Minutes of the meeting held to discuss the Neighbourhood Plan for Bratton on Thursday 2nd November 2023 commencing at 7.15pm
Present: Rob Drummond (Chair), Peter Thomas, Caroline MacDuff, Karen Lewis-Jones, Cllr Keith Rayward, Rupert Lyon, Cllr Eddie Cole
128 | Election of Chair
Due to increased commitments, Eddie Cole stepped down as Chair of the Steering Group (SG). There was a vote of thanks, for his dedication and hard work since taking on the role in 2018.
Rob Drummond volunteered to be the new chair. There were no other nominations. The motion was proposed by Peter Thomas and seconded by Rupert Lyon. A vote was taken and was unanimous in electing Rob Drummond as the chair.
To fill the vacancy created by Rob stepping up from Vice-Chair, Peter Thomas volunteered to be the new vice-chair. There were no other nominations. The motion was proposed by Rob Drummond and seconded by Karen Lewis-Jones. A vote was taken and was unanimous in electing Peter Thomas as the vice-chair. |
129 | Apologies for Absence
Sian Morgan, James Linehan |
130 | Minutes of previous meeting
Minutes of the meeting held on 5th October 2023 were approved for accuracy and would be referred to the Parish Council for adoption.
As a formal document, the process for recording the minutes were clarified: – · Minutes would be drafted by the note taker. · Draft minutes sent to Chair and Vice-Chair for approval. · These minutes to be circulated to the SG members for their information as draft. · The draft minutes would be discussed at the next SG meeting for approval.
Subsequently the Chair would send these minutes as approved to the Parish Council for adoption. |
131 | Update on Outstanding Actions
Peter Thomas presented a list of outstanding actions captured during previous meetings. The list was reviewed and updated during the meeting. This document would be stored on the NAS portal and maintained as a live document. |
132 | Draft Neighbourhood Plan
· Katie from Place Studio was present by a video call for this agenda item. · The SG agreed that the format and structure of the Aldbourne NP would be broadly utilised by Bratton. Place Studio, who designed Aldbourne NP, would assist in reformatting the current BNP draft. · It was recognised that Climate Change would be a key theme within BNP and would be incorporated into each section as a thread running through the Plan. This thread would be incorporated in the latter stages of the development. · The SG acknowledged the necessity to keep BNP relatively short and follow the Aldbourne NP in having a separate document setting out design statements which could be lengthier. · There will be a further discussion on the BNP and its structure between Katie, Rob and Peter. |
133 |
Site Presentations with Developer/ Owners
· Developer presentations from 23rd October were discussed. · The discussion developed into agenda Item 135. |
134 | AECOM Final Report
· It was felt that the report did not give suitable weight to the comments that were provided to them. · If any SG member felt that additional comments needed to be incorporated, then they should forward them to Peter Thomas for him to follow up. · The surface water flooding risk had not been considered within the report and should be incorporated. |
135 | Community Consultation Event – 2nd December 2023
· The working group (WG) planning for the public consultation event outlined their current plans. · The WG would open an invitation to other members of the SG to join WG. · The WG will advertise the event widely through Facebook, BPN, noticeboards around Bratton. · The public event will be set up at 0900 in the Jubilee Hall with the public invited from 1000 until 1600 and be run as a drop-in session. Developers would not make presentations at the event. All material would be prepared and presented by members of the SG who would be briefed on material before the event. · Everyone would be asked to complete a questionnaire at the event which would distributed on request to any resident who was unable to attend. |
136 | Wiltshire Local Plan Consultation Meeting – held on 16th October 2023
· Bratton was very well represented at the event with 6 members of the SG attending. · Keith will brief the PC meeting on 14th November 2023 that Wiltshire Council were receptive to ideas from the SG and in particular about walking and cycling options towards Westbury . Keith to draft some words and circulate to SG for comment. |
137 | Next Meeting
It was agreed the next meeting will take place on Wednesday 6th December at 7.15pm in Bratton Church Institute |