Minutes of a meeting of the Bratton Recreation Ground Committee held on
Thursday 22nd June 2023 at 7.15 pm in the Oratory Room, Church Institute.
Present: Mr M Manson (Chairman), Mr G Preuveneers, Cllr S Lloyd, Cllr K Rayward, Cllr J Ligo, Mr J Packer and Mr A Bishop.
In attendance: N Duke (Parish Clerk)
There were no members of the public in attendance.
BRG160 | Apologies for Absence
Cllr Whittaker was absent. It was noted that Cllr Whittaker was yet to attend a meeting of the Committee.
BRG161 | Minutes of Committee meetings
a) The minutes of a Committee meeting held on 24th March 2023 were approved for accuracy and referred to the Parish Council for adoption (proposed Cllr Lloyd, seconded Mr Sharland). b) Members considered matters arising from the above meeting of the Committee (not covered in following agenda items): a. Football Pitch Inspection – The Chair reported that he had now received feedback from the F.A pitch inspection and the results had been generally good. He said that he would circulate the report to members. b. Committee membership – it was confirmed that Mr Preuveneers had been elected to the Committee at the Annual Parish Meeting in May and that the PC representatives remained the same. c. Legionnaire’s Disease inspection – Cllr Ligo reported that Cllr Whittaker had carried out the inspection and he was chasing him for the report. d. Dog fouling and CCTV – The Chairman reported that he had met with the Dog Warden who had advised there was little which could be done beyond the installation of additional signage, which he had provided. Members discussed the potential for the installation of CCTV, noting that coverage of the pitches to enable identification of miscreants would be difficult and expensive. Mr Bishop (Bratton Football Club) spoke to some options and demonstrated a unit which could be installed. The following points were noted: i. Mr Bishop could arrange for the installation of a 3-camera system to cover the Pavilion building area for a cost of £700 for materials only. The Football Club would provide the labour. ii. The system was stand-alone and would be provided with a monitor and hard drive, which would be wiped at the end of the month. iii. The system was motion activated and, whilst it would not have a clear view of the pitches, would pick up clear images of the entrance/exit as well as the area around the Pavilion. iv. The system would require no real maintenance being a stand-alone unit. v. Members felt that the installation of CCTV would act as a useful deterrent as well as providing support to any police investigation or insurance claim in the event of an incident. Following debate, it was resolved to install CCTV at the Pavilion at a cost of £700, to be funded from the BRGC Earmarked Reserves (proposed Mr Bishop, seconded Mr Preuveneers).
BRG162 | Financial Position
Members had been provided with a report on the BRGC outturn position for 2022-2023 and noted a list of payments made up to the end of May 2023 (information previously circulated). It was noted that the budget for 2023-2024 had been amended and the costs associated with the Rec Ground as an open space would now be met directly by the Parish Council. This would make it easier to see how the budget was operating. The over spend for the year 2022-2023 was noted and the increase in electricity costs recognised as being a primary factor in the over spend. This was discussed and it was noted that a smart meter was due to be installed shortly. In addition, following discussion, it was agreed to adjust the water heater operating arrangements to leave the unit on between September and March as this would be more efficient than heating up the water each time it was required. The Chairman would arrange for the appropriate signage. Furthermore, it was resolved to replace the lighting with LED bulbs. Mr Bishop would prepare a costing for this work.
In discussing the out-turn position for 2022-2023 the Clerk reported that some adjustment would be required to take account of invoices paid after the close of the year. A final figure would be reported to the July PC meeting at which point the Parish Council would discuss how the over spend should be dealt with. The Chairman, Clerk and Chairman of the PC would meet to discuss the detail.
Members noted that the income had been low in 2022-2023 (partly due to the cancelled matches caused a result of the cracked pitch) and noted that there was an expected increase in pitch hires for 2023-2024, which it was hoped would significantly increase income.
BRG163 | Pitch hire charges
Members carried out a review of pitch hire charges, noting that charges had not been increased for approximately ten years. Following debate, the following revised charges were approved (proposed Cllr Lloyd, seconded Mr Sharland):
Adult football match – £50 per game from the 2023 season Youth football match – £35 per game from the 2032 season Cricket match – £60 per game from the 2024 season T20 Cricket match – £35 per game from the 2024 season
The Chairman reported that Westbury Celtics Football Club had folded and it had kindly donated their surplus funds of £300 to the Rec Ground.
The Chairman also reported that there were two potential clubs interested in using the Ground on a Sunday; one was an U11 club which would use the junior pitch; he would liaise with them accordingly and ensure that there was no conflict in timings which would negatively impact on the car parking arrangements.
BRG164 | Renaming of The Duke FC
The renaming of The Duke FC to Bratton FC was noted. Mr Bishop confirmed that The Duke was no longer sponsoring the team as this was not permitted in the new league however, alternative sponsorship had been obtained.
BRG165 | Proposed works to the Rec Ground
Members discussed the following:
a) New signs at the Ground entrance – Mr Bishop confirmed that the new signs had been ordered and would be installed by the Club however, more sturdy support systems would be required for them. Mr Sharland would liaise with his contact to obtain a quotation for the works. In addition, it was noted that the surrounding vegetation would need to be cut back. It was confirmed that the signs had been sponsored. Mr Bishop also said that a number of better signs were being obtained for use inside the pavilion.
b) Football dugouts – Mr Bishop reported that work was progressing and it was hoped would be completed by the end of July ready for the 2023 season.
c) Football pitch barrier – It was confirmed that a barrier would be installed for both sides of the pitch. This would be erected and removed for each game. The potential for a barrier at the car park end would be reconsidered in September once the work on the dug outs and the stop nets had been completed.
d) Football stop nets behind goals – Mr Bishop confirmed that these had been ordered and would be installed by the end of July. It was planned to leave these up during the football season although it was noted they could be removed if required.
It was confirmed that the work had been funded by the Football Foundation and Bratton FC. There had been no cost to the Committee or the Parish Council.
BRG166 | Proposed development at the Pavilion
The committee noted progress on:
a) Match Officials Room/Cricket Store enhancements – Bratton FC had assembled the shelving, which was being used to store some of the cricket equipment. The team planned to reinstate the room as a proper Referees’ room and would be refurbishing the shower and installing a w.c. They were also considering building in some seating on the exterior wall. Some work would need to be done to ensure that the w.c had privacy. The team had obtained some items through sponsorship and would provide the labour; there would be some costs to the Committee for the shower unit and w.c. The team would liaise with the cricket team in respect of any stored items that might need to be relocated.
b) Pavilion refurbishment – Mr Bishop reported that four shower mixer units needed to be replaced. The Committee would meet the costs of the materials and Bratton FC would provide the labour. Consideration was also being given to installing an outdoor power socket. Parts of the fire door in the home changing rooms was rotten and it was agreed to ask Complete Fire Services to carry out a review to advise the Committee on what needed to be legally provided in respect of fire exits. The Clerk would arrange this.
c) Proposed new additional storerooms – Members noted that a specification and a quote had been received. The Chairman reported that the Football Foundation provided grants of up to 75% of the work up to £25,000 for such projects. It was confirmed that Wiltshire Council had indicated planning permission was required. It was agreed that Cllr Lloyd would act as project manager and Cllr Ligo would investigate the planning permission issue further. Two further quotes would be sought and the information and contact details for companies to approach would be sent to the Clerk. The Chairman would revisit the grant application process.
BRG167 | Members Reports
Mr Sharland – reported that the ground was being well used by cricket teams and the new facilities were having an extremely positive impact. Wiltshire Youth team had shown interest in the pitch and had so far booked three fixtures. Mr Sharland reported that he would remain cautious in terms of additional use of the ground.
Cllr Ligo – commented on the positive outcomes of the laying of the electricity cable underground, which had made a huge difference to the ground. He congratulated Mr Sharland on this achievement.
Mr Manson – outlined the predicted use of the ground for 2023-24 highlighting the potential for additional football hire.
BRG168 | Date of next Committee meeting
Tuesday 26th September at 7.15 pm – Venue to be confirmed, Clerk to advise.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.00 pm.