To: All Members of Bratton Parish Council
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Parish Council to be held on Tuesday 13th July 2021 commencing at 7.15 pm in the Jubilee Hall for the transaction of the business shown on the agenda below.
Nicola J Duke – Parish Clerk
6th July 2021
Open Forum
The Chair of the Parish Council will invite members of the public to present their questions, comments and petitions submitted under the Council’s Public Participation Procedure at the start of the meeting. Please note that the Clerk will record the names of those wishing to address the Council together with the subject matter prior to the start of the meeting and each speaker will be permitted 3 minutes in which to address members.
Village updates:
• Police report – PCSO Alice Moore
• Wiltshire Council and Westbury Area Board – Cllr Suzanne Wickham
2021/23 Apologies for Absence and to consider the reasons given
Council to receive apologies for absence and, if appropriate, to resolve to approve the reasons given. LGA 1972 s85(1).
2021/24 Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate
a) To receive declarations of interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1972 in respect of officers and the Localism Act 2011 in respect of members.
b) To receive any dispensation requests received by the Parish Clerk and not previously considered.
2021/25 Minutes of Council Meetings
To confirm and sign as a correct record the minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on 8th June 2021 (copy attached).
2021/26 Co-option of a Parish Councillor
Further to the Ordinary Elections in May 2021 and the PC’s resolution to fill the vacant seat via co-option, to consider the appointment of a Parish Councillor.
Committee, Clerks and Council representative reports
a) To receive a report from the Chair of the Bratton Recreation Ground Committee.
b) To receive a report from the Chair of the Jubilee Hall Management Committee.
c) To receive any updates from the Clerk including:
a. Information on membership of the Parish Online mapping system (information on which can be viewed at
b. Update on plans to consider the installation of a skatepark and carry out necessary refurbishment to play equipment at the village green.
2021/28 Planning applications and consultations
PL/2021/06176 – 8 ROSENHEIM RISE, BRATTON, WESTBURY, BA13 4SU – T1 – Laburnum tree – reduce all round by 2m-3m
PL/2021/05259 – Land north of Westbury Road and east of Court Orchard, Bratton, Wiltshire – Erection of 35 No. dwellings and associated works
PL/2021/06115 – EMMS LANE FARM HOUSE, EMMS LANE, BRATTON, WESTBURY, BA13 4SA – Request for work to trees due to letter being received from Wiltshire Highways department. Wiltshire highways have requested the removal of 6 x ash trees showing signs of ash die back. Trees are adjacent to Stradbrook, Bratton and are on land owned by the applicant. Wiltshire Highways also request removal of low branches from An elm tree and a coppice Hazel. Branches are also overhanging Stradbrook. Branches are at a level that may interfere with traffic using the highway.
21/00504/FUL – Rose Cottage and Priory House Stradbrook Bratton BA13 4SE – Alteration to planning permission 16/04229/FUL. Addition of window into Rose Cottage. Alterations to previously approved dwelling (Priory House) to add velux windows to front of building and to increase height of garden wall onto Stradbrook.
To receive and consider planning applications received after the issue of the agenda (where the response time falls outside of the meeting schedule and an extension cannot be obtained).
Westbury Incinerator Planning Application – to receive and consider a request for call in of the application to the Secretary of State (information attached).
2021/29 Financial Matters (reports attached)
a) To receive a schedule of payments and receipts April – May 2021
b) To receive the bank reconciliation and Financial Position Statement as at 31st May 2021
c) To receive the budget report as at 31st May 2021
d) To note the receipt of £5,679.14 Community Infrastructure Levy relating to development at Oxford House and agree an allocation for the funds.
e) To receive and consider a funding request from Wiltshire Citizens Advice (copy attached)
2021/30 Memorandum of Understanding on Environment and Sustainability
To receive an update on the issue of letters to neighbouring Parish Councils.
2021/31 Neighbourhood Plan for Bratton
To receive report on the virtual meeting held with Wiltshire Council.
2021/32 Bin at Village Green
To receive a proposal to replace the current bin at the village green with a double bin to reduce overflowing (information attached) – Parish Clerk to report on associated costs
2021/33 Trees adjacent to Playing Field
To agree the location for the replacement of recently felled trees (information attached)
2021/34 Parish Council Website
To receive a report from Cllr Rayward (attached) and consider potential improvements to the parish website
2021/35 Councillor reports
To raise any matters not appearing elsewhere on the agenda – for information only.
2021/36 Date of next meeting
Tuesday 14th September 2021 at 7.15 pm in the Jubilee Hall.