
NPSG Minutes – June 2023

NDP - Current Minutes Uploaded on July 3, 2023

Minutes of the meeting held to discuss the Neighbourhood Plan for Bratton on

Thursday 8th June 2023 commencing at 7.00pm


Present: Cllr Eddie Cole (Chair), Rob Drummond (Vice Chair), James Linehan, Sian Morgan





90 Election of the Chair and Vice-Chair

It was proposed by Rob Drummond, seconded by Sian Morgan and resolved to elect Cllr Eddie Cole as Chair of the NPSG for the municipal year 2023-2024.


It was proposed by James Linehan, seconded by Sian Morgan and resolved to elect Rob Drummond as Vice-Chair of the NPSG for the municipal year 2023-2024.


It was noted that Cllr Jeff Ligo had stood down from the NPSG and the group agreed to recognise and give thanks for the considerable effort and support that he had given to drive the plan forward and draft many of the documents since the start of the process.



91 Minutes of Meetings

The Minutes of the 4th March meeting were approved for accuracy and would be referred to the Parish Council for adoption.


92 Apologies for Absence

Keith Rayward and Caroline Macduff


93 Climate Emergency

Members discussed how to integrate climate emergency into the Plan and it was proposed that ideas should be presented at the Bratton Week event to illicit feedback and expansion of the list to be considered.


Ideas included:

·         Retaining green space as a carbon trap

·         Encouraging/enabling cycling and walking

o   Widening footpaths

o   Solar lighting

o   Rest points

o   Cycleway to Westbury (Station)

·         Enabling working from home (Fibre broadband)

·         Rain harvesting

·         Potential power generation using Stradbrook Stream


93 Bratton Week Event

The latest version of the Place Studio material was discussed and members felt that it was too wordy. It was agreed that Eddie, Sian and Keith would meet to draft a final version rather than independently comment to Place Studio. James would draft the Local Green Space board.


Eddie would contact Place Studio to inform them of the drafting arrangements and to ascertain who would be attending from Place Studio.


Eddie would follow up with the Parish Council on the status of the LGS letters to land owners.


Sian raised the question of budget for tea/cakes and biscuits for the event. The Chair advised that £2,500 was earmarked in the Parish Council budget, some of which may be required to cover the costs of Place Studio but should be sufficient for the catering.


Sian would follow up with Jo Jolly to see if the primary school children writing a piece for the school magazine will visit the event.


94 Date of next meeting


Next meeting will be held in the Oratory on 6th July 7.15pm



There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.00 pm