCSO George in the near future.

• Wiltshire Council and Westbury Area Board – Cllr Suzanne Wickham reported the following:
o Community support across Wiltshire during the COVID-19 pandemic had been tremendous and had been of great support to the Council. She expressed her thanks to Bratton for its efforts.
o Northacre Energy had issued a press release regarding plans to submit a planning application. She reported that Westbury Town Council was holding an emergency Q&A session, details of which had been circulated.
o The reported increase of COVID19 diagnosis of 300% in Wiltshire was reported to be correct but there had been no context given, the figures were reported to be an increase of 1 to 4.
o Cllr Wickham referred to the recent press headlines regarding the financial status of Wiltshire Council. She reported that £50 million had been spent on COVID19 related issues in order to support the community through the pandemic; with virtually no income which had resulted in a huge budgetary imbalance. She asked members to note that it was too early to calculate the final figures but that funding was expected from central government, although it was not clear at this stage how much that would be. An explanation of a s114 notice was given – whereby if the finance director decides that the Council is incapable of a balanced budget and has exhausted funding options a s114 notice can be issued. This requires the Council to meet within 21 days to produce a budget to meet spending requirements. She confirmed that the Council was not at immediate risk of bankruptcy.


2020/01 Apologies for Absence and to consider the reasons given – None.

2020/02 Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate – None.

2020/03 Minutes of Council Meetings
The minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on 10th March 2020 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Bolt).

2020/04 Committee, Clerks and Council representative reports
Standing Orders were suspended for the duration of agenda item 2020/04b in order to enable Mr Davis to provide a report.

a) The Chairman of the Bratton Recreation Ground Committee had circulated a report, which is appended to the minutes. Mr Manson summarised the report. He highlighted the fact that the Recreation Ground was being well used, which underlined the value of the facility to the community. The Chair stated that the Ground was in excellent condition. Cllr Morris tabled a vote of thanks to Mr Manson and the Rec Ground team, which was supported.

b) The Chairman of the Jubilee Hall Management Committee provided a report:
a. Income was down due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
b. The new floor had been laid and some decorating had been completed.
c. Advice on re-opening had been sought from ACRE and the hall would be opening from Monday 20th July 2020. A risk assessment had been carried out and mitigating measures applied. The hall would therefore be able to accommodate smaller groups.
d. The bar, kitchen and main toilets would remain closed.

c) The Clerk reported on the following:
a. Latest advice from NALC re: In Person Council meetings (previously circulated). The Clerk would ensure members were kept up to date with the latest information.
b. An update on actions from March meeting had been circulated to members and was noted.
c. Report on broken bench inside the bus shelter opposite the Jubilee Hall and options for repair – the Clerk reported that the bench was beyond repair and quotes would be sought for its replacement. The Clerk confirmed that the Women’s Institute would be contacted regarding the sign on the bench. It was noted that the purchase of a new bench would be dealt with under the adopted Scheme of Delegation.
d. A report on Ash die back had been previously circulated and was noted and discussed. The Chair asked members to draw residents’ attention to the advice contained in the report to raise awareness of the issue for local landowners.

2020/05 Planning applications, decisions and appeals
Northacre Renewable Energy (NRE) – proposed energy from waste facility, Westbury – members noted the previously circulated correspondence from NRE informing the Council of the plans to bring forward the proposals relating to this development; and agreed that a special meeting of the Council would be convened should an application be received outside of the normal meeting schedule.

To receive and consider planning applications received after the issue of the agenda (where the response time falls outside of the meeting schedule and an extension cannot be obtained) – None.

2020/06 Parish Council Accounts year ending 31st March 2020
a) The Annual Internal Audit Report from the Internal Auditor had been circulated to members; members reviewed its findings and the effectiveness of the system of internal control – all of which were approved and adopted (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Forsyth). The following responses/actions were agreed in response to the Internal Auditor’s report:
a. Missing invoices – comments noted.
b. Annual Council Meeting – the AGM would be renamed and the minutes signed at the next Ordinary meeting. The Council would consider holding the Annual Parish Meeting and the ACM on separate nights.
c. The method of recording the Open Forum would be adjusted to comply with GDPR regulations.
d. The correspondence agenda item would be removed as a standing item
e. Transparency Code requirements – the website provision would be reviewed. Cllr Ridley reported that he was currently undertaking an audit of the website in response to the transparency and accessibility regulations and it was agreed to use the outcome of this audit as a basis for moving forward.
f. Previous years internal audit – comments noted.
g. Community grants – a policy would be drafted for the September meeting.
h. Purchase of SID – the Clerk would investigate this with Edington Parish Council.

b) Members prepared and approved Section 1; parts 2 & 3 (Annual Governance Statement 2019/2020) of the AGAR (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Morris).

c) Members considered Section 2; parts 2 & 3 (Accounting Statements 2019/2020) of the AGAR.

d) Members approved Section 2; parts 2 & 3 (Accounting Statements 2019/2020) of the AGAR; signing and dating the statements accordingly (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Morris).
2020/07 Parish Noticeboards – Jubilee Hall
Members had been provided with a report from the Chair and considered the quotations for noticeboards and associated recommendation made therein. It was resolved to purchase one large replacement noticeboard for the four smaller boards currently in situ, which were now deteriorated beyond reasonable repair, at a cost of £1,200 ex vat (proposed Cllr Whittaker, seconded Cllr Forsyth).
Policy number 2020/07 / Statutory authority – LGA 1972 s 111 / Budgetary allocation – General Fund.

2020/08 Highway issues in the village
Members noted the below:
a) A copy of the application to Wiltshire Council for a 20 mph speed assessment for various roads in Bratton had been circulated to members and Cllr Forsyth confirmed that Kirsty Rose (WC) had confirmed receipt. There had been no progress due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Chair reported that he had received representations requesting that Castle Road be added to the list of roads to be assessed and it was agreed that this should be added and the application amended and resent to Wiltshire Council.

b) Cllr Forsyth provided a report on data which had been downloaded from the Speed Indicator Device; 85% of the vehicles entering the village were travelling at under 40mph; except for one week (which had been the quietest week for travel into the village). The numbers of vehicles entering the village had increased back to more normal levels since June. The data from the other two SID sites was now needed and the unit was due to be moved to the western end of the village this week. The Chair reported that three months’ work of data from each site would be collected from the SID and once analysed representations could be made to the police, if appropriate.

A minor accident on Lower Road was reported, which had been as a result of parked cars and the resulting narrowness of the road. Cllr Forsyth had taken photographs of the road which had been sent to Kirsty Rose, who would look into options. Cllr Goode reported that this was a historical issue, which had been reported to the police previously and had resulted in advisory notices being placed on the parked car.

c) Matters relating to the B3098 project – no updates.
2020/09 Parish Council play area and COVID-19 re-opening
a) The Clerk had circulated a Risk Assessment relating to the re-opening of the play area on the village green, which was approved and adopted with an amendment to remove the junior swing seat leaving the toddler swing seat in situ (proposed Cllr Forsyth, seconded Cllr Morris).

b) Members considered the mitigation measures highlighted in the RA, agreed these to be appropriate and resolved to proceed to re-open the play area as soon as practicable (proposed Cllr Goode, seconded Cllr Ridley).

2020/10 Councillor reports
Cllr Ligo – reported that the COVID-19 Emergency Planning Team remained in existence and continued to hold meetings. There had been very few requests for assistance in the village. The team would continue to meet to ensure that there was support in place in the event of a second spike of the coronavirus.

2020/11 Date of next meeting
Tuesday 8th September 2020.
Note – arrangements for the meeting would be agreed nearer the time and would be dependent on the latest advice from central government regarding in person Council meetings.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.15 pm.