Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on
Tuesday 9th January 2024 at 7.15 pm in the Jubilee Hall.
Present: Cllr Keith Rayward (Chair), Cllr Jo Jolly, Cllr Phil Whittaker, Cllr Caroline MacDuff, Cllr Jeff Ligo, Cllr Steve Lloyd, Cllr Eddie Cole, Cllr Andrea Franklin and Cllr Cathy Elliott.
In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk), Wiltshire Councillor Suzanne Wickham and 3 members of the public.
Open Forum
Members of the public were invited to make representations to the Council on any matters relating to the work of the Council or to raise any issues of concern:
- A resident spoke to the Council in respect of the memorial bench for a former resident, on which a report had been circulated to members in readiness for the relevant agenda item. Cllr Elliott asked for the bench installation to be linked into the other planned installations and filling in of the surfacing. It was noted that Cllr Whittaker was liaising with volunteers for the work, which was expected to take around two hours. Members discussed the potential use of a concrete base, which it was felt may be a more future proofed material to use. It was confirmed that concrete paving slabs and stakes would be used, which would provide a secure fixing and also minimise the costs. It was further confirmed that no holes would need to be dug for the work. Cllrs Whittaker and Elliott would liaise in terms of the location for the bench prior to its installation. Members agreed to the planned works as outlined.
Village updates:
- Police report – PCSO Alice Moore – No report.
- Wiltshire Council and Westbury Area Board – Cllr Suzanne Wickham reported the following:
- Planning Applications:
- Capps Lane – Cllr Wickham had queried with the Case Officer as to whether materials would be coming in from off-site resulting in additional traffic movements. A response was awaited on this point.
- Holly Stables – Cllr Wickham updated members that the Case Officer had reverted to the resident requesting further work on site plans, which were not acceptable in the current format.
- Cllr Wickham reported on the announcement from Michael Gove pre-Christmas which had confirmed that LPA’s without a five year housing land supply would be able to use a four year housing land supply if there was either an up to date Local Plan or a Local Plan currently at a progressed stage of review. It was confirmed that the latter would apply to Wiltshire Council and that the Council had sought legal advice as to the interpretation of the announcement and its application to planning applications, and Wiltshire Councillors were awaiting their guidance. Cllr Wickham reported that the new policy would hopefully provide protection against speculative planning applications which were on greenfield sites and outside of settlement boundaries and that the announcement had been received extremely positively at Wiltshire Council. It was confirmed that the policy could potentially also be applied to applications with planning permission but where final sign offs, such as s106 agreements, had not been concluded.
- The next meeting of LHFIG was confirmed as 18th January 2024, with the next Area Board taking place on 15th February 2024 at the Laverton. It was noted that the Chief Constable had been invited to the latter meeting with her attendance not yet confirmed.
- Cllr Wickham reported that a resident had been in contact with both her and the local MP regarding the missing bus stop at Castle Road. It was noted that the Clerk would report on the current situation during the meeting. Cllr Wickham would pass contact details to the Chair so the resident could be given an update.
- Planning Applications:
2023/69 | Apologies for Absence and to consider the reasons given
None. |
2023/70 | Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate
2023/71 | Minutes of Council Meetings
a) The minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on 14th November 2023 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr Jolly, seconded Cllr Elliott). b) The minutes of meetings of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group held on 2nd November 2023 were adopted, having been approved for accuracy by the NPSG (proposed Cllr Cole, seconded Cllr MacDuff).
Committee and Council representative reports
Members received reports on the following:
a) Bratton Recreation Ground Committee – Mr Mike Manson had provided a report, which had been circulated to members and is appended to the minutes. Mr Manson drew attention to the following: a. Football pitches were traditionally very wet at this time of year and historically unplayable however, the condition was much improved as a result of the recent drainage works which had been carried out. b. The new cricket nets had been badly damaged during the recent storm and the Clerk had submitted an insurance claim which had been accepted by the insurer. Mr Manson expressed his gratitude to the Clerk and Mr Sharland for progressing this so quickly. The repair bill was noted to stand at £3,000; without the insurance cover, it was noted that this cost would have wiped out the BRG reserves. c. The Clerk was in the process of preparing the financial reports for the BRG up to December 2023; which would be considered at the Committee meeting scheduled for later in January. d. There had been further significant flooding along Trowbridge Road opposite the Rec Ground as a result of blocked drains. These had been flushed out by WC however, it was the Committee’s view that the blockage was due to tree roots growing into the drains. This has been reported to WC and the Committee would continue to press for the appropriate action to be taken. e. The BRGC was commended and thanked for the drainage work which had been undertaken.
b) Jubilee Hall Management Committee – Cllr Elliott provided a report as copied below. Mr Mark Fanning, Chair of the Committee, was not in attendance.
· Deficit of £2726.50 in 2023, that will be covered by the grant from the PC. A lot of long overdue maintenance accounted for some of this. We are rapidly using up the Covid grant from 2021.
· Bookings quiet over Christmas although hall was used Christmas and Boxing Day for a large family party. The December breakfast was very well attended.
· Drive in 2024 to raise money for improvements. Firstly £1000+ for repairing and restoring the windows as new sills are needed for 3 windows and some stone mullions replaced.
· Trialling coffee and cookies on Saturdays once a month from 20th January. Events for Village Halls week will be advertised in the February BPN. The day before 16th March, we are holding a “Back to School Bingo Disco” with a 2 course school dinner, bar, raffle and prizes. It would be great to have the PC support and you can dress up in the uniform of your choice. The AGM will be held 19th March and an open day on Saturday 23rd for hall users and small local businesses.
· We intend to apply again for a grant for solar panels as a government backed company VCS is providing funds for community enterprises including village halls. Information is via ACRES.
c) Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group – Mr Rob Drummond reported that the NPSG had held an event on 2nd December to consult on the allocation of sites for development in the NP and over 150 people had attended. The SG was meeting again on 11th January and would discuss the results of the consultation. It was noted that some of the comments were commercially sensitive and a in camera meeting with the PC would therefore be arranged in order to determine how to release the information. The Clerk and the Chair would liaise to identify some available dates.
d) LHFIG and Highways matters; including the metro count unit in Trowbridge Road– the Chair reported the following: a. The metro count unit on Trowbridge Road had now been removed and the results were awaited; it was noted that these would inform the decision as to whether the CSW should continue to use this location as a survey site. Cllr Cole reported that he would download the SID data in the near future. b. The Chair had chased the missing ‘slow’ signs to be painted on the road outside of Bratton House and on Castle Hill. The white line marking opposite Bury Lane has been painted . c. The Chair reported that the next LHFIG meeting will consider the funding for the previously requested school signs and there would be a general, initial discussion on the feasibility and costings of the proposed footpath to Fitzroy Farm. d. Members discussed the request for a blanket 20 mph limit through the village, noting the associated costs of £8,000 to which the PC would need to contribute 30%. The Chair suggested that, in view of the shortness of funds, the request be limited to Stradbrook and Imber Road (with the speed limit starting before the houses in Luccombe Terrace). Members discussed the suggestion, noting the difficulties with enforcement. Following debate, it was resolved that the PC would withdraw the application for completing the planned 20 mph speed limit on village side-roads and resubmit an application to extend the 30mph speed limit at Imber Road (proposed Cllr Lloyd, seconded Cllr Cole). The Chair confirmed that he would write to LHFIG accordingly.
e) Website Working Group – the Chair reported the following: a. A meeting was planned for early in 2024. An issue with email capacity had been attended to off line. b. There continued to be little input from community groups to the website and the next meeting would consider how the working group could be more proactive in this area. c. Cllr Jolly reported that she continued to post on Facebook, ensuring any items published on the website were also shared to social media. d. The Chair made reference to the NAS data storage system, to which he had uploaded papers relating to the PC meeting. Members agreed that this system was a useful tool and it was confirmed log in details had been circulated to members.
f) Village Green Committee – the Chair reported on the plans to form a Village Green Committee and members noted that the intention to do so had been agreed at the November PC meeting. Following debate, it was formally resolved to establish the Committee adopting the previously circulated Terms of Reference and appointing Cllrs Rayward, Cole and Elliott to the Committee (proposed Cllr Rayward, seconded Cllr Cole).
g) Castle Road bus shelter replacement – the Clerk reported that no response had been received from the driver’s insurance company, despite a number of chases. The Clerk had spoken to the Council’s insurers who had confirmed they would now take this claim on and progress it with the appropriate company on the Council’s behalf.
2023/73 | Parish Council Projects Updates and Reports
Members noted the brought forward list as previously agreed for circulation (copy previously circulated) and received updates on the below listed projects discussed at previous meetings:
a) Village Green Play Area; Cllr Elliott had provided a report which had been circulated to members and is copied below:
1. Some costings have been received from companies for some of the safety recommendations from the ROSPA report. Eddie’s view is that we can do most of these more cheaply ourselves. Requesting more information on some parts needed from companies.
2. Awaiting recommendation for installation of the seesaw – depth, concrete etc.
3. Installation of Lou’s bench. This needs to be coordinated with the seesaw if possible. The earth will be used to patch up the gaps around the hard surface of the play areas and concrete used for both.
4. Safety inspections: Proposal that Stuart will inspect monthly with a proper report. Weekly visual inspections done by Cathy, Eddie + volunteers tba following training by Stuart and using a tick list.
Further volunteers for play area inspections were sought and Cllr MacDuff offered her services. It was confirmed that training would be given. The PC then formally agreed to the proposals regarding the installation of the memorial bench as referred to during the Open Forum, having confirmed that members were satisfied with the installation method being used. It was further agreed that the bench would be added to the PC’s Asset Register post installation, subject to confirmation from the group organising the donation of the bench.
b) Pavilion on the Green roof – Cllr Whittaker reported that he had been monitoring the roof, which was showing a minimal movement of 6 mm only. Cllr Whittaker would make an immediate visit in the event of any snow given concerns over snow loading.
c) Street light over the telephone kiosk – Cllr Lloyd reported that the installation of a solar powered light had been discussed to light the path up to Tynings Lane; however, it had since been identified that there was a light above the telephone kiosk which had now been repaired by SSE and provided sufficient light to the path. Cllr Lloyd confirmed that, as a result, there was no requirement to further consider the installation of a solar powered light.
d) Provision of Christmas tree and lights for 2024 – Cllr Lloyd reported that he was disappointed with the proximity of the planning for Christmas to Christmas itself. He suggested that event planning for the tree, lights and a switch on event take place earlier in 2024. This was agreed and the Clerk would add Christmas to the agenda for the September meeting. Cllr Lloyd agreed to take on a supervisory role for Christmas event planning.
2023/74 | Planning applications
PL/2023/10741 – Capps Lane Farm, Capps Lane, Heywood, Westbury, Wiltshire, BA13 4NE – Proposed Agricultural Building for the Storage of Farm Manure Prior to Spreading on Farmland as Fertilizer – Comment – Members felt that there need to be a proper understanding of any traffic generation which might result from any grant of planning permission (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr MacDuff).
PL/2023/10263 – Folly Stables, Park Lane, Heywood, Westbury, BA13 4NB – Change of use of land from equestrian usage into dog walking paddocks with shelter and associated parking area – Comment – Members felt there was a significant risk of extra traffic generation which may travel via Bratton and asked for this to be noted and investigated by the Case Officer (proposed Cllr Cole, seconded Cllr MacDuff).
PL/2023/11134 – 15 Carpenters Lane, Bratton, BA13 4SS – Elm tree (blue circle): fell as it is currently damaging a fence leading to substation Ash tree (purple circle): fell as self-seeded and overcrowding other trees Apple trees x 8: annual maintenance pruning and remove damaged and diseased branches – Leave to Tree Officer (proposed Cllr Rayward, seconded Cllr Cole).
Members considered a planning application received after the issue of the agenda (where the response time fell outside of the meeting schedule and an extension cannot be obtained).
PL/2023/11193 – Old Mill Yard, Melbourne Street, Bratton, BA13 4RJ – T1 – Ash Tree in rear garden of the Old Mill, Tree is up against boundary wall. Signs of Ash Die back, Fell and remove while it is still safe to climb and dismantle –Leave to Tree Officer (proposed Cllr Rayward, seconded Cllr Lloyd).
2023/75 | Financial Reports (previously circulated)
Members noted the receipt of the below listed reports, which were duly adopted (proposed Cllr Whittaker, seconded Cllr Cole).
a) Schedule of payments and receipts December 2023. b) Bank reconciliation statements as at 31st December 2023. c) Consolidated Financial Position Statement as at 31st December 2023, including information on Earmarked Reserves and funds available for allocation. d) Budget Reports as at 31st December 2023. Cllr Lloyd queried the reporting of income for the Rec Ground and the Clerk confirmed that this was shown within the budget for the BRGC. Cllr Lloyd would contact the Clerk if he had any further queries.
Members further considered the below listed: e) The release of the annual grant in the amount of £135 to the PCC for the Monday Gang was approved (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Franklin). f) Members duly approved the adoption of the NALC/NJC pay scales for 2023/24 and the associated backpay (information previously circulated and introduced by the Chair) (proposed Cllr Rayward, seconded Cllr MacDuff).
2023/76 | Parish Council Budget/Precept 2024/2025 (papers previously circulated)
Members discussed the budget and precept, having regard to the workshop held in October and the subsequent discussion at the November PC meeting. Following debate, it was resolved to:
a) Set the Council’s budget for 2024/25 in the amount of £47,603 (proposed Cllr Rayward, seconded Cllr Cole). b) Set the Council’s precept for 2024/25 in the amount of £47,603 (proposed Cllr Elliott, seconded Cllr Cole). It was noted that this represented a Band D equivalent rate of £94.02 per annum; an increase of £12.39 and 15% on the current year. c) The Chair raised the issue of how the CIL funds associated with the development at site 321 could be allocated. It was confirmed that the Neighbourhood Plan would contain an aspirational section outlining projects for potential CIL funds. This would form part of the general consultation on the Neighbourhood Plan. It was therefore agreed to capture aspirations within the NP and consider projects as and when CIL funds are received.
2023/77 | Grounds contracts 2024/25
a) Members considered the appointment of the ground’s maintenance contractor for 2024/25 and a previously circulated report concerning the costs of the current contractor for the year ahead (contract proposed in the amount of £6,800 for grass cutting and call off contract) (previous minutes refer;). Following debate, it was resolved to extend the contract with Viridian into 2024/25 at an annual cost of £6,800 as outlined (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr MacDuff). Cllr Ligo was thanked for this work liaising with Viridian and for preparing the report.
b) Members considered the appointment of the play area inspector for 2024/25 (November minutes refer; contract being altered to a monthly inspection to include the trim trail at the Rec Ground at a total monthly cost of £50). It was resolved to appoint ASK Grounds Maintenance at an annual cost of £600 (proposed Cllr Cole, seconded Cllr Elliott).
2023/78 | Bus Shelter Roof
The Clerk reported that three further quotations had been sought for the required repairs to the bus shelter roof however, no responses had been received. It was therefore resolved that the quotation from PJW Developments in the amount of £685 plus vat be accepted (proposed Cllr Lloyd, seconded Cllr MacDuff).
2023/79 | Jubilee Hall
Members discussed the Parish Council’s relationship with the Jubilee Hall and considered approval for advance payment of hall hire fees. It was agreed to ask the JHMC to consider adjusting its policies for the PC, to enable hall hire to be paid post hire, rather than in advance. Cllr Elliott confirmed that this would be raised at the next JHMC meeting in February 2024.
2023/80 | Bratton Parish News
Members discussed the future and possible transfer for the responsibility for the production of the Bratton Parish News; including costings, having regard to a previously circulated report from the Chair. The Chair spoke to the report and, after debate, the following was resolved (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Franklin): 1. The BPC accepts the BPN review report, and thanks the BPN team for their thorough approach with their review. 2. The BPC agrees that ownership of the BPN should be transferred to the BPC. 3. The BPC requires the BPN team now develop a suitable ‘Terms of Reference’, and submit for agreement at a later BPC meeting. This should state the purpose of the BPN team, their objectives for the BPN, how editorial independence will be maintained, how donations to defray costs will be maximised and how they will go about developing the BPN going forward. The BPC representative will be Cllr Lloyd. 4. The BPC accepts that the Sharp photocopier is no longer required and that the contract with Sharp should not be renewed. 5. The BPC agrees that the budget currently funding the Sharp photocopier shall be allocated toward funding the outsourced printing of the BPN. (Agreed costs to cover 580 copies of 8-page monochrome over 11 months per annum. It is expected that the St James PCC will continue to contribute towards the cost of production, and donations from contributors will be sought.) The Chair then spoke to the final recommendation, which was so resolved (proposed Cllr Rayward, seconded Cllr MacDuff): 6. The BPC should consider providing in the Jubilee Hall office for BPC use a suitable all-in-one colour laser printer that can be used for printing, scanning and copying. Funding from the IT budget, at a cost of c£400 (incl VAT).
2023/81 | Photocopier Contract Renewal
Members discussed the renewal of the contract with Sharp for the PC photocopier and it was agreed that, in light of the decision taken under agenda item 2023/80, the contract with Sharp would not be renewed post contract end in February 2024.
2023/82 | Emergency Planning Working Group
The Chair reported on his proposal to establish an Emergency Planning working group and identified the first step as being to scope the issues; this proposal would be publicised in the BPN to seek volunteers for an emergency response team. Cllr Cole offered his services to the group, expressing the view that the group was a good idea. Cllr Lloyd referred to a previous iteration of such a group (historic) and would seek out the information relating to his. The Chair confirmed that his proposal was a statement of intent and would be a community project rather than a PC initiative.
2023/83 | Correspondence
None at time of issue. |
2023/84 | Bratton Parish News
Members agreed the below listed items for inclusion in the next edition of the BPN, noting that more detailed information on each would be provided: · Planning information · Speed limit Imber Road · Website community contributions · Castle Road bus shelter · Budget and Precept · Emergency Planning Working Group · Fly tipping (especially by the pre-school bins)
2023/85 | Parish Council Calendar
Members received and noted the calendar of parish council meetings and events (previously circulated). Members were reminded of the Wassail event scheduled for Saturday 13th January 2024 (November minutes refer).
Date of next meeting
Tuesday 12th March 2024.
Members also agreed the date and times for the May meetings as listed: Annual Council Meeting – Tuesday 14th May – 6.00 pm Annual Parish Meeting – Tuesday 14th May – 7.15 pm
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.37 pm.