Minutes of a meeting held to discuss the Neighbourhood Plan for Bratton on
Thursday 30th March 2023 in the Bratton Church Institute at 7.15pm.
Present: Cllr Eddie Cole (Chair), Cllr Keith Rayward, Cllr Jeff Ligo, James Linehan, Rob Drummond and Sian Morgan.
76 | Apologies for Absence
77 | Minutes of Meeting
The minutes of the 2nd March NPSG meeting were approved for accuracy and would be referred to the Parish Council for adoption.
78 | Evidence Day and AECOM assessment call
The Chair updated the Group on the position. He would shortly be having a conference call with AECOM and Place Studio. It was expected that an overview report on all the sites would be available for the Bratton Week consultation event on 28th June. AECOM would be visiting each site and the Chair would let the Group know when. It would be useful if someone would accompany the Chair when this visit was fixed.
79 | Communication Plan
The Chair, Sian and Keith would work together with Place Studio to ensure that at the consultation day on 28th June there was great awareness in the Village of the event. In particular an article would be prepared for inclusion in the May edition of the Bratton Parish News and a short presentation prepared for the Annual Parish Meeting to be held on May 23rd.
80 | Local Green Space (LGS) Designations
The LGS list had been completed and was now available in Dropbox. Place Studio’s final assessment was awaited.
This led to a discussion on Views to be included in the Plan. Sian and Keith would put a consolidated list together which could be extended when a final decision was made on LGS and any excluded items could be added to the List of Views.
81 | Character Assessments
Sian presented her report and Plan identifying five Character Areas in the Village. She was congratulated on the work, which was endorsed by the Group as a basis for moving forward. Sian would now work with people in the Village to seek their views. It was recognised that the documentation on the character assessment form produced by Place Studio was very detailed but for now Sian would concentrate on developing the overall assessments.
Sian also produced a List of Village Assets and asked the Group to contact her with any additions or deletions.
82 | Draft Neighbourhood Plan
The Group thanked Rob for agreeing to take forward the draft Plan. He reported that he was focussed on delivering the Plan to the Regulation 14 stage by October. Version 1.03 was available on Dropbox. Keith and Rob would work together to develop the Policy section of the Plan
83 | Date of next meeting
The next meeting would be scheduled for 4th May at 7:15.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.15 pm.