To: All Members of the Bratton Recreation Ground Committee
You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Bratton Recreation Ground Committee to be held on Tuesday 5th March 2024 commencing at 7.15 pm in the Committee Room, Jubilee Hall, Bratton for the transaction of the business shown on the agenda below.
Nicola J Duke – Parish Clerk 28th February 2024
Open Forum to hear from members of the public
Please note that matters raised under Open Forum will be subject to a limit of three minutes per speaker and members of the public wishing to speak should notify the clerk by 7.00 pm on the night of the meeting.
BRG188 | Apologies for Absence
To receive any apologies for absence.
BRG189 | Minutes of Committee meetings
a) To approve for accuracy, the minutes of a Committee meeting held on 16th January 2024 and refer them to the Parish Council for adoption (minutes attached) b) To consider any matters arising from the above meeting of the Committee (not covered in following agenda items)
BRG190 | Financial Reports
To receive the below listed documents and review the current operating (revenue) budget: a) Copy of Nominal Ledger for BRG account year to date b) Consolidated Financial Position for the BRG c) Budget Report year to date d) Current value of the EMR and other Reserves
BRG191 | BRG Budget 2024-2025
To review the BRG budget for the next financial year in light of the PC’s budget set in January 2024 at which a £3,500 allocation was made to the BRGC (to include grass cutting and hedge cutting) and using the latest income and expenditure data from the current financial year (January Committee minutes refer).
BRG192 | Project Updates
To receive updates on the following projects (previous minutes refer): a) Proposed new storerooms b) Decision on repair of the showers in the Away Team changing room c) Decision on additional pitch maintenance work if awarded the Football Foundation grant d) Report on repairs to cricket nets, and costs. e) Arrangements for a Rec Ground stand at the Village Halls Day on 23rd March. f) Outline plan for the Quiz Night on 21st September 2024
BRG193 | Fuel Card
To receive a report on progress with a fuel card and to decide how it should be used.
BRG194 | Health and Safety
a) To consider the required financial allocation for the monitoring of Legionnaire’s Disease, (January Committee minutes refer), and to confirm arrangements for regular sampling, testing and recording. b) To receive an update on plans for regular inspection of the Trim Trail.
BRG195 | Pitch Bookings
To receive a report on pitch bookings
BRG196 | Members Reports
To receive and member or representative reports
BRG197 | Date of next Committee meeting
To agree the date for the next meeting of the Bratton Recreation Ground Committee.