
Parish Council Agenda 14th November 2023

Parish Council Meeting Agendas Uploaded on November 8, 2023

To: All Members of Bratton Parish Council

You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Parish Council to be held on Tuesday 14th November 2023 commencing at 7.15 pm in the Jubilee Hall for the transaction of the business shown on the agenda below.

Nicola J Duke – Parish Clerk

8th November 2023

Open Forum

The Chair of the Parish Council will invite members of the public to present their questions, comments and petitions submitted under the Council’s Public Participation Procedure at the start of the meeting. Please note that the Clerk will record the names of those wishing to address the Council together with the subject matter prior to the start of the meeting and each speaker will be permitted 3 minutes in which to address members.


Village updates:

  • Police report – PCSO Alice Moore
  • Wiltshire Council and Westbury Area Board – Cllr Suzanne Wickham




2023/46 Apologies for Absence and to consider the reasons given

Council to receive apologies for absence and, if appropriate, to resolve to approve the reasons given. LGA 1972 s85(1).


2023/47 Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate

a)         To receive declarations of interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1972 in respect of officers and the Localism Act 2011 in respect of members.

b)        To receive any dispensation requests received by the Parish Clerk and not previously considered.


2023/48 Minutes of Council Meetings

a)     To confirm and sign as a correct record the minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on 12th September 2023 (copy attached).

b)    To confirm and sign as a correct record the minutes of an extraordinary meeting of the Parish Council held on 28th September 2023 (copy attached).

c)     To adopt the minutes of meetings of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group held on 7th September and 5th October 2023 (copies attached).

d)    To adopt the minutes of a meeting of the Bratton Recreation Ground Committee held on 26th September 2023 (copy attached).

e)    To adopt the minutes of a meeting of the Staffing Committee held on 2nd November 2023 and address the recommendation contained therein that, in order to comply with the Terms of Reference, a fourth member is to be elected to the Committee (copy attached).





Committee and Council representative reports

To receive the reports on the following:

a)       Bratton Recreation Ground Committee – Mr Mike Manson – including consideration of a recommendation from the Committee regarding the playing of golf at the Ground (September minutes refer)

b)      Jubilee Hall Management Committee – Mr Mark Fanning

c)       Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group – Rob Drummond

d)      LHFIG and Highways matters – Chair; to include a discussion on parking in Stradbrook – Cllr Jolly to report


2023/50 Parish Council Projects Updates and Reports

To receive and note the brought forward list as previously agreed for circulation (copy attached) and receive updates on the below listed projects discussed at previous meetings:

a)       Telephone Kiosk – Cllr Lloyd

b)      War Memorial – Cllr Lloyd

c)       Village Green Play Area – Cllr Elliott; members are also asked to consider the donation of a see-saw and swing seat (information on both previously circulated)

d)      Safety floodlight – West of Jubilee Hall– Cllr Lloyd

e)      Parish Council Facebook page – Cllr Jolly


2023/51 Planning applications


PL/2023/09221 – 18 Westbury Road, Bratton BA13 4TE – T1 – Sycamore tree – prune back to the previous points by removing 2-3m from height and laterals


PL/2023/07170 – Land north of Westbury Road and west of Court Orchard, Bratton, Wiltshire – Reserved Matters application for the erection of 31 No. dwellings and associated works pursuant to outline application PL/2021/05259 (amended plans).


PL/2023/09535 – The Pigeon Hole, Emms Lane, Bratton, Wiltshire, BA13 4SA – 3 x Conifer trees – reduce to existing hedge height


To receive and consider planning applications received after the issue of the agenda (where the response time falls outside of the meeting schedule and an extension cannot be obtained).



Wiltshire Council – Local Plan

To agree the Council’s response to the Local Plan consultation (deadline for comment 22nd November 2023; previous minutes refer)


2023/52 Financial Reports (reports attached)

a)     To receive a schedule of payments and receipts October 2023

b)    To receive the bank reconciliation statements as at 31st October 2023

c)     To receive the Consolidated Financial Position Statement as at 31st October 2023, including information on Earmarked Reserves and funds available for allocation

d)    To receive the Budget Reports as at 31st October 2023


2023/53 Parish Council Accounts Year Ending 31st March 2023

To receive a progress report against the Internal Audit Report 2022/2023 (attached)

2023/54 Parish Council Budget/Precept 2024/2025 (papers attached)

To receive a referral from the informal Budget Setting Workshop, consider the draft budget and discuss:

a)   A recommendation from the Staffing Committee regarding the Clerks hours and

b)  A report from the Clerk on the tender process for the ground’s maintenance contract

Following which members are asked to agree a final draft budget to be sent to the January PC meeting for final decision and precept setting.


2023/55 Pavilion on the Green

To receive the structural survey report recently carried out on the roof at the Pavilion and agree actions required (copy attached)


2023/56 Play Area Inspections

To note that Cllrs Rayward, Cole and Elliott will meet with the Clerk to discuss the regime and process for play area inspections on 14th November 2023 and to receive a report from that meeting, including:


a)     The outcomes of the annual play area inspection

b)    Tender documents for the weekly play area inspections 2024/25

c)     Report on agreed process for the management of the play area inspections and the resulting actions required from them


2023/57 Preparation for Winter – Salt spreader purchase proposal

To consider a report from the Chair on the purchase of a salt spreader (previously circulated) and consider for allocation the required sum of £250.


2023/58 Christmastide Preparation

To consider a report from the Chair on the purchase of a Christmas Tree for the village (previously circulated) and consider the allocation of appropriate funds to meet the costs of so doing (Clerk obtaining indicative quotes, will report to meeting – members are asked to note that the PC Budget contains an allocation of £250 for the Christmas event)


2023/59 Website Working Group

To consider a report from the Chair on updates from the working group (previously circulated) and the recommendations contained therein.


2023/60 Footpath to Fitzroy Farm

To consider a report from the Chair (previously circulated) and consider approving the submission of the associated Highway Improvement Form to LHFIG.


2023/61 Naming of footpaths

To consider a report from the Chair (previously circulated) and consider:

a)   Approving the names proposed for the parish footpaths and for Gale’s Ground

b)  Approving the expenditure of the funds assigned for signage for the provision of appropriate new signs for these paths (members to note the PC Budget currently includes the sum of £647.72)


2023/62 Agreement to NDP Parish Green Space Designations

To consider a report from the Chair (previously circulated) and the recommendation contained therein that the Parish Council accepts the NDP proposal for the designation of BPC owned sites.


2023/63 Bus Shelter Roof

To receive a report from Cllr Lloyd on required repairs to the bus shelter roof, consider a quotation received and receive a report from the Clerk on other quotations sought.


2023/64 Community Orchard – Wassail event

To consider a proposal to stage a Wassail in the Community Orchard (information previously circulated) and address the associated request for funding.


2023/65 Correspondence

None at time of issue.

2023/66 Bratton Parish News

To agree any items for inclusion in the next edition of the BPN (to include planning information)


2023/67 Parish Council Calendar

To receive and note the calendar of parish council meetings and events (attached).



Date of next meeting

Tuesday 9th January 2024.