Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 10th January 2023
at 7.15 pm in the Jubilee Hall.
Present: Cllr Keith Rayward (Chair), Cllr Jeff Ligo, Cllr Eddie Cole, Cllr Steve Lloyd, Cllr Jo Jolly, Cllr Cathy Elliott, Cllr Phil Whittaker and Cllr Andrea Franklin.
In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk), Wiltshire Councillor for Ethandune Suzanne Wickham, Mr Mike Manson (Chair, Recreation Ground Committee) and 5 members of the public.
Open Forum
Members of the public were invited to make representations to the Council on any matters relating to the work of the Council or to raise any issues of concern:
• A resident addressed the Council in respect of planning application PL/2022/08952 – Land at Millditch Lane – outlining his concerns and objections in relation to the application.
• A resident addressed the Council in respect of planning application PL/2022/08952 – Land at Millditch Lane – outlining his concerns and objections in relation to the application.
• The Chairman confirmed that the comments made would be taken into consideration at the appropriate point on the agenda and members would particularly note the concerns raised regarding the impact of the development on the hedgerow and the resulting safety concerns regarding the adjacent bank.
Village updates:
• Police report – PCSO Alice Moore was not present, being on day shift.
• CSW report – Georgina Dahl reported the following:
o The team currently had 6 volunteers, with one more starting in the spring.
o Sessions had continued over the winter, dependent on suitable weather conditions.
o The highest speed recorded by the team had been 45 mph travelling down The Bash.
o A Speed Enforcement Officer would be attending the parish regularly and a recent visit had resulted in the recording of 4 vehicles in excess of the speed limit within a 30-minute period; the drivers of the vehicles would be offered a speed awareness session if they met the criteria.
o The Trowbridge Road site was currently non-operational following the change in speed limit but would be back in use in March.
• Wiltshire Council and Westbury Area Board – Cllr Suzanne Wickham reported the following:
o The update from CSW had been excellent; attention was drawn to the recent Facebook posts on speeding which Cllr Wickham had shared through the Ethandune parishes.
o Cllr Wickham was aware of the issues relating to planning application PL/2022/08952 – Land at Millditch Lane had raised these with the Case Officer, calling the application into Wiltshire Council’s Planning Committee for determination.
o The Enforcement team at WC were continuing to deal with the unauthorised earthworks being carried out at Millditch (PL/2022/00366). A stop notice and enforcement notice had been issued. It was noted that the land was currently being advertised as for sale; although the estate agent had confirmed there was no current planning permission or application associated with the site.
o Potholes in Bury Lane had been patched; a full repair would be scheduled when the large equipment required could be booked in.
o Rights of Way officers had met the tenants regarding an obstruction on footpath 2829; the obstruction was due to be removed however, should it not be a 30-day notice would be issued and proceedings commenced thereafter, if necessary.
o Attention was drawn to the information from Wiltshire Council regarding the recharging of election costs. It was confirmed that this had been circulated to members.
o Cllr Wickham reported on the recent Community Governance Review process; the application to move land from Edington to Bratton had not been supported for progression and the application from Westbury Town Council to transfer the entire of Heywood Parish Council had been rejected with WC supporting Heywood Parish Council’s application to transfer some of Westbury parish to Heywood. There had been no mention of the proposal to move the White Horse from Bratton to Westbury and Cllr Wickham would obtain an update on this. It was confirmed that a further consultation would now be carried out and Cllr Wickham would confirm the details which would be included in this.
o Cllr Wickham would also obtain an update on outstanding planning matters relating to Magpie Retreat.
2022/67 Apologies for Absence and to consider the reasons given
2022/68 Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate
2022/69 Minutes of Council Meetings
The minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on 8th November 2022 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr Cole, seconded Cllr Jolly).
The minutes of a meeting of the Bratton Recreation Ground Committee held on 1st September 2022 and approved at a subsequent committee meeting held in November 2022 were adopted (proposed Cllr Lloyd, seconded Cllr Ligo).
2022/70 Parish Council Brought Forward List
Members received and noted the brought forward list as previously agreed for circulation (copy previously circulated). The Clerk confirmed that the contractors would revisit Castle Road to provide amended quotes for the replacement bus shelter. The Chairman confirmed that the PC had provided a Christmas Tree and thanked The Duke for its support in housing and erecting it. Mr Ridley was also thanked for his kind provision of lights for the tree.
Committee and Council representative reports
a) A report from the Chair of the Bratton Recreation Ground Committee had been circulated to members and is appended to the minutes. Mr Manson further spoke to the plans for the proposed extension of the pavilion and garage, the principle of the project was confirmed as having the support of the Parish Council as the landowner.
b) Cllr Elliott provided a report on the Jubilee Hall Management Committee:
a. The Committee was awaiting a quote from Wheelers to install zoning, timers and smart controls for the heating system.
b. The installation of solar panels had been considered although it seemed unlikely sufficient grants could be obtained to take this forward. Definitive advice as to any requirement for planning permission had also yet to be received from Wiltshire Council.
c. Users had requested that the WI-FI password be made available and the Committee was intending to add WiFi extenders for the stage-end of the Hall and the Green Room.
c) Cllr Cole provided a report on the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group, which is appended to the minutes.
d) The Chair provided an update on LHFIG and Highways matters, reporting that he had submitted the requests identified and agreed at the November PC meeting with the addition of Church Lane for a 20mph speed limit.
e) The Chair reported on a required review of the adopted Snow Plan, a copy of which had been circulated to members and it was agreed that he would liaise with Cllr Ligo to identify required amendments; a revised document would then be presented to the March PC meeting for adoption.
f) The Clerk reported that work was required to the paving stones at the north end of the Village green and that the Council’s maintenance contractor had been instructed to attend. The work would be completed within the existing parish maintenance budget provision.
2022/72 Parish Council Vacancy
Members considered the co-option of a Parish Councillor (Co-option Procedure circulated; November minutes refer) and it was noted that no further applications had been received. The Clerk would make contact with the resident who had previously expressed an interest and the co-option notice would be re-run in the next Bratton Parish News. An item to co-opt a new member would be listed for the March meeting.
2022/73 Planning applications
PL/2022/08952 – Land at Millditch Lane, behind 21 Reeves Place, Bratton – Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) on 20/10134/FUL to allow for design changes and the addition of a car port – Objection (copy of PC comment appended to the minutes).
PL/2022/09597 – Old Mill Yard, Melbourne St, Bratton – Prior approval under Class MA for change of use from Class E (commercial, business and services) to Class C3 (dwelling house) – No comment.
PL/2022/09809 – 26 Westbury Road, Bratton, BA13 4TD – T1 – Beech by Power line Pole – Crown Lift to above Power line (5m) T2 – Beech by Road – Crown lift up to first major limb (30cm dia) on field side (Approx. 8m) T3 – Apple – Fell – Leave to Tree Officer.
Members considered a planning applications received after the issue of the agenda (where the response time fell outside of the meeting schedule and an extension cannot be obtained).
PL/2023/00045 – 24 Westbury Road, Bratton, BA13 4TE – 1 x Sycamore remove due to dangerous union on boundary with neighbouring property (1) 1 x Ash to pollard 1 x Sycamore remove due to roots causing significant damage to garage (cracks in wall and floor) (3) 1 x Sycamore pollard (tree at end of drive and overhanging highway) (4) Pollard of 4 x Sycamore on bank above the Coombe. Land owners’ permission has been obtained to carry out the work. Trees are causing significant shading to the applicants’ property (5) – Leave to Tree Officer.
2022/74 Neighbourhood Plan for Bratton – Call for Sites
Members considered whether the Council wished to put forward the site at Pear Tree Orchard and, if so, whether to include or exclude the area currently used as allotments.
Following debate, it was resolved to include the field at Pear Tree Orchard for potential development of affordable housing and submit the appropriate form to the Call for Sites; it was further resolved to ensure that allotment provision continued at the site (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Cole). Cllr Cole would complete the necessary forms.
2022/75 Parish Website
Members considered a report from the Website Working Group regarding the potential migration of the parish website to a new provider (report previously circulated). Members congratulated the Chairman on his work on this project and the high quality of the report which had been circulated. Following debate, it was proposed by Cllr Ligo, seconded by Cllr Jolly and resolved to adopt the recommendation in the report and migrate the parish website to the WordPress system hosted by Netwise; together with purchasing a .gov domain name. The allocation of funds up to £2,000 would be made in support of this work. The Chairman would take this project forward with the support of the Website Working Group.
2022/76 War Memorial Renovation Works
Cllr Lloyd reported on the latest position regarding the planned renovation works and grant application, informing members that the War Memorial Trust had approved a grant in the amount of up to £650.00. Members thanked Cllr Lloyd for his work on this and for obtaining the grant. It was noted that any contractor undertaking the work would be required to meet the terms and conditions laid down by the War Memorial Trust. Cllr Lloyd reported that he would anticipate work commencing in the spring with the onset of the better weather. It was resolved that the Clerk, in conjunction with Cllr Lloyd, would be delegated to award the contract at the appropriate time (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Lloyd).
It was noted that the PC had allocated £1,500 towards the project; the Clerk would adjust this allocation given the confirmation of grant as referenced above.
2022/77 Village Green Play Equipment
Cllr Elliott gave a presentation on adventure trails for the village green and it was agreed to focus on the options submitted by Playdale and Proludic. A consultation event would now be arranged with the local school and pre-school. The Clerk confirmed that the budget for any refurbishment would stand at £10,000 as at 1st April 2023.
Attention was drawn to the rope bridge, which needed repair and the Clerk would consult with the PC’s play area inspector to identify options for this work.
2022/78 Parish Council Budget and Precept 2023-24
The Clerk had circulated a draft budget for 2023-24, which was discussed and adopted.
Following debate, it was resolved to set the precept for 2023-2024 £41,327; representing a Band D equivalent of £81.63 and an increase of £1.60 per annum (2%) (proposed Cllr Lloyd, seconded Cllr Whittaker).
2022/79 Correspondence
Dr Murrison MP – Response to PC’s letter regarding the Five Year Housing Land Supply (copy previously circulated) – the Clerk reported that a further letter had been received that day and this would be circulated before a response was considered.
2022/80 Bratton Parish News
It was agreed to include the following items in the next edition of the BPN:
• Planning
• Budget and precept
• Co-option notice
• Update on the Neighbourhood Plan and the Call for Sites
2022/81 Parish Council Calendar
Members noted the calendar of parish council meetings and events (previously circulated), which was agreed to be useful. It was agreed to include information on Bratton Week and the supporting planning meetings together with the dates of any known village or church fetes. Cllr Cole noted that it had been agreed that alternate meetings of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group would be held virtually and the Clerk would amend the calendar accordingly.
2022/82 Date of next meeting
Tuesday 14th March 2023 at 7.15 pm in the Jubilee Hall.
The Clerk would ensure that a call for agenda items was sent out prior to the agenda being set.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.15 pm.