Minutes of extraordinary meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday 28th September 2023
commencing at 7.00 pm in the Jubilee Hall
Present: Cllr Keith Rayward (Chair), Cllr Phil Whittaker, Cllr Caroline MacDuff, Cllr Steve Lloyd, Cllr Eddie Cole and Cllr Cathy Elliott.
In attendance: Representatives from Planning Sphere and Ashford Homes and 120 members of the public.
The Chair welcomed the public to the meeting, and explained that meeting was a formal Parish Council meeting and would be minuted. He explained that there would be a 15 minute presentation about the development at land north of Westbury Road and west of Court Orchard from the Ashford Homes team, followed by a 45 minute question and answer session where members of the public could ask questions of the developers. He asked those speaking to preface their question with their name and interest in the development.
The Chair then introduced Chris Beaver from Planning Sphere and Tom Griffiths from Ashford Homes who presented information and background on planning application PL/2023/07170 – LAND NORTH OF WESTBURY ROAD AND WEST OF COURT ORCHARD, BRATTON, WILTSHIRE – Reserved Matters application for the erection of 31 No. dwellings and associated works pursuant to outline application PL/2021/05259.
Open Forum
Members of the public were invited to ask questions and make comments. A copy of the notes of the Open Forum is an appendix to the minutes.
At the end of the questions, the Chair thanked the public for attending and thanked Chris Beaver and Tom Griffiths for their attendance – at which point there was applause.
The Chair then called the Parish Council meeting to order.
2023/42 | Apologies for Absence and to consider the reasons given
Cllr Jeff Ligo had sent apologies, which were accepted. Cllr Jo Jolly had sent apologies due to a prior commitment, which were accepted.
2023/43 | Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate
Cllr Franklin declared an interest as a resident of Rosenheim Rise, adjacent to the development. It was agreed that Cllr Franklin could remain and participate in the meeting.
2023/44 | Planning applications
PL/2023/07170 – LAND NORTH OF WESTBURY ROAD AND WEST OF COURT ORCHARD, BRATTON, WILTSHIRE – Reserved Matters application for the erection of 31 No. dwellings and associated works pursuant to outline application PL/2021/05259.
The Chair advised BPC needed to submit its response to the Reserved Matters application by 3rd October 2023. It was agreed to proceed by reviewing the draft “strawman” document provided by the Chair.
The following comments were made with the Chair making notes to update the previously circulated document: · Revised wording was agreed for item 1 of the document. · Confirmation/clarification was required on who would own the maintenance management agreement, especially where this affects the ongoing integrity of the attenuation basins. · Members discussed the lack of a play area on the development. Cllr Elliot reminded the meeting that within the original proposal it stated the Village Green would be the play area for the site. · It was agreed to replace the Environmental section heading and have surface water drainage as the item within the BPC response to the Reserved Matters. · Pedestrian Links to the Village – Members agreed to request that it is made a condition for approval of the Reserved Matters planning application that BRAT24 from the edge of the development to where it joins Court Lane should be improved by the developer. · Cllr Lloyd advised on the cost of a defined crossing on Court Lane similar to that outside of the Jubilee Hall would be in the region of £9k. It was also suggested that road signage warning traffic of pedestrians should be installed as a further measure. · A comment on the design of properties (including the comment made in the open forum that Dutch Hip Gables should be used within the design of the properties to soften the appearance) would be included in the final document. · Cllr Cole suggested asking for a meeting with the Planning Officer responsible to discuss the appearance of the development. · Traffic/Gateways to the village were discussed, recognising the current proposed location of rumble strips into village which could cause nuisance to nearby residents. It was agreed that these would be better placed further along the road to reduce noise for residents. · Parking on the development was recognised as being inadequate and the meeting agreed to take forward suggestions to create more parking spaces along the eastern boundary. · Drainage – it was agreed to express concerns as to whether the proposed surface water drainage will be sufficient. · Transport – it was agreed to request the addition of a cycle way on BRAT25. · Members agreed to request that an area of land in the south western area of the site be fenced off for a recreation area; no play equipment would be required. · It was agreed to ask for clarification as to the ownership of the attenuation land once the development had been built out.
Following debate, it was proposed by Cllr Rayward, seconded by Cllr Cole and resolved to Object to the application on the grounds and comments as detailed above.
The Chair stated that he would redraft the BPC response to the Reserved Matters application and recirculate to members on 29th September 2023 for their comment and approval prior to submission and this was agreed.
Date of next meeting
Tuesday 14th November 2023.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.43 pm.