
NPSG Minutes October 2024

NDP - Current Minutes Uploaded on November 6, 2024

Minutes of the meeting held to discuss the Neighbourhood Plan for Bratton on

Thursday 17th October 2024 commencing at 7.15pm


Present:  Rob Drummond (Chair), Peter Thomas, Karen Lewis-Jones, Cllr Keith Rayward, Rupert Lyon, James Linehan, and Sian Morgan

 Katie Lea from Place Studio was also present from 7.30 to for item section 221



217 Apologies for Absence

Cllr Eddie Cole

Cllr Caroline MacDuff

Mike Manson

218 Minutes of previous meeting

·         There was one minor correction required with reference to the action on views which should have been for PT. Otherwise the minutes were a true reflection of the meeting

o   Proposed: Peter Thomas

o   Seconded: Sian Morgan

219 Administrative Matters ( KW)

KR reminded all that they should only use personal email addresses when corresponding on Planning matters.

220  Actions arising from previous meetings

To provide an update on actions arising

·         KR confirmed that all PG Members had signed the data protection form

·         KR confirmed that a meeting with WC has been scheduled for 29 Oct that he and PT would attend

·         PT has followed up with Place Studios who will write responses into the Consultation Statement.

·         SM updated the SG on Locally Valued non-Designated Heritage Assets – the owners of 1 and 2 Cleeve Terrace and Luccombe Mill Pond had requested removal from the Plan. The SG reviewed the evidence presented and agreed that they should be removed. A decision is still to be made on the Police House. SM/PT to draft letters which the Parish Clerk will be instructed to send in due course for any asset which was requested to be removed.

·         PT was due to meet with one landowner immediately following this meeting who had raised objections about one of the sites put forward as a Green Space. Outcome to follow.

·         All Policy owners had completed their comments on the worksheets on the NAS drive.

·         RD sent out detailed instructions to Policy owners as requested.

221 Next Steps

To discuss the next steps in order to deliver the Submission Version to Wiltshire Council by mid November

·         Wording around achieving the 20% Biodiversity to be revised to reflect our aspirations – Place Studio

·         Clarification on Bath and Bradford upon Avon SAC to be discussed with WC – Place Studio

·         LGS (BNP12) – wording needs to be consistent for Millditch Allottments and Gales Ground – KR/JL

·         KR to send Place Studio the list of local spaces in BNP12

·         New Policy BNP17 required to stress the value of trees in Bratton – a number of residents had raised this at Reg 14 – words to be refined by Place Studio.

·         New aspiration section (KR)– discuss with WC around the WC comments for future iteration of the Plan.

·         Basic Condition Statement to be drafted by Place Studio – it doesn’t need to go before PC but it will need to be submitted to WC for Regulation 15 as part of submission.

·         45 LVNDHA forms have been complete by SM. To be reviewed by PT, KLJ and  Place Studio prior to being finalised.

·         View of Luccombe Mill from the footpath to be removed from the submission:

o   Proposed: KL-J

o   Seconded: RL

o   Motion: Carried


222 Date of next meeting

Date of the next meeting: 7th November 2024 – 7:15pm in the Oratory Room, Church Institute


There being no further business the meeting closed 8:59pm