
BPC Staffing Committee Minutes – April 2024

Parish Council Meeting Minutes Uploaded on June 17, 2024

Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council’s Staffing Committee held on

Thursday 4th April 2024 in the Jubilee Hall commencing at 11.00 am.


Present: Cllr Rayward (Chair), Cllr Ligo, Cllr Franklin and Cllr Cole.

In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk).





SC23/12 Apologies for Absence



SC23/13 Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate



SC23/14 Confidential Information

In view of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted at Agenda Item SC23/15 members resolved that the press and public be excluded from this part of the meeting (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Cole). Such a resolution was made in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 Sec 1 (2), which states “A body may, by resolution, exclude the public from a meeting (whether during the whole or part of the proceedings) whenever publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted or for other special reasons stated in the resolution and arising from the nature of that business or of the proceedings; and where such a resolution is passed, this Act shall not require the meeting to be open to the public during proceedings to which the resolution applies.’’ Reason for exclusion – Staffing matters


SC23/15 Wiltshire Council Pension Fund

Members received an update on the WC Pension Fund, information relating to the backdated contributions required and were asked to consider the backdated start date for joining the Fund. The Clerk reported that the pension fund had now been established and that the Council needed to agree the start date for contributions.  Members noted that the Council had resolved to backdate to 1st April 2019.  The Clerk reported on the levels of employer pension contributions required for start dates of 1/04/2019, 01/04/2020 and 01/04/2021, asking members to note that the current earmarked fund provided sufficient contributions for a start date of 01/04/2021.  The Clerk stated that she would be content with this start date so as not to place additional burden on the public purse.  Members thanked the Clerk for taking this generous position however, felt that the Council should honour the previous resolution and backdate to 01/04/2019.  The Clerk suggested that a compromise start date of 01/04/2020 could be considered and, following debate, this was agreed (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Franklin). Members asked for it to be noted that the Committee had been prepared to backdate the pension to 01/04/2019 but was content to accept the Clerk’s offer of a later start date.  The Committee would make the necessary recommendation to Council and the Chair would provide a supporting report.

Note: Revised start date of 01/04/2020 will require an additional allocation of £2,184 to the EMR Pension Fund.


SC23/16 Staff IT equipment

Members considered the purchase of an item of IT equipment for the Parish Clerk and stated the view that the Council should, as a responsible employer, support the Clerk’s working environment.  It was agreed that the Clerk would provide the Chair with invoices relating to recent IT purchases and he would then prepare a recommendation to Council to provide the Clerk with an appropriate annual allowance for IT equipment, on a capital replacement fund basis.


SC23/17 Next Meeting

September 2024 – Appraisal and Salary Review – date to be confirmed.


There being no further business the meeting was closed at 11.35 am.