To: All Members of Bratton Parish Council and the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group
A meeting to discuss the Neighbourhood Plan for Bratton is to be held on Wednesday 6th December 2023 commencing at 7.15pm at the Oratory Room, Bratton Church institute for the transaction of the business shown on the agenda below.
Nicola Duke -Parish Clerk
4th December 2023
138 | Apologies for Absence
To receive and note any apologies for absence.
139 | Minutes of previous meeting
To agree and confirm the minutes of a previous meeting of the SG held on 2nd November 2023 (copy attached) and refer to the Parish Council for adoption.
140 | Update on Outstanding actions
To provide an update on outstanding actions.
141 | Draft Neighbourhood Plan
To receive an update on the Project Plan from theme leads.
142 | Wiltshire Council Local Plan Consultation
An update on comments submitted by BPC. |
143 | 2nd December Public Information Event
To discuss initial observations/comments (full discussion/report at next meeting in January 2024). |
144 | Communications Update
To discuss Communications Plan. |
145 | Date of next meeting
To agree the date of the next meeting.