Chair Keith Rayward, 2 Flowers Mead, Bratton, Wiltshire, BA13 4SR Email:
Clerk Nicola Duke, 81 Studland Park, Westbury, Wiltshire, BA13 3HN 01373 864127 Email:
Minutes of a meeting of the Bratton Recreation Ground Committee held on
Friday 24th March 2023 at 11.30 am in the Jubilee Hall.
Present: Mr M Manson (Chair), Mr P Sharland, Cllr K Rayward, Cllr S Lloyd and Cllr J Ligo.
In attendance: N Duke (Parish Clerk).
Open Forum to hear from members of the public: No members of the public were present.
BRG148 | Apologies for Absence
Team representatives were not in attendance on this occasion due to the nature of the items on the agenda.
BRG149 | Minutes of Committee meetings
a) The minutes of a Committee meeting held on 8th November 2022 had been adopted by the Parish Council. b) To consider any matters arising from the above meeting of the Committee (not covered in following agenda items): a. Condition of the Rec Ground – a pitch self-inspection was due and was being arranged. The Chair would take this forward. b. Committee membership – the Clerk would write and ascertain whether Mr Noel Kew wished to remain a member of the Committee. c. Legionnaire’s Disease – Cllr Ligo was liaising with Cllr Whittaker to arrange an inspection.
BRG150 | Dog Fouling
Members considered the issue of dog fouling and it was noted that Cllr Lloyd had provided a report to the PC to explain the situation, which had then been referred to the Committee to identify a way forward.
Cllr Rayward asked for information on the extent of the problem and it was confirmed that it was an ongoing issue and the ground did need to be checked before matches. The liability issue was noted. One team had reported that they had had to stop the match several times to clear up dog fouling. Some dogs were not being kept on a lead. Cllr Lloyd reported that he had been carrying out research into mitigating measures which were available. The Clerk reported on the option of requesting a Public Space Protection Order and the potential of involving the WC Dog Warden. It was agreed that liaison with the Dog Warden would be an appropriate first step and the Clerk would make the initial contact on behalf of the Committee.
Cllr Lloyd reported on his previous suggestion regarding the potential use of citric acid and a new option involving the distribution of ground coffee on the ground; both of which were reported to deter dogs. The potential impact of this on the ground was noted. Cllr Lloyd was thanked for this research to date however, the practical difficulties of the suggestions were noted.
The Chair noted that the transfer covenant did not prohibit dogs on the ground and it was agreed it would be unfortunate to get to a stage where the Committee needed to ban all dogs, given that the majority of dog owners behaved responsibly.
BRG151 | New entrance signs
Members considered the proposals for new entrance signs at the Rec Ground and Cllr Lloyd drew attention to previously circulated plans, which were also tabled. The options were discussed and it was noted that the signs would cost £330 + vat for four Signbuilder signs, which were 100cm x 75 cm with the second style being 100cm x 50 cm.
A more comprehensive sign was discussed, which would allow for the upcoming matches to be advertised. Mr Sharland reported that he had enquired about signage and sponsorship at a recent Cricket Club meeting; where a sponsor had offered to contact his sign writer. It was agreed to ask Mr Sharland to take this forward and request mock ups and costings for both basic signs and signs which would enable fixtures to be displayed. The future management of fixture displays would need to be discussed as this would require a commitment to change the information. Cllr Ligo reported that there were problems finding the ground and so a large sign would be more appropriate; the marking of the Pavilion with the ground name would also be useful. It was felt that, given that sponsorship may change, a simple sign may be more appropriate. Mr Sharland was also asked to find out what the process would be if information as to sponsorship needed to be changed in the future.
It was felt to be useful to advertise fixtures and noted that a previous board had enabled these to be displayed. The Chair reported that this had not worked particularly well; the information had not been large enough to be easily noticeable. A larger sign would therefore be needed.
It was agreed to discuss the plans via email once received. Members agreed it would be nice to be able to include the parish crest on the signs and Cllr Rayward would send the recently enhanced version to Cllr Lloyd so he could incorporate this in his draft signs. Mr Sharland would ask his contact about the potential of developing a logo transfer.
BRG152 | Car Park Fencing
Members discussed the car park fencing and the Chair reported he had purchased the wood, rails and posts. The total cost was £165. Three members had made a start the previous day and extended the fence in the south east corner above the ditch. It was hoped to complete the work the following week.
Members had then tested how easy it would be to put posts into the car par and it was reported that this would be difficult. The car park had been built with coarse rubble with scalpings and gravel on top. This was only a thin layer and therefore getting posts in to the rubble below was a problem. It was felt that a jackhammer might work and a builder may be required to assist. The posts would need to be concreted in. It was agreed that this would look better as it would correspond to the existing fencing. It was noted that the installation of fencing was important to protect the grounds assets. Mr Sharland would contact a local builder to try and take this forward.
Mr Sharland queried whether there were any other planned improvements for the car park; members agreed that the weeds would be removed. Since the car park was now quite flat, weeds could be mowed easily, although removal would still be the aim. It was noted that a gradual extension of the tarmac was also under consideration. This was noted to be quite an expensive process, although there was funding available in the EMR and a bid could be made to the Area Board in the next financial year. This would be considered at a future meeting.
BRG153 | Proposed development at the Pavilion
Members considered and noted progress on: a) Proposed new equipment stores – £22,000 plus vat b) Proposed additional new ladies changing room – £28,000 plus vat
The Chair reported an outline design had been received which had been adequate for a builders estimate for both items listed above. The Football Foundation were offering grants at £25,000 for just such projects and the Chair reported that he thought this was available without match funding. This would enable one of the projects to be taken forward. Following debate, it was agreed that the priority should be the provision of new storage. This was also work which could be carried out quite quickly. Further funding from ECB was not felt to be likely. It was also noted that there was no real push for a ladies changing room although this would be attended to in the future. It was not felt appropriate to continue using the referee room for storage.
Mr Sharland proposed that the Committee progress the plans for a new equipment store and this was seconded by the Chair and resolved. A grant application would therefore be made to the Football Foundation. It was confirmed that no contract would be entered into until the funding had been secured.
Cllr Lloyd stated that a specification of work should be drawn up and three quotes obtained, in line with best practice. The Chair reported that the architect had produced a basic drawing of the storage, which had been sufficient for an estimate to be produced. This could be turned into a specification for a tender document. Cllr Lloyd would take this forward. It was noted that planning permission would be required and would be applied for at the appropriate time in the process. It was agreed that the Clerk would approach Wiltshire Council for a pre-application decision as to what would be required at the appropriate time.
Post meeting note: The Chair reports that grants from the Football Foundation are offered at up to 75% of the total costs up to a maximum of £25,000. The BRGC would therefore need to identify funding of approx. £5,500 for the stores.
BRG154 | Proposed barrier for the adult football pitch
Members discussed a proposal for a barrier for the adult football pitch received from The Duke FC.
The Duke FC had developed a variety of proposals and the dug outs had been approved for the western side of the pitch. In order to play in their new league, they had reported they needed to have a barrier around part of the pitch. Originally, the barrier had been requested up the west side from the car par fence as far as the dug out however, the request had now been extended and the barrier requested was of a more substantial nature. It was noted that the team would be funding this work themselves.
It was confirmed there had been no firm specification given by the team as to what was now required. Mr Sharland noted that the information provided had not been very detailed and suggested that the Committee ought to request sight of the FA inspection report to ascertain exactly what was required. It was noted that a temporary structure would be preferable to ensure mowing arrangements would not be impacted, although it was noted that the team had stated they would be prepared to strim around the barrier.
It was agreed to request a copy of the inspection report so that the Committee could properly understand what was required. Detailed information as to the exact proposals from the team would also be requested. The Chair would take this forward.
Members considered the provision of CCTV at the ground and agreed the following: · The Clerk would obtain a copy of an appropriate CCTV policy · The Chair would contact the Crime Prevention Team for advice
BRG156 | Electricity cables
Members considered the potential for burying the electricity cables at the Rec Ground and noted that funding had been secured for the underground option and the appropriate wayleave agreement had been signed by the Clerk. It was hoped the work would be done by Easter, if not it would be delayed until September in order not to impact matches. Information on the work would be publicised in the BPN, the work area would be signed and a project manager would be in place.
BRG157 | BRGC Finances (reports previously circulated)
a) Members received and reviewed the BRGC operating budget as at 28th February 2023, which was noted; the predicted year end position was noted to be an overspend of about £3,000; the Clerk reported this would be considered by the Council at the end of the financial year. It was agreed to look into the provision of a smart meter to assist with the monitoring of electricity costs.
b) Members received and noted the BRGC Financial Position Statement as at 28th February 2023.
c) The Clerk reported on outstanding invoices and the position was noted.
d) Members considered the purchase of a stretcher at approx. £30. This was felt to be prudent and was approved. Ice packs and additions to the first aid kit would also be purchased. The Chair would purchase the stretcher and Mr Sharland would purchase the ice packs and first aid kit items (all to be reimbursed in the normal way).
e) Members noted the adjustments to the 2023/24 budget which would see grass cutting, hedge cutting and weed and feed costs moved to the general PC budget. It was felt that this would make the BRGC financial position easier to monitor and understand. It was agreed to schedule a review of pitch fees for the September 2023 meeting.
BRG158 | Member Reports
Cllr Lloyd reported that he was dealing with an enquiry from a team in North Bradley regarding the use of the junior pitch, which looked promising.
Mr Sharland reported that the Cricket Team was in a positive position and was putting together a fixture list for the 2023 season. The indoor nets at Warminster were being well used by Bratton CC, who will begin using the new (external) net at the Ground in April. A sponsor had assisted the Club with the development of a more corporate image.
BRG159 | Date of next Committee meeting
Wednesday 7th June – 7.00 pm – Jubilee Hall
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 1.15 pm.