Minutes of the meeting held to discuss the Neighbourhood Plan for Bratton on Thursday 6th July 2023 commencing at 7.15pm
Present: Cllr Eddie Cole (Chair), Rob Drummond (Vice Chair), James Linehan, Sian Morgan, Peter Thomas,
Rupert Lyons, Karen Lewis-Jones, Cllr Keith Rayward, Mike Manson.
Stephen James-Yeoman (Member of the public)
95 | Apologies for Absence
Caroline MacDuff
96 | Minutes of previous meeting
Minutes of the 28th June meeting were approved for accuracy and would be referred to the Parish Council for adoption.
97 | Bratton Week
It was agree that the event had been a great success with over 100 attendees and a high level of engagement. To enable production of the event report it was decided to categorise the comments left into the top 5 themes and divide the task between members as follows: Sian – Heritage Assets & Views James – Green Spaces Rob – Getting Around Eddie/Peter – Development Karen – Conclusions Keith – to put all comments into a spreadsheet
Completion of the task is targeted for the end of July
98 | AECOM Site Assessment Report
All members to review the AECOM report and send comments to the chair by week ending 16th July and response to AECOM targeted for week ending 23rd July
99 | Parish Website
Members were requested to review the content of the Neighbourhood Plan pages on the website and provide feedback on content and layout etc. It is proposed to add a FAQ section and members are requested to make suggestions for content. As new members Karen and Rupert will carry out a review.
100 | Next Steps
Westbury NP is under consultation and Rob agreed to review and make comments in time for the Parish Council meeting on 11th July, for submission to the consultation by the Chair.
Wiltshire Council are consulting on the Design Guide for neighbourhood planning and Sian will follow up on the proposed webinar events.
Project Plan – Peter will update the last version of the project plan circulated by Place Studio. The Chair took an action to forward latest copy to Peter.
Dropbox – James to add new steering group members to the dropbaox access
Minutes – It was agreed that the Chair should not be producing the minutes of meetings, Rob volunteered to produce the next minutes and Rupert the following meeting.
101 | Date of next meeting
Next meeting will be held in the Oratory on 3rd August 7.15pm