To: All Members of Bratton Parish Council and the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group
A meeting to discuss the Neighbourhood Plan for Bratton is to be held on Thursday 6th July 2023 commencing at 7.15pm at the Oratory Room, Bratton Church institute for the transaction of the business shown on the agenda below.
Nicola Duke -Parish Clerk
3rd July 2023
95 | Apologies for Absence
To receive and note any apologies for absence.
96 | Minutes of previous meeting
To agree and confirm the minutes of a previous meeting of the SG held on 8th June 2023 (previously circulated) and refer to the Parish Council for adoption.
97 | Bratton Week
To receive and discuss feedback on the Bratton Week event and to consider the production of the event report.
98 | AECOM Site Assessment Report
To consider a review of the Site Assessment report.
99 | Parish Website
To consider NP updates to the parish website.
100 | Current Consultations
Neighbourhood Plan for Westbury To note that Westbury Town Council has submitted the draft Westbury Neighbourhood Plan (2022 – 2036) to Wiltshire Council, which is coordinating a public consultation on this document between Monday 5th June 2023 and Monday 17th July 2023 and to consider whether the SG wishes to make any consultation response (information previously circulated). The draft Westbury Neighbourhood Plan (2022 – 2036) submission can be viewed and commented on from the Wiltshire Council consultation portal.
Wiltshire Council’s Draft Wiltshire Design Guide To consider a consultation on the Draft Design Guide (information previously circulated).
101 | Next Steps
To agree the next steps for the SG.
102 | Date of next meeting
To agree the date of the next meeting.