Minutes of a meeting of the Bratton Recreation Ground Committee held on
Tuesday 5th March 2024 at 7.15 pm in the Committee Room, Jubilee Hall, Bratton.
Present: Mr M Manson (Chairman), Mr P Sharland, Cllr S Lloyd, Cllr K Rayward, Cllr J Ligo, Mr J Packer and Mr A Bishop.
In attendance: N Duke (Parish Clerk).
There were no members of the public in attendance.
BRG188 | Apologies for Absence
Mr G Preuveneers and Mr N Kew. It was noted that representatives from other users of the Rec Ground were also entitled to attend Committee meetings however, it was agreed that there was no requirement to extend the current membership. It was further agreed that it was important to ensure that the elected members were present and correct, or apologies given.
BRG189 | Minutes of Committee meetings
a) The minutes of a Committee meeting held on 16th January 2024 were approved for accuracy and referred to the Parish Council for adoption (minutes previously circulated). b) Members considered any matters arising from the above meeting of the Committee (not covered in following agenda items): a. Mr Sharland drew attention to the work undertaken in the referee’s room asking for an update. Bratton FC reported that the drainage from the shower had insufficient fall and the shower needed to be raised to ensure proper water flow; the work required was minimal. Future work to segregate the shower and w.c from the rest of the room could be required if the team were further promoted. Bratton FC would take on this work if it proved necessary. Storage for cricket could be replaced for the summer months.
BRG190 | Financial Reports
Members had received the below listed documents, which were noted and reviewed the current operating (revenue) budget:
a) Copy of Nominal Ledger for BRG account year to date b) Consolidated Financial Position for the BRG c) Budget Report year to date d) Current value of the EMR and other Reserves
It was noted that an income of £500 from football might be received by the end of the year if issued and paid by 31st March 2024. This would reduce the over spend closer to £2,000. It was noted that the BRG account formed part of the overall PC account and the PC would therefore be aware of the over spend, which it would consider as part of its year end processes.
BRG191 | BRG Budget 2024-2025
Members reviewed the BRG budget for the next financial year. The PC’s budget had been set in January 2024 and a £3,500 allocation had been made to the BRGC (to include grass cutting and hedge cutting). It was noted that a contingency allocation in the amount of £1,825 (being the difference between the PC allocation and the direct costs paid by the PC) had been allocated to the income section of the BRGC budget. The expected position was that the BRG would show a surplus at the end of 24/25, although this was largely affected by the number of fixtures that could be played allowing for the effect of weather, notably rainfall.
The Chairman reported that he had spoken to all the clubs to establish their planned usage (noting the dependence on weather). Westbury Rovers had reported that they intended to use the ground. The cricket fixtures had now been set with an allowance being made for weather. It was further reported that 20-25 sessions of junior football skills training at £70 a day were potentially being booked; which would generate an additional income of £1,000. The overall position was therefore looking positive, with the Rec Ground now breaking even or perhaps making a small profit which was agreed to be a noteworthy achievement. The volunteer work undertaken at the ground was noted to be a significant contributing factor to this success. It was confirmed that the Team Room was still available for social use hire although it was not specifically advertised in the Parish News. Cllr Lloyd was asked to arrange for advertising of the facility to be placed in the BPN.
The Chair of the Parish Council thanked the Committee for its strong approach to the management and forecasting of the Rec Ground budget. The Chair reported that he always attempted to balance the budget as he did not wish for it be a drain on the PC budget.
BRG192 | Project Updates
Members received updates on the following projects (previous minutes referred):
a) Proposed new storerooms – Cllr Lloyd reported that the Chair had applied for the grants which would be required in order to take the project further. Until finances had been confirmed the work could not realistically be taken forward. Quotes had been received ranging from £22,427 to £39,000 plus vat. It had been established that planning permission was not required, although consultation may be required with Building Regs, this was not likely to be significant. The Area Board potential grant of £5,000 would be considered in June 2024.
The Chair asked whether the preferred quote could be accepted at this stage, noting that the bid to the Football Foundation had contained a contingency which would cover any increase in quotes resulting from the passage of time. Cllr Lloyd confirmed that the detail of TEC quote had not yet been received and it was therefore agreed to establish this with them. The Chairman drew attention to the need for separate security for the clubs using the storage area however, the clubs confirmed that they would be relaxed about this with some locked cages being provided by the clubs if they deemed it necessary. The Chair asked whether, once the PC had approved the contract in principle, the BRGC should then inform TEC that the funding was expected by the end of June, with them being asked to start work as soon as practicable thereafter once receipt of funds had been confirmed. It was noted that the contract with TEC could not be entered into until funding had been confirmed. Following the debate, it was agreed to recommend to the Parish Council that the quote from TEC in the amount of £22,427 be accepted, in principle and subject to funding.
b) Decision on repair of the showers in the Away Team changing room – Bratton FC had obtained a quote for the replacement of the two faulty showers at a cost of £342 inc vat. It was confirmed that at least three showers had to be provided. Members agreed that this work needed to be done. The Chairman reported that there was provision in the 2024/25 budget under minor improvements or maintenance which could be allocated to the work. Members discussed options for funding either via EMR or contingency funding. Following debate, it was recommended to the Parish Council that the sum of £342 be allocated from the EMR Covid Grant, noting that the cost related to materials only with labour being provided for free by Bratton FC, for which it was thanked.
c) Decision on additional pitch maintenance work if awarded a Football Foundation pitch maintenance grant – the Chairman reported that he had a bid being considered which required a signed SLA between the Committee and Bratton FC, which members were content with and would be signed for submission to the FF. This was the remaining piece of supporting documentation that was required. It was hoped that the bid would be successful; with £6,400 being provided over the course of 6 years. The work that this would fund therefore needed to be identified. A pitch assessment had been undertaken by the Chair and Mr Sharland and the resulting report from the Football Association circulated. It was reported that the pitches had been designated as ‘good to above average’. There had been some standing water at the time the assessment had been undertaken. Recommendations had been received on works which could be carried out; over seeding, grooming, decompaction and top dressing. Members discussed these options and the Chair provided information on some quotations which had been received. Following debate, it was agreed to reconsider the exact works to be carried out when the outcome of the grant application was known, with preferences being for decompaction and top dressing and for the works to be extended to cover the whole cricket outfield and not just the football pitches. The Chair would obtain updated quotations. It was further agreed to arrange for Greensward to carry out the planned weed and feed as soon as practicable. It was noted that the Parish Council budget contained an allocation for this work.
Cllr Lloyd reported on drainage work required at the ground, tabling a proposal to put drainage channels from the goal area on the senior pitch to the drain at the top of the junior pitch. It was noted that this had previously been suggested by Noel Kew. The costs for the work were reported to be £10 per linear metre with a total cost of therefore £600 for the project. Cllr Lloyd reported that he was liaising with the contractor and would report back to Committee with it being noted the ideal time for the works would be either April or September. It was confirmed that the works would not disrupt the pitch; the Committee had sufficient rolling capacity to roll it back out and previous works of this nature had resulted in minimal disruption. It was noted that this work could potentially be funded from the Football Foundation grant. A final decision would be made following receipt of additional information from Cllr Lloyd and following the result of the funding bid.
d) Report on repairs to cricket nets, and costs – Mr Sharland reported that the damage had been covered by insurance (with an excess payment due). The screens would be moved to the end of the new storerooms, which would provide shelter.
e) Arrangements for a Rec Ground stand at the Village Halls Day on 23rd March – The Chairman reported that village organisations were having stands in the Hall on the Saturday morning and Cllr Rayward tabled the poster he had produced to advertise the facilities and work of the Rec Ground. This would be printed in A1 and mounted on a stand. The Chair reported that the stand did not need to be manned however, he would attend the event. Cllr Lloyd reported that he was also able to attend and would provide some photographs.
f) Outline plan for the Quiz Night on 21st September 2024 – Members agreed to proceed with the planned event. The Chair reported that food donations would be required, along with assistance on the door and laying out of the refreshments. Bratton FC agreed to provide some support and it was noted that the Chair would prepare the Quiz.
BRG193 | Fuel Card
The Parish Clerk reported that a suitable fuel card had been identified and the Committee recommended to the Parish Council that an application for the account be duly submitted. The Clerk would add this to the agenda for the March PC meeting.
BRG194 | Health and Safety
a) Members considered the required financial allocation for the monitoring of Legionnaire’s Disease, (January Committee minutes refer). It was agreed that a virement would be made from the contingency allocation within the BRGC budget to cover the costs of the routine work required. Cllr Ligo would confirm the arrangements for regular sampling, testing and recording; a diary system would be used to record the routine checks.
b) Members received an update on plans for regular inspection of the Trim Trail, noting that the PC had arranged for the inspector to carry out a monthly inspection with volunteers carrying out weekly inspections. It was agreed that Cllr Lloyd would join the group as the BRGC volunteer.
BRG195 | Pitch Bookings
Cllr Lloyd provided a report on pitch bookings: · The latest fixture list had been circulated. · The games scheduled for the previous weekend had been cancelled due to weather conditions however, the weather was now due to improve. · The Football clubs had lost a lot of fixtures due to the weather and these may be moved into April and May. The BRG would do its best to accommodate these matches. · Cricket matches would start on 21st April, with the full programme due to complete on 31st August. · Overall, the fixture list was looking extremely healthy (subject to weather).
Bratton FC spoke to the current constraints of its fixtures, resulting from the weather and the policy that football could not be played during the cricket season. Members discussed this most carefully, noting the views of both the cricket and football clubs. Following debate, it was agreed to allow the Rec Ground to be used for both football and cricket during April on a trial basis. The outcome of the trial and any amendment needed to the current policy would be considered at the next Committee meeting.
BRG196 | Members Reports
Mr Sharland – reported that Trowbridge CC would be playing its 3rd and 4th teams in the coming season in the Wiltshire Leagues. Bratton CC had started the preseason training with the first game scheduled for 27 April 2024. He further reported that Westbury CC were still keen to play but had some operational issues at the current time. Bratton CC had recently held its AGM at which Cllr Ligo had been re-elected President, with the other Committee members being content to extend their current commitments to the Club. A working afternoon had been arranged for 11th April and some work would be carried out on the Pavilion building.
Cllr Lloyd – reported on the purchase of a new battery for the Bomag roller, which would be tested this week.
BRG197 | Date of next Committee meeting
The date for the next meeting of the Bratton Recreation Ground Committee was agreed as Tuesday 7th May 2024 at 7.15 pm. The Clerk would arrange for an appropriate room to be booked for the meeting. It was noted that the Clerk would not be able to attend on this occasion.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.30 pm.