
NPSG Minutes December 2024

NDP - Current Minutes Uploaded on January 13, 2025

Minutes of a meeting held to discuss the Neighbourhood Plan for Bratton held on Thursday 7th November 2024 at 7.15pm at the Oratory Room, Bratton Church Institute.


Present:  Rob Drummond (Chair), Peter Thomas, Karen Lewis-Jones, Cllr Keith Rayward, Cllr Eddie Cole, James Linehan and Sian Morgan.





229 Apologies for Absence

Cllr Caroline MacDuff, Mike Manson

230 Minutes of previous meeting

The minutes of a previous meeting of the SG held on 7th November, 2024 were approved for accuracy and referred to the Parish Council for adoption (proposed James Linehan, seconded Cllr Eddie Thomas).


231 Update on Neighbourhood Plan

On 12th November, the Parish Council pronounced itself happy that the Neighbourhood Plan (NP) should go to Regulation 15. The minutes from the PC will be sent to Wiltshire Council (WC) as evidence that the NP has been adopted.

The final version of the NP was submitted to WC on Thursday, 13th November.

KR had an urgent meeting with WC prior to the NP being put to Regulation 16.

Regulation 16 will begin on 12th December.

WC has mandated that 5 posters (provided by them) be put up around the village and photographed as evidence Parish compliance. KR to give posters to KL who will put them up.

SM noted that the LVDHA responses need to be sent those in the Parish who raised concerns. KR to draft a letter to 1 & 2 Cleve Terrace and to the Old Police House.  The letter will be sent via the Parish Clerk.

SM further noted that the LVDNA must now be registered with HER.

JL wondered whether there was any such regulation pertaining to Green Spaces. PT/RD to ask Aiden Clarke.


A formal statement from WC is now on the Parish website which gives details of how to view the NP and how to make comments.

There are no immediate further ‘next steps’ since the NP is now entirely in the hands of WC although it is anticipated that there will be a need for further publicity before the NP goes to the referendum.

Peter Thomas informed the meeting that a developer had asked how their comments had been incorporated into the NP. It was agreed that KR would prepare a standard response to requests like this that would direct people to the NAS and the WC consultation.

It was noted that the ambitious target for the NP to be ready for the referendum in time to coincide with the local elections may well not be met for reasons beyond our control.

EC observed that it will be necessary to ‘re-arrange’ the Parish website in anticipation of the NP being made.

It was noted that all the evidence used in the NP must be preserved and available on the Parish website.

KR to write a draft introduction in preparation for the updated web pages.


232 Date of next meeting



There being no further business the meeting was closed at 19.56 pm.