Minutes of a meeting held to discuss the Neighbourhood Plan for Bratton on
Thursday 2nd March 2023 at 7.00pm via Zoom.
Present: Cllr E Cole (Chair), Cllr K Rayward, James Linehan, Rob Drummond and Sian Morgan.
In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk) and Katie Lea (Place Studio) from 7.15 pm.
70 | Apologies for Absence
Cllr Ligo. Tanya Hasking.
71 | Minutes of Meeting
The minutes of the February NPSG meeting were approved for accuracy with one amendment and referred to the Parish Council for adoption.
72 | Local Green Space Designations
The Chair reported that: · A piece requesting further LGS nominations had been submitted for inclusion in the next edition of the BPN. · Three additional nominations had been received and would be fed into the assessment process. · An email had received from a local company expressing interest in any development sites for local affordable homes. Cllr Cole had responded with information, the status and timetable of the Plan and had registered their interest.
It was noted that the technical grant application had been approved and a liaison officer appointed. Place Studio outlined that AECOM would be in touch to arrange a zoom call to go through the process and information required; this was expected within the next week or two. Katie Lea confirmed she would be content to join this meeting if required. It was also confirmed that AECOM would physically visit the sites and it would be helpful if members of the SG could attend this site visit to provide background and context. It was expected that this would happen in April/May and a timescale from AECOM would be requested; things were slower than had been hoped. Katie Lea reported that no confirmation had been received as yet that NP funding would be extended beyond the current financial year. However, AECOM had received confirmation of a further year of providing technical support so it would seem likely that general funding would also be available. A decision as to the invoicing to the end of the current financial year would be taken towards the end of the month.
73 | Evidence Gathering Day
Members considered the preparation and arrangements for the upcoming evidence gathering day. Following debate, it was agreed with Katie Lea that:
· The day would run from 10.30 – 3.00 and the NPSG would arrange for a room to be booked and lunch to be provided. · The focus would be on beginning the assessments for the LGS nominations. · Katie Lea outlined the process and criteria for assessing the nominations and confirmed that a desk top review would be followed by site visits. · The village walk round would also Identify different areas of character and identify key distinctions in the parish. · The extent of the Conservation Area was confirmed. · Bats, wildlife, flora and fauna would also be considered and incorporated into the document. · Community Facilities would be identified and added to the NP together with any facilities that the local community felt were missing. · Attendance at the Evidence Gathering Day was confirmed, with it being noted that this would not be an open session and would be restricted to the NPSG and their guests.
ACTIONS: · SM to circulate a spreadsheet listing potential Views by 16th March · JL to circulate a spreadsheet listing potential LGS by 16th March
74 | Neighbourhood Development Plan – First Draft
Members considered the content of the draft plan (copy previously circulated) and the group felt that the draft had come together well and was useful in enabling them to envisage how the final Plan would look. · It was agreed to reduce the History of Bratton section. · The objectives were confirmed as remaining the same. · The introduction to the Housing Section was felt to be of an appropriate length. · The Heritage and Character introduction was noted to be longer but it was agreed had been done well. · The group agreed that the rough shape of the Plan was now in place. · It was agreed it would be useful to appoint an overall editor and have a group of ‘critical friends’ in place to review sections. · The timeframe of the Plan would be extended to 2038, to tie in with the timeline of the Wiltshire Council Local Plan.
Members discussed the timeline for finalising the Plan and it was agreed that Katie Lea would establish an outline project plan following the meeting with AECOM. It was noted that the Group hoped to reach Regulation 14 stage in the autumn. The following items would also be given consideration: · Carbon Capture (tree planting) · Flood Risks · Energy generation |
75 | Bratton Week 2023
Members discussed a Neighbourhood Plan event for Bratton Week (28th June 2023) and agreed that it would be a good opportunity to get residents’ feedback on the results of the call for sites assessment, if this was to be completed in time. It was agreed that the event could share information on the LGS, character and views, visions and objectives. Further details would be agreed nearer the time when a firm timetable had been established (minute 74 refers).
76 | Date of next meeting
The SG members would meet informally prior to the Evidence Gathering Day – 16th March 7.00 pm. The next NPSG meeting would be scheduled for Thursday 30th March at 7.15 pm in the Oratory.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8. 30 pm.