Minutes of a meeting of the Bratton Recreation Ground Committee held on Thursday 27th June 2024 at 7.15 pm in the Oratory Room, Bratton Church Institute.
Present: Mr M Manson (Chairman), Mr G Preuveneers, Cllr S Lloyd, Cllr K Rayward, Cllr J Ligo, Mr P Sharland and Mr J Packer.
In attendance: N Duke (Parish Clerk)
There were no members of the public in attendance.
BRG206 | Apologies for Absence
BRG207 | Minutes of Committee meetings
a) The minutes of a Committee meeting held on 7th May 2024 were approved for accuracy and referred to the Parish Council for adoption (proposed Cllr Rayward, seconded Mr Sharland). b) Members considered any matters arising from the above meeting of the Committee (not covered in following agenda items): None.
BRG208 | Financial Reports (previously circulated)
Members received the below listed documents. It was agreed that the Clerk would rename the agenda items to match the report headings.
a) Consolidated Financial Position for the BRG as at 26.06.2024 – Noted.
b) Current value of the EMR and other Reserves – Noted
c) Revenue Account Report June 2025 – Noted. Members noted that invoicing would be done at the beginning of July; Mr Sharland and Cllr Lloyd would liaise to confirm hires to be invoiced and advise the Clerk accordingly. The Chairman referred to Cllr Lloyd’s circulated ‘income due’ report and the stated cricket income due of circa £1400 was agreed to be accurate. Members noted that the projected income in the budget for cricket was likely to come in under that budgeted for. It was also noted that there could be a significant increase in income from football training; six training sessions had been budgeted from Michael Wright however, seventeen had been booked just for the summer season. Promotion of the football camps was being undertaken at local schools. It was confirmed there was no conflict with the Westbury Junior team, whose players were also attending the sessions. Cllr Lloyd queried an item on the nominal ledger, on which the details were confirmed.
d) Update on agreed purchase of Fuel Card – the Clerk reported that the application had finally been accepted and the fuel card was due to be despatched. It was confirmed that the card would be retained by the Chairman and that he would lend it temporarily to whoever was going to buy fuel.
BRG209 | Project Updates
Members received updates on the following projects (previous minutes refer):
a) Proposed new container – The Chairman reported that Westbury Area Board had granted £570 towards the project. The Football Foundation bid had been submitted and the application was now being assessed. The Chairman reported on the difficulties he had experienced in submitting the application. It was hoped that an answer would be received in the next couple of weeks and the container would be ordered if the grant was awarded. It was hoped that the container would be on site ready for use in mid-August. If the full grant applied for was awarded it was noted that the project could be completed without recourse to Committee funds. Cllr Lloyd would take responsibility for obtaining the concrete blocks required for the container base; the precise physical location of the container, beside or near the east wall of the garage, would need to be agreed. Consideration had been given to installing an electricity supply for lighting but this would be reviewed later on. Mr Packer confirmed that Bratton FC would be able to assist with this. It was confirmed that the container would be delivered empty and consideration would need to be given as to shelving required; this would be worked out once the unit was on site. The practical arrangements for the delivery of the container were discussed and members were confident that the space available would enable delivery without too much issue.
b) Improvements to playing surfaces – The Chairman referred to his previously circulated email outlining options for the surfaces, which was discussed. £1,600 had been awarded in grant funding and money was available from reserves if required. Members discussed the options and the proposals tabled by Cllr Lloyd and it was agreed that improvements in the areas identified would enable the ground to provide a ‘kickabout’ zone whilst protecting the main pitches. Following debate, it was resolved to accept the quote from Dave Probert in the amount of £350 plus vat to carry out the installation of additional French drains (proposed Mr Manson, seconded Mr Sharland). Members then turned their attention to the options for verti-draining, which would provide aeration and level the ground. This had been done previously at the ground and the Chairman stated his inclination to proceed with this, with dressing being a bonus. Members agreed with this stance and noted the work was less expensive than some other options. This and the drainage installation could be done within the grant from the Football Foundation leaving approximately £500- 600, which could be used for the recent weed and feed. Alternatively, sand could be purchased to the value of the remaining grant given that the weed and feed costs were provided for within the Parish Council budget. The top dressing would be potentially up to £2,000 and could be considered later. Concern was expressed at the cracks already appearing in the football pitch and consideration given to whether sand was the best measure to mitigate this. Mr Packer reported sand had been previously used and it did have some effect. Members agreed to proceed with purchasing sand as outlined above. It was therefore resolved that verti-draining would be undertaken on both pitches at a cost of £504 as per the quote from Eco-solve with the rest of the available grant fund being used to purchase sand (c £746 to provide 20 tonnes) (proposed Mr Manson, seconded Cllr Lloyd).
c) Pavilion showers – Mr Packer would chase the agreed works (previous minutes refer).
d) Quiz Night 21 September 2024 – The Chairman reported that the Jubilee Hall had offered to provide a cash and card bar, which had been accepted and promoted. The Chairman was working on the quiz questions and would circulate members in respect of other support required, principally the provision of food.
BRG210 | Maintenance Matters
a) Refuse bin at Rec Ground entrance – The Clerk reported that she had confirmed with Wiltshire Council that the bin was not its responsibility however, she had been unable to verify where the previous arrangements had originated and under whose authority. She had now contacted Idverde for a quote (the costs of which would be borne by the PC) and had confirmed the preferred arrangements with the Chairman. When received the quote would be presented to the Parish Council and the contract price would appear within its budget, not within the Committee’s. The Chairman thanked Mr Sharland for his efforts in removing rubbish in the meantime, along with other members who has also assisted.
b) Trim trail inspections – The Clerk would chase the play area inspector to arrange a date for a meeting with Cllr Lloyd. Once Cllr Lloyd had been trained on inspection requirements, he would train other members of the Rec Ground volunteer maintenance team.
c) Legionnaire’s Disease testing regime – Cllr Ligo reported that the chlorination had been carried out in May at a competitive price and it was noted that the inspection regime was working well. Cllr Ligo would liaise with Cllr Whittaker to undertake the quarterly test in September. A copy of the report was available in the Pavilion and its contents were being complied with. Members noted that the temperature of the hot water was very high and Mr Packer would liaise with his team to see if this could be lowered. Members referred to a previous trial when the immersion heater had been turned off and this had proved to be cheaper. It was agreed that the immersion heaters would be left on for now, with the temperature to be reduced if possible.
d) Refurbishing sealant between pavilion wall slabs – Cllr Lloyd reported that this work was progressing and he had purchased 3 tubes of mastic thus far at £10.50 each and at least a further three tubes would be required. This additional expense was approved and Cllr Lloyd thanked for his work, which should prevent rain water ingress leading to damp walls and the growth of mold inside the changing rooms.
BRG211 | Pitch Bookings
Members received a report on pitch bookings and the crossover of football and cricket bookings. Mr Sharland reported on the disappointment that Trowbridge CC IV had not been able to put out a team and said that the pitch might therefore be available for football. The artificial pitch had been well used and was of great benefit in pitch hires. The ground was noted to be in a good condition, although the cracks in the outfield were of concern. It was noted that the Committee would need to be clear about the cricket teams which would be able to use the Ground for the next year.
Football bookings were noted to be at a good level for adult teams although it was thought that Westbury United Juniors were unlikely to be using the pitch. The Chairman would approach the North Bradley team to see if they wished to use the ground.
Members then discussed the crossover arrangements between cricket and football at the ground in August, noting that some Saturdays might now be available for football. Mr Packer confirmed Bratton FC training would be on a Tuesday night, which would be dependent on ground conditions. Mr Sharland stated his concern that the outfield needed to be protected and Mr Packer confirmed that his team would be careful and that they would move and replace the boundary rope if necessary. Mr Packer reported that the football season was due to start on 3rd August and the team might require the pitch on the 13th, 17th and the 31st. Mr Sharland asked for confirmation as to dates as soon as possible at which point he would advise Trowbridge CC the pitch was not available. Mr Packer would liaise with the league to so confirm. The Chairman raised the issue of kit and Mr Packer confirmed that the team would not store anything at the ground. The ball catching nets had been erected and would remain in situ. Members saw no issue with that.
BRG212 | Members Reports
Cllr Lloyd reported on the recent installation of a new basketball net, which had been provided by a resident. The Committee did not therefore need to purchase a new net. Marking of the basketball area would be taken forward (purely the shooting area on the tarmac) by the Chairman.
Mr Sharland reported that he had picked up golf balls at the ground and sought confirmation of the Council’s policy in respect of this. The Chairman confirmed that signs had been installed but had been removed (not by the Committee). Members noted that CCTV had now been installed and could perhaps be checked to see if it identified the golfer. The Clerk would check the policy which had been agreed by the Parish Council and liaise with Cllr Ligo.
Cllr Lloyd suggested painting the end of the Pavilion facing the gate, the door at the west end and re-coating the eaves, noting that it would be beneficial to try and do this before the Best Kept Village competition. This was agreed to be standard maintenance and the work approved (using the existing maintenance budget).
Cllr Ligo suggested that the Chairman liaise with a resident regarding an overgrown hedge next to the footpath on Trowbridge Road. This was agreed, with just the places where the overgrowth impacted on pedestrians to be attended to.
BRG213 | Date of next Committee meeting
The date for the next meeting of the Bratton Recreation Ground Committee was agreed as Monday 23rd September 2024, at 7.15 p.m. It was agreed to use the Pavilion at the Rec Ground for the meeting.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.48 pm.