Minutes of a meeting of the Bratton Recreation Ground Committee held on
Tuesday 26th September 2023 at 7.15 pm in the Jubilee Hall.
Present: Mr M Manson (Chairman), Mr G Preuveneers, Mr P Sharland, Cllr S Lloyd, Cllr K Rayward, Cllr J Ligo, Mr J Packer and Mr A Bishop.
In attendance: N Duke (Parish Clerk)
There were no members of the public in attendance.
BRG169 | Apologies for Absence
Mr Jamieson-Yates
BRG170 | Minutes of Committee meetings
a) The minutes of a Committee meeting held on 22nd June 2023 were approved for accuracy with one amendment and referred to the Parish Council for adoption. b) Members considered any matters arising from the above meeting of the Committee (not covered in following agenda items): a. It was noted that Cllr Whittaker had now stood down from the Committee.
BRG171 | Financial Reports
Members had been provided with the financial reports, which were considered and noted as listed: a) Copy of Nominal Ledger for BRG account year to date b) Consolidated Financial Position for the BRG – an updated report had been circulated to take into account September invoicing and the income from the Quiz Night. Cllr Lloyd reported that income from football calculated from the fixture list would stand at £1915. It was felt that no significant expenditure was immediately expected although this would need to be reconsidered in light of the discussions pertaining to project updates and the Legionnaire’s Report. At this stage the Committee was anticipating to end the year with a potential £1,000 loss. c) Budget Report year to date d) Report on Parish Council decision regarding revenue account over spend 2022/23 – the Clerk reported that the PC had absorbed the BRG over spend within its general end of year accounts. |
BRG172 | BRG Budget 2024-2025
Members began consideration of the BRG budget for the next financial year and considered the budgeting requests to be submitted to the Parish Council. The Chair reported that he had prepared a rough estimate of the budget, which had been circulated and was discussed. Several adjustments were made which are reflected in the first version of the budget appended to the minutes. Following this exercise, it was noted that the BRG budget was estimated to balance for the coming financial year however, due to the unpredictable nature of planning for the number of games to be played it was agreed to request a budget allocation of £1,000 to provide the BRG with a contingency fund. The Clerk and the PC members of the BRGC would take this forward to the PC budget workshop.
Cllr Ligo paid tribute to Bratton FC for their commitment and hard work, which had made a significant difference to the attraction of the ground to other local teams. This was endorsed unanimously. The Chair also reported on the increasing number of Bratton residents attending games to support the team.
BRG173 | Project Updates
Members received updates on the following projects (July minutes refer):
a) New signs at the Ground entrance – Bratton FC were thanked for installing these.
b) Football dugouts – these were noted to be fully installed and in use.
c) Football pitch barrier – this was noted to be a moveable structure, which was meeting requirements.
d) Football stop nets behind goals – one had been erected and the second would be installed before Bratton FC’s next home game.
e) Proposed new storerooms – Cllr Lloyd reported that he had been in touch with two local contractors to whom he had sent plans and specification for the planned work. The Chair spoke regarding the potential funding of the project (estimated costs c25k) and reported that the potential of a Football Foundation Grant of up to 75% of a project up to £25,000 was still available. An application to Westbury Area Board could be submitted and it was hoped a potential £2,000 might be awarded. The Landfill Community Fund was also an option and the Chair had been in touch with the organisation which had confirmed significant bids for the fund had already been received and therefore it might be many months before a decision could be made. It was also agreed to submit a bid to the Parish Council for an allocation from current reserves (the Clerk would add to the agenda for the November PC meeting and the Chair would prepare a supporting paper) and consider an allocation from the BRG EMR’s. Mr Sharland would enquire as to whether any cricket grants might be available and the football reps confirmed they were not aware of any other available grant schemes. Bratton FC reps reported that volunteer work would be available for electrics, plumbing and foundation work if necessary. It was agreed to await the quotes, then bid for funds whilst identifying what work could be carried by volunteers and negotiate with the contractors accordingly.
f) CCTV installation – had been installed and was working well. The DVR which records the footage was reported to have the capacity to add another location. Bratton FC were thanked for the CCTV, which was agreed to be extremely beneficial.
g) LED lighting – the estimate for the work was tabled at approximately £900; it was reported that this work would not cover its costs against the electricity bills within the next five years. It was therefore recommended that this be left and Bratton FC would change some lights as and when they could be attended to. This was agreed.
h) Match Officials Room – the room had been cleared out, the shower would be reinstated and the w.c installed. The room would not be partitioned at the current time as only one official was present at each game; if the number of officials increased the partitioning would be considered again. Bratton FC were thanked for their work on this project.
i) Pavilion Refurbishment: a. Showers -home changing room showers all worked, 2 showers needed to be changed in the away changing rooms which would cost £85 each. The team would attempt to change the ‘push buttons’ first. b. Outdoor sockets – these had been fitted. c. Home changing room door – it was noted that this was likely an expensive item to repair and Bratton FC reported that the current door did not present them with any issues. It was also confirmed that the condition of the current door would not contribute to any significant heat loss. It was therefore agreed not to progress the replacement of the door at the current time given that it remained secure. However, a repair would be undertaken.
j) Water tank – Bratton FC reported that the water tank may have a damaged element, which would be checked. If the unit had seized up then a new tank would be required however, this was a worst case scenario and it was hoped the tank could be easily and cheaply repaired without this being required.
BRG174 | Legionnaire’s Disease
A copy of the Legionnaire’s report had been circulated to members and was discussed. Bratton FC had sent a copy of the report to their plumber for his advice and would chase his response. Cllr Lloyd reported that the report had not been dated and this should be added for future reference. Cllr Rayward asked for confirmation as to the current arrangements. The Chair reported that a system had been in place but had gone into abeyance during the Covid pandemic; a check had been carried out monthly and regular samples had been taken. Cllr Ligo reported that the real risk came from the use of the showers, which should be run before use. Bratton FC were asked to establish with their plumber what checks he could undertake and what minor changes he might make to the water system. It was agreed that Cllr Ligo would liaise with Cllr Whittaker to ask him to take the samples which he had identified as being required. Members agreed to reinstate the temperature checks as previously carried out pre-Covid.
BRG175 | Football Bookings
Cllr Lloyd had sent out a revised fixture list; one additional booking had been received since its issue. Bookings were at a positive level. It was agreed that the 2024 cross over period between football and cricket would be at Easter, in accordance with the established policy of the Committee (Easter Sunday being 31st March 2024). Mr Sharland confirmed that the league matches started on 20th April 2024 however, the aim was to be able to use the ground from the 13th April to prepare the cricket square. The intent was to hold more Sunday matches. Bratton FC reported they could not confirm the date of the last football match until the end of February 2024 as this would depend on their league performance. Bratton FC were advised that they would not be able to use the pitches after Easter, which was noted with the team reporting that this would, of necessity, impact on the number of home games played and therefore the BRGC budget. This matter would be kept under review.
BRG176 | Members Reports
Mr Sharland – reported that the ECB were under huge pressure to implement the findings of the independent report which would have an impact on Bratton Cricket Club; this would involve installing signs and identifying members’ responsibilities.
Bratton FC – spoke regarding another team playing before them on a Saturday as this created problems with parking and pitch preparation. It was reported that there was insufficient time to allow for a game to be played prior to their match. It was agreed to tell Westbury Juniors the dates of Bratton FC home fixtures so that these dates could be avoided. Bratton FC also reported on recent incidents of golf being played at the Rec Ground. The Committee discussed the use of the recreation ground for the practising of golf and noted the concerns relating to the damaging of the playing surfaces and the risks to other users. A number of incidents were referred to. It was resolved to recommend that the Council consider putting notices up on the Ground requesting users, because of the damage being caused to the playing service and safety reasons , to refrain from playing golf on the Recreation Ground (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Mr G Preuveneers – Cllr Rayward abstained from the vote). Cllr Rayward – sought and was given clarification that the BRGC insurance liabilities were covered within the general PC insurance arrangements. He also thanked those present for their work on the Rec Ground.
BRG177 | Date of next Committee meeting
It was agreed to set a date once the PC had agreed the budget for the BRGC. If no further meeting was required the BRGC would convene again in early 2024.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.10 pm.