
Parish Council Minutes January 2021

Parish Council Meeting Minutes Uploaded on March 8, 2023

Minutes of a virtual (Zoom) meeting of the Parish Council held on
Tuesday 12th January 2021 at 7.00 pm.

Present: Cllr Jeff Ligo (Chair), Cllr Tim Goode, Cllr Freddie Forsyth, Cllr Steve Ridley, Cllr Phil Whittaker and Cllr Terry Sims.

In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk), Wiltshire Councillor Suzanne Wickham, Mr Mike Manson (Chair, Bratton Recreation Ground Committee), Mr Ken Davis (Chair, Jubilee Hall Management Committee) and 1 member of the public.

Open Forum
Members of the public were invited to make representations to the Council on any matters relating to the work of the Council or to raise any issues of concern: None.

Village updates:
• Police report – PCSO Jamie Darvill – no report.
• Wiltshire Council and Westbury Area Board – Cllr Suzanne Wickham reported the following:
o That she had been contacted by a resident regarding increased traffic and mobile homes at Bonnie Park. She reported that she had contacted the Enforcement Officer and had received a reply that due to the covid situation such reports were not being investigated. Cllr Wickham would query this.
o She reported that she had been contacted by residents of Millditch regarding a current planning application expressing their concern over vehicular access from Stradbrook due to the narrowness and condition of the road. She had reported this to the case officer and visited the site to meet residents.
o That the Wiltshire Local Plan was out for a further consultation, although it was not due for adoption until 2023. The Council was running a series of dial ins to enable the public to find out more information. There was a specific dial in session for Westbury, which may be of interest to Bratton. There were two further dial ins for the rural areas and Cllr Wickham was endeavouring to find out more information as to the areas which were included and when West Wilts was due to be included. Relevant information would be sent to the Clerk. The Chair reported that this consultation would be the main focus of the March PC meeting and asked for relevant information to be published in the Bratton Parish News.
The Chair reported that Cllr Ridley had presented information to the Emergency Planning Group regarding the latest figures on the Covid pandemic. This presentation was re-run for members via screen sharing. Cllr Ridley confirmed that he would publish the links to the relevant official government website onto the Parish website and noted that the Government was asking local councils to assist in encouraging people to stay at home to stop the spread of the virus and avoid hospitals being overwhelmed.

Mr Manson reported that the local benefice had agreed to stop in-person church services, although the Church was still open for private prayer. An online service would be run at 10.00 am every Sunday.


2020/39 Apologies for Absence and to consider the reasons given
Cllr Bolt had sent apologies, indicating he may be late in joining the meeting.

2020/40 Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate
Cllr Goode declared an interest in the tree work applications for Emms Lane Farmhouse and 1 Spring Gardens as the contractor for the proposed works.
At this point Cllr Bolt joined the meeting.

2020/41 Election of Vice-Chair
Following the resignation of Cllr Nicky Morris members considered and agreed the election of a Vice-Chair for the remainder of the municipal year (members noted the position was required to enable exercise of delegated authorities which may be required as a result of the covid-19 pandemic). It was proposed by Cllr Ligo, seconded by Cllr Whitaker and resolved to elect Cllr Forsyth as Vice-Chair for the remainder of the municipal year.

2020/42 Minutes of Council Meetings
The minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on 10th November 2020 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr Whitaker, seconded Cllr Bolt).

2020/43  Committee, Clerks and Council representative reports
a) A report from the Chair of the Bratton Recreation Ground Committee had been circulated to members (together with the minutes of the October meeting) and is appended to the minutes. There were no questions. Cllr Ligo thanked those involved in looking after the Recreation Ground. Mr Manson reported that the Committee had not bid for any capital grant from the Council for 2021-2022 and that this was due to the business continuity grant of £10,000 received from Wiltshire Council. Mr Manson asked whether the annual £2,000 revenue grant would be made available to the Committee and the Chair reported that the PC would continue to support the Committee giving due regard to the available resources, noting that the Wiltshire Council grant was earmarked to support revenue operating costs.
b) Mr Davis, Chair of the Jubilee Hall Management Committee, reported the following:
a. The hall was closed for normal group use due to the current covid lockdown.
b. A booking had been taken for a one to one session.
c. Information had been provided to the Committee regarding grants which might be available to assist in the resulting loss of income. The Committee was pursuing this and would share the information with other relevant local groups.
c) The Clerk reported the following:
a. Work continued on obtaining proposals for the potential provision of a skate park. Receipt of information had been delayed due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Mr Manson provided information on the two previous considerations for the provision of skate park; which had been installed at the Recreation Ground on the second occasion, had never been used and was subsequently removed.
b. 40 mph speed limit – The Area Board had agreed to pay 75% of the cost of introducing the reduced speed limit (50 to 40) between the two villages providing Edington and Bratton share the remaining 25%. The Council previously had supported this initiative. Cllr Forsyth and Cllr Pollard from Edington had made representations to the Area Board that the 50% contribution originally demanded from the Parishes was too high and at its last meeting the Area Board increased its contribution to 75% of the total cost of introducing the changes. Edington PC agreed to contribute £364.75 (12 ½ %) and Council was asked to consider matching this allocation. This was approved (proposed Cllr Forsyth, seconded Cllr Ligo). Cllr Forsyth would make the necessary contact with Wiltshire Council.
d) Members had been provided with information from the Monday Gang regarding repairs to a path near St James’ Church and to the Church steps bridge (email correspondence previously circulated). The Chair reported on the request for £60 to repair the path and the required renovation to the bridge, costs of which were awaited. Standing orders were suspended in order to enable Mr Manson to speak to the agenda item. He confirmed that the Monday Gang would carry out the work required to the path and that it was unlikely any works would be carried out to the bridge before the next meeting; discussion on that item could therefore reasonably be deferred. At this point Standing Orders were re-instated. It was resolved to support the purchase of the scalpings for the path repair at a cost of £60 (proposed Cllr Ridley, seconded Cllr Goode). The Clerk would list the potential repair to the bridge to the March agenda.

2020/44 Planning applications and consultations

20/11237/TCA – Court Lane Farm 2 Court Lane Bratton BA13 4RE – T1 – Rowan tree – fell T2 – Silver Birch tree – reduce height by 3m & spread by 1.5m T3 – Oak tree – remove the lower branches over the garage roof and reduce one lateral branch over roof by 4m – Leave to Tree Officer.

20/11410/TCA – Emms Lane Farm House Emms Lane Bratton BA13 4SA – Row of Ash trees & one Beech tree – overall reduction of 30% – Leave to Tree Officer.

20/11411/TCA – 1 Spring Gardens Stradbrook Bratton BA13 4SD – Ash tree – overall reduction of 30% – Leave to Tree Officer.

20/10134/FUL – Land at Millditch Lane Rear of 21 Reeves Piece Bratton BA13 4TH – Demolition of existing storage shed and construction of single storey dwelling (members to note that the application relates to land at the rear of 21 Southay rather than Reeves Piece) – Cllr Bolt declared an interest in the application as a resident of Millditch and took no part in the debate or vote. Following discussion, it was resolved that the PC had no objection to the application however, it would ask the planning authority to do its best to ensure that access was only allowed from the top end of Millditch due to the issues with vehicular access to the proposed site.

To receive and consider planning applications received after the issue of the agenda (where the response time falls outside of the meeting schedule and an extension cannot be obtained).
20/11409/TCA – 12 Westbury Road, Bratton, BA13 4TE – 1 x Silver Birch tree – fell and 3 x Silver Birch trees – reduce by 30% – Cllr Goode declared an interest as the contractor involved in the planned works and took no part in the debate or vote. – Leave to Tree Officer.

2020/45 Financial Reports
Members had been provided with the below listed information:
a) Schedule of payments and receipts November and December 2020 – noted.
b) Bank reconciliation and Financial Position Statement as at 31st December 2020 – noted.
c) Budget report as at 31st December 2020 – noted.
d) Members received and noted the External Auditor’s Report financial year ending 31st March 2020 (previously circulated), noting that no matters had been raised and the Council had therefore achieved a clear audit.
e) Members approved the addition of Cllr Steve Ridley as a bank signatory for the PC’s accounts (following the resignation of Cllr Nicky Morris, who was to be removed as a bank signatory) (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Forsyth).
f) Members approved the use of delegated authority for the release of additional funds in support of a grant request from Bratton Pre-School (information previously circulated) (proposed Cllr Ridley, seconded Cllr Sims).

2020/46 Parish Council Budget and Precept 2021/22
a) Members adopted the PC’s budget for 2021/22 (previously circulated) and following discussion set the precept for 2021/22 at £39,720, representing a 7% increase and an additional £5.41 per annum for a Band D equivalent household, taking the Band D rate to £80.03 per annum (proposed Cllr Ridley, seconded Cllr Sims).
b) Members considered the allocation of reserves to a capital replacement programme for the village play equipment and resolved to allocate £2,000 for 2021-22 (proposed Cllr Forsyth, seconded Cllr Sims).

2020/47 Play Area
Members had been provided with a report on the low risk items identified in the annual inspection and agreed the following:
a) Replacement of signs to include ownership and contact details – members did not feel this was necessary given that ownership details were widely known and contact information was published at the Jubilee Hall.
b) Relocation of bin adj to picnic bench – relocation not felt necessary as the bin was not used for dog waste.
c) Treatment of corrosion on multiplay and swings – indicative costs were awaited.
d) Replacement of surfacing throughout play area – the Clerk would obtain quotations for the necessary infill.
e) Refurbishment/replacement/removal of gates into village green – it was agreed that the pedestrian gates would be removed as the self-closing mechanism could not be permanently repaired and the installation of new gates represented a significant cost. The vehicular gates would be left in situ.

2020/48 Councillor reports
Cllr Goode – reported on the recent road works carried out along Melbourne Street; the white line barrier between the traffic and pedestrians had been erased as a result and he requested that this be re-instated. Cllr Forsyth reported that he had previously liaised with Wiltshire Council and that major surfacing was planned through the village in 2021, with the white lining being re-done at that time. The Clerk was asked to raise this issue with Wiltshire Council to investigate a temporary solution, given that the part of the road in question was well used and had no footpath.
Cllr Goode suggested that the PC may like to formally thank Marion Grout as the outgoing Chair of the Bratton School Governors. This was agreed.
Cllr Whitaker – reported that further to the last meeting he had visited the Church Institute; major work was required to the roof and remedial works throughout. He was therefore able to confirm that the grant awarded by the PC had been very much needed.
Cllr Ligo – proposed a formal vote of thanks to Nicky Morris, thanking her for her contribution to the PC over her term of office. This was seconded and unanimously resolved.

2020/49 Date of next meeting
Tuesday 9th March 2021.
Proposed date for Annual Parish Meeting Tuesday 27 April 2021
Proposed date for Annual Council Meeting Thursday 13 May 2021
All arrangements will be subject to latest guidance on in person meetings in relation to the coronavirus pandemic.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.25 pm.