Minutes of a meeting of the Bratton Recreation Ground Committee held on
Monday 23rd September 2024 at 7.15 pm in the Pavilion, Bratton Recreation Ground.
Present: Mr M Manson (Chairman), Mr G Preuveneers, Cllr K Rayward, Cllr J Ligo, Mr P Sharland and Mr J Packer.
In attendance: N Duke (Parish Clerk).
There were no members of the public in attendance.
BRG214 | Apologies for Absence
Cllr S Lloyd and M N Kew, due to prior commitments – accepted.
BRG215 | Minutes of Committee meetings
a) The minutes of a Committee meeting held on 27th June 2024 were approved for accuracy and referred to the Parish Council for adoption. b) To consider any matters arising from the above meeting of the Committee (not covered in following agenda items): None.
BRG216 | Financial Reports (attached)
Members had received the below listed documents and reviewed the current operating (revenue) budget: a) BRG Nominal Ledger September 2024 b) BRG Budget Report and Invoice Ledger September 2024 c) BRG EMR’s September 2024
Members discussed the budget report circulated by the Chairman and agreed that it would be useful to use the PC’s system generated report in future as this showed previous year’s budget and actual, current year’s budget, actual and outcome and would also show the planned figures for the next financial year. It was noted that the Committee was not expected to end the financial year with any surplus, primarily due to reduced income in football pitch fees; there was currently no junior team using the Ground and the Chairman had received word that Westbury Rovers may relocate to another facility. Members discussed the increase in electricity charges and it was felt that this may be due to the hot water being left on (previous minutes refer). Following discussion, it was agreed to only turn this on when required in an effort to reduce costs. Cllr Ligo would check whether this would impact the schedule for the Legionnaire’s Disease testing. Cllr Ligo also reported that he had received advice that the schedule for testing could be reduced from weekly to monthly; he would confirm this advice and report back. Members noted that the changes in pitch fees had been applied however, it was queried whether Bratton FC were being charged the correct rate. The Clerk would check previous minutes and confirm. |
BRG217 | Budget Setting 2025/26
Members considered the budget to be set for 2025/26, a draft budget having been tabled by the Chairman, and discussed each budget line in turn. Several adjustments were made, which the Chairman would incorporate into a revised budget and re-circulate. The low costs of water to date were also noted and the Clerk was asked to investigate this.
The main adjustments were agreed as:
· A slight increase in the Cleaning budget, to reflect an expected increase in charges. · An increase in square maintenance to £1,200. · An increase in allocation for Pavilion maintenance given the age of the building. · A reduction in cricket fee income, so as not to show an aspirational figure.
The following points were noted:
· Capital Replacement costs (for equipment) would be the responsibility of the Parish Council. · The minor maintenance budget would be reviewed when the final costs for the Legionnaire’s Disease testing were established (minute BRG216 above refers). · The football fee income was agreed as appropriate, with it being noted that the intention was to encourage a further adult team and a youth team to use the ground. Members noted the risk of an over commitment of games damaging the pitch and agreed that the focus should be on encouraging youth matches.
Following the above adjustments the budget generated a shortfall of £2,378 (expenditure against income). Members discussed the request for budget allocation which should be made to the Parish Council. Following discussion, it was agreed to submit a bid in the amount of £2,500 to the Parish Council for incorporation in its budget setting process for 2025/26.
BRG218 | Project Updates
Members received updates on the following projects (previous minutes refer):
a) Football Foundation Grants – The Chairman confirmed that the grants had been awarded and he would commence drawing down on the first year fund (receipts would be submitted). It was confirmed that both the Chairman and Mr Sharland had now completed the online Groundsman course which is a prerequisite for claiming the pitch grant.
b) Proposed new container – The Chairman confirmed that this had been ordered and the bill now paid (to avoid further increase in cost prompt payment had been arranged). Members discussed the requirement for slabs to provide the base for the unit, and agreed to proceed with the suppliers recommendation that 4 slabs be used, one for each corner of the unit.
c) Improvements to playing surfaces – The Chairman reported that Greensward would be asked to visit and carry out another session of verti-draining (the costs of which were covered by the Football Foundation grant), this would cover both of the football pitches. Mr Sharland asked for an update on the works planned at the July meeting, which had included the installation of French drains; it was confirmed that moling would be carried out, although the contractor had delayed work due to a health problem. Some concern was expressed at the work being done with the sand, as it appeared that holes were being expanded.
d) Pavilion showers – Mr Packer would follow this up as he understood the works were planned for the coming week.
e) Quiz Night 21 September 2024 – Members discussed the recent Quiz Night, which had been attended by 10 teams and generated an income of £300; it was noted that the income would have been less if several people had not donated so much of the food. Members discussed the significant levels of effort required in arranging the Quiz Night, given the dwindling support available to the main organisers and, following debate, it was agreed not to hold the event in 2025 and reconsider for 2026.
f) BRG Fuel card – the Clerk reported that the account had now been set up and the fuel card was expected in the next few days.
BRG219 | Maintenance Matters
a) Refuse bin at Rec Ground entrance – the contract for collection had now been established and was operating well. Members agreed that a fortnightly collection was appropriate at the current time. It was noted that volunteers continued to remove recyclable material from the ground; this was would continue given the costs of arranging a separate collection for this.
b) Trim trail inspections – It was confirmed that Cllr Lloyd had now received the appropriate training and the Clerk would liaise with him in respect of the required regime for inspections, to ensure that this matched the insurance obligations.
c) Legionnaire’s Disease testing regime – Previously covered under minute reference BRG216 above.
BRG220 | Pitch Bookings
Members received a report on pitch bookings and the crossover of football and cricket bookings, noting that the new arrangement had been made to work, although it had not been without its challenges. It was noted that Cllr Lloyd was now producing one fixture list incorporating both cricket and football matches, which was of assistance in managing the use of the ground. Members agreed to continue the policy of allowing both cricket and football in April and August, which it was felt could be managed with good communication between the teams.
Members also discussed whether an online booking system would be beneficial. It was agreed that the system for bookings needed to continue to be managed by Cllr Lloyd, although the document could perhaps be shared on the PC NAS drive and/or website. Cllr Rayward would discuss this with Cllr Lloyd.
BRG221 | Members Reports
Mr Sharland – drew attention to the missing Pavilion keys. It was confirmed that neither the football nor cricket club had these and the Chairman would investigate further.
Cllr Rayward – asked for an update on the security cameras, which the Chairman confirmed were working well. A recent incident at the ground (July minutes refer) was referenced and it was felt that the presence of the cameras had assisted in this matter and was having a positive impact.
BRG222 | Date of next Committee meeting
Monday 27th January 2025 at 7.15 pm in the Pavilion, Rec Ground.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.07 pm.