
NPSG Minutes September 2023

NDP - Current Minutes Uploaded on September 18, 2023

Minutes of the meeting held to discuss the Neighbourhood Plan for BraJon on Thursday 7th  September 2023 commencing at 7.15pm

Present:  Rob Drummond (Chair), James Linehan, Sian Morgan, Peter Thomas, Caroline MacDuff, Karen Lewis-Jones, Cllr Keith Rayward.

111 Apologies for Absence 

Rupert Lyons, Cllr Eddie Cole

112 Minutes of previous meeting 

Sian Morgan pointed out that the minutes of section 105 implied the number of amber sites in the AECOM report had changed.  This is not the case as yet.  She also emphasised that the treatment of the Design Statement will change following recent discussions. No changes are required to the minutes. Hence:

Minutes of the 3rd August meeting were approved for accuracy and would be referred to the Parish Council for adoption.

113 Actions

It was agreed that actions would be formally tracked in future and incorporated into the minutes.

Peter Thomas presented an initial list of actions captured during informal meetings, attended by some Steering Group (SG) members, over the last month on 22 Aug re site 321, and on 5 Sept with Katie Lea.

In presenting these actions a number of follow up points were agreed.  Rather than record every discussion in the minutes, the action log has been updated and is attached to these minutes.

114 Update on Project Plan

As NP Project Manager, Peter Thomas commented that following the meeting with Katie Lea from Place Studios on 5 Sept, she will share more detailed tasks and activity plans.  She will also work with topic owners on their individual plans.  Peter will be invited to all meetings and will collate and track the activities.

It was discussed that the critical path activities will be Housing and the Design and Environment topic.  Sian Morgan commented that Katie Lea had advised that a grant of £18000 may be available to help with this section.

The group agreed that the NP  could be issued as a draft without the Design section.

115 NP Topic Responsibilities 

The chair confirmed the topic owners as:

1)    Vision – Keith Rayward (with a possible revision)

2)    Housing – Peter Thomas and Eddie Cole

3)    Design and Environment – Sian Morgan and Caroline MacDuff

4)    Community and Wellbeing inc Green Spaces – James Linehan and Karen Lewis-Jones

5)    Economy – Rob Drummond (with input from Sian Morgan)

6)    Getting Around – Rob Drummond and Karen Lewis Jones

This list will be shared with Katie Lea.  Topic owners will report back to SG at next meeting on their objectives, timescales and activities for their respective topics. This will provide a more informed view on the timescale to complete the draft NP.

116 Wiltshire Council Local Plan Consultation

WC consultation period runs from 27th September 2023 until 22nd November 2023. In addition WC will present their draft LP to the public at a number of drop in centres – for the Westbury area including Bratton on 16th October 2023 at Leighton Recreation Centre, Wellhead Lane, Westbury BA13 3PT between 16:30 and 20:30. A number of the SG indicated that they would attend.

117 Next Meeting

It was agreed the next meeting will take place on 5th Oct at 7.15pm in Bratton Church Institute.

Caroline will report to Parish Council on SG progress on 12 September.


There being no further business the meeting closed at 9:00pm.