
BRGC Minutes January 2024

BRGC - Current Minutes Uploaded on April 29, 2024

Minutes of a meeting of the Bratton Recreation Ground Committee held on

Tuesday 16th January 2024 at 7.15 pm in the Jubilee Hall.


Present: Mr M Manson (Chairman), Mr P Sharland, Cllr S Lloyd, Cllr K Rayward, Cllr J Ligo and Mr J Packer.


There were no members of the public in attendance.



BRG178 Apologies for Absence

Mr G Preuveneers, Mr A Bishop


BRG179 Minutes of Committee meetings

The minutes of a Committee meeting held on 26th September 2023 were approved for accuracy and referred to the Parish Council for adoption.


BRG180 Financial Reports

Members had been provided with the financial reports, which were considered and noted as listed:

a)       Copy of Nominal Ledger for BRG account year to date

b)      Consolidated Financial Position for the BRG – an updated report had been circulated to take into account January invoicing.  It was noted that equipment maintenance had overspent but the Clerk had reported that the year to date was on budget.

c)       Budget Report year to date


BRG181 BRG Budget 2024-2025

The Chair reported that he had updated the draft budget prepared for the previous meeting, which had been circulated and was discussed. A copy of this draft is attached to these Minutes.

It was resolved to approve this budget for the approval of the Council proposed by Cllr Ligo and seconded by Mr Sharland.

Following discussion about Legionnaire’s Disease testing at item BRG183, £500 has been added as an approved expense in the attached budget.

It was felt that in order to be able to reclaim VAT on fuel purchases, a fuel card would be useful.  The Chairman will ask the Parish Clerk to investigate this.



BRG182 Project Updates

Members received updates on the following projects (September minutes refer):


a)       Proposed new Storerooms – The committee agreed to authorise the Chair to proceed with applications for grant funding to finance this project from the Area Board, the Football Foundation and Awards for All.  An application would be made to the Area Board immediately for consideration at its February meeting. The Committee further agreed that a contribution of £1,260, and up to £2,000 if necessary, could be made from its reserve fund.


b)      Drainage of Pitches – The pitched had recovered well following the heavy rains.  Cllr Lloyd is going to explore the potential for carrying out other drainage works on the north-eastern corner of the junior pitch.


c)       Insurance claim for damaged cricket nets – An insurance assessor was visiting on 29 January.  Mr Sharland had arranged to meet her.


d)      Improvements to the Pavilion – Work was still required on the visitor showers and in the referee room.  The football club would be sorting the latter but the Committee needed to sort the other showers.  Mr Packer reported that he did not believe that any other work was currently required.  Bratton FC were thanked for their considerable contribution to this work and also to improvements to the adult football pitch.


BRG183 A Legionnaire’s Disease

A copy of the Legionnaire’s Disease inspection report had been circulated to members and was discussed. It was noted that testing of the recent samples had been positive (i.e. no indication of disease). It was agreed that:

a)       Quarterly samples would be taken.  Cllr Whittaker had agreed to organise this beginning in March

b)      Temperature readings would be taken every month

c)       Taps and showers not used in a week would be flushed weekly

d)      An annual chlorination would be carried out.  Cllr Whittaker would be asked to do this as soon as possible

e)      A record would be kept of all the actions taken.  Cllr Ligo agreed to design a recording system.


B Trim Trail

Arrangements had been made for the regular inspection of the Trim Trail.  A professional inspection would be carried out every four weeks.  Three volunteers had been agreed to be trained to carry out these inspections which would be made weekly and recorded.  The Chairman hoped that more volunteers to do this would come forward.

BRG184 Events in 2024

a)       Jubilee Hall Village Hall Week on Saturday 23rd March.  It was agreed to prepare a small exhibition to promote the Recreation Ground.  Cllr Lloyd would provide a list of all clubs that use the Ground as their home.  The football and cricket clubs would provide information and photos.  The Chairman would provide general words for the board. Cllr Rayward would co-ordinate the display, arrange for printing it, and book a spot.

Cllr Rayward asked that updated information about the Rec Ground and the football and cricket clubs should be provided to him, for publication.


b)      Annual Quiz Night – it was agreed the annual September quiz night would take place on the evening of 21st September.  The Chairman would ask the Parish Clerk to book the Jubilee Hall.



BRG185 Members Reports

Mr Sharland – reported that the ECB has provided anti-discrimination signs that needed to be displayed in the Pavilion on match days

It was agreed to discuss nearer the time the change date from football to cricket when there was clarity over any potential conflict in dates when both football and cricket needed to use the ground.

Cllr Lloyd reported that the charging system for the Bomag roller was not working and that replacing the rectifier would be expensive.  It would not be worth replacing the battery (which would also be expensive) unless the charging system was repaired.  He proposed that we should buy a small portable power pack for about £40.  This would be adequate to start the Bomag and also, if necessary, any of the other motorised equipment that had electrical starter systems.  This was approved.  The Chairman would ask the Parish Clerk to purchase the power pack so that VAT could be reclaimed.


BRG186 Date of next Committee meeting

It was agreed to hold the next meeting on Monday 4th March at 7:15 p.m.


There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.10 pm