
Parish Council Agenda June 2022

Parish Council Meeting Agendas Uploaded on March 13, 2023

To: All Members of Bratton Parish Council

You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Parish Council to be held on Tuesday 14th June 2022 commencing at 7.15 pm in the Jubilee Hall for the transaction of the business shown on the agenda below.

Nicola J Duke – Parish Clerk
8th June 2022

Open Forum
The Chair of the Parish Council will invite members of the public to present their questions, comments and petitions submitted under the Council’s Public Participation Procedure at the start of the meeting. Please note that the Clerk will record the names of those wishing to address the Council together with the subject matter prior to the start of the meeting and each speaker will be permitted 3 minutes in which to address members.

Village updates:
• Police report – PCSO Alice Moore
• Wiltshire Council and Westbury Area Board – Cllr Suzanne Wickham


2022/12 Apologies for Absence and to consider the reasons given
Council to receive apologies for absence and, if appropriate, to resolve to approve the reasons given. LGA 1972 s85(1).

2022/13 Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate
a) To receive declarations of interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1972 in respect of officers and the Localism Act 2011 in respect of members.
b) To receive any dispensation requests received by the Parish Clerk and not previously considered.

2022/14 Minutes of Council Meetings
To confirm and sign as a correct record the minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on 8th March 2022 and the Annual Council Meeting held on 10th May 2022 (copies attached).

2022/15 Parish Council Vacancies
To receive confirmation from Wiltshire Council as to whether an election has been called and, if not, to consider co-option.

Committee, Clerks and Council representative reports
a) To receive a report from the Chair of the Bratton Recreation Ground Committee
b) To receive a report from the Chair of the Jubilee Hall Management Committee.
c) To receive a report from Cllr Rayward on CATG meetings and projects
d) To receive a report from Cllr Cole on the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group
e) To receive a report from Cllr Rayward on the evolution of the parish website
2022/17 Planning applications and consultations

PL/2022/03571 – ROE DEER FARM, LOWER WESTBURY ROAD, BRATTON, WESTBURY, BA13 4RH – Erection of a 12m x 5m single-storey extension to the south side of the existing utility block (Day Room) and erection of a 3m x 4m conservatory to the front north-west side of the existing utility block (Day Room).

To receive and consider planning applications received after the issue of the agenda (where the response time falls outside of the meeting schedule and an extension cannot be obtained).

2022/18 Parish Council Accounts year ending 31st March 2022
a) To receive and consider the Internal Audit Report, review its findings and the effectiveness of the system of Internal Control.
b) To prepare and approve Section 1: parts 2 and 3 (Annual Governance Statement 2021/22) of the AGAR.
c) To consider Section 2; parts 2 and 3 (Accounting Statements 2021/22) of the AGAR.
d) To approve, sign and date Section 2; parts 2 and 3 (Accounting Statements 2021/22).
e) To set the dates for the period of public inspection (proposed copy attached).

2022/19 Allotments
To receive a report from Cllr Ligo regarding the future management of the allotments and consider the recommendations contained therein (report attached).

2022/20 Grant Applications
To receive and consider the below listed grant applications (information attached):
a) Cygnets Pre-School – enhancement of outdoor area
b) Jubilee Players – upgrade to microphone system
2022/21 Communications Policy
To consider a draft Communications Policy prepared by Cllr Jolly (copy attached)
2022/22 Repairs to a path near St James’ Churchyard and to the church steps bridge
To consider authorising expenditure in the amount of £137.23 to meet the costs associated with the above repairs (January minutes refer).

2022/23 Councillor reports
To receive any available reports and updates from members including:
a) Cllr Cole re: future use of the telephone kiosk, Melbourne Street
b) Cllr Ligo re: Jubilee celebration events June 2022; including authorisation of associated expenditure.

2022/24 Correspondence
None at time of issue.

2022/25 Date of next meeting
Tuesday 12th July 2022 at 7.15 pm in the Jubilee Hall.