
NPSG Minutes February 2023

NDP - Current Minutes Uploaded on April 24, 2023

Notes of a meeting held to discuss the Neighbourhood Plan for Bratton on

Thursday 2nd February 2023 at 7.15 pm in the Oratory Room, Church Institute.


Present: Cllr E Cole (Chair), Cllr K Rayward, Cllr J Ligo, R Drummond, S Morgan.

In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk) and 7 members of the public.





61 Apologies for Absence

Cllr A Franklin

T Hasking


62 Minutes of Meeting

The minutes of the December NPSG meeting and refer to the Parish Council were approved for accuracy and referred to the PC for adoption.


63 Special Views/Green Spaces/Call for Sites

The Chairman reported that the Call for Sites process had now concluded and a map indicating the 6 sites submitted was tabled.  He reported that a number of submissions for the Special Views and Local Green Spaces had also been received and that these would be reviewed by the Planning Consultants. It was clarified that the suitability of any of the sites submitted for potential development would be assessed externally and independently from the Steering Group via AECOM.


There was a general discussion with members of the public regarding how the sites submissions had been sought and submitted. It was confirmed that the Call for Sites exercise had been run by the Steering Group with support from the Planning Consultants and was an integral and legally required part of the process for Neighbourhood Plan development.  It was further confirmed that any sites which were assessed as potentially suitable for development would be subject to a further round of public consultation.


The landowner for one of the sites off Castle Road provided some clarity on land ownership and access rights.


There was also a discussion relating to the Parish Council’s submission of Pear Tree Orchard as a potential site, with some members of the public expressing concern at such infill development.  The Chair confirmed that such concerns could be submitted as part of the further consultation on development sites if, indeed, the site was assessed as suitable.  Mr R Gale spoke to the SG regarding the purchase and donation of the land from his father requesting that the public benefit element of that transfer should be considered.  Cllr Ligo reported that the PC were in possession of the necessary legal documents pertaining to the land and clarified the sale history of the land.


64 NPPF Consultation

Members considered a NPSG response to the NPPF consultation (information previously circulated) and it was agreed that the Steering Group supported the revisions contained in the NPPF and would submit a statement of support accordingly, with a copy to the Parish Council for its information.


65 Bratton Week 2023

Members considered a Neighbourhood Plan event for Bratton Week (28th June 2023) and it was agreed that the nature and content of any such event should be determined nearer the time once the timetable of the AECOM assessment of the sites was known.  It was agreed to establish this as a standing agenda item in the meantime.


66 Evidence Gathering

Members considered an evidence gathering visit by Place Studio and it was agreed to endeavour to arrange this prior to the end of the current financial year.  The Chair would liaise with Place Studio to identify potential dates.


67 Next Steps

a) Members considered the next steps for drafting the Neighbourhood Plan and agreed that they would use the online structure provided by Place Studio as a template to enable sections of the Plan to be drafted.  It was agreed that Cllr Cole, Cllr Rayward, Cllr Ligo and Sian Morgan (with assistance from Rob Drummond, who would be away on holiday) would liaise to begin drafting the Plan.  The Chair would circulate some dates for the members to meet.


b) Members considered the next steps for technical support and it was agreed that the Chair would forward to AECOM the number of sites which had been submitted, which would enable the funding application to be completed.


68 Bratton Parish News

Members discussed preparing an update for inclusion in the Bratton Parish News and agreed that Sian Morgan would prepare an entry, which could be discussed by the group referenced in minute 67a) above.  Sian Morgan would also arrange for the Call for Sites posters to be taken down and let other members know if she required any assistance in so doing.


69 Date of next meeting

Thursday 2nd March 2023 at 7.15 pm via Zoom.



There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.45 pm.