
BPC Minutes September 2024

Parish Council Meeting Minutes Uploaded on November 6, 2024

Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on

Tuesday 10th September 2024 at 6.30 pm in the Jubilee Hall.



Present: Cllr Keith Rayward (Chair), Cllr Eddie Cole, Cllr Cathy Elliott, Cllr Andrea Franklin, Cllr Jo Jolly, Cllr Phil Whittaker.


In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk), Wiltshire Councillor Suzanne Wickham, Mr Mike Manson (Chair, BRGC), Mr Rob Drummond (Chair, NPSG), Mr Tom Griffiths from Ashford Homes and 10 members of the public.


Open Forum

Members of the public were invited to make representations to the Council on any matters relating to the work of the Council or to raise any issues of concern:

  • Mr Griffiths (Ashford Homes) tabled plans relating to the proposed reconfiguration of footpath BRAT24 at Site 321 outlining the changes to the plans and explaining that these were felt to be required due to the steep levels of the site, the difficulties in managing the water run-off and the desire to avoid a built environment feel in a rural setting.
  • The landowner for application PL/2024/07006 Land at Penn Farm, Capps Lane spoke to his application drawing attention to the success of the camping operation and the importance of the Clubhouse to the site and its visitors.
  • The Chairman read out a letter from a resident expressing support for application PL/2024/07006 Land at Penn Farm, Capps Lane.
  • A resident spoke in support of application PL/2024/07006 Land at Penn Farm, Capps Lane.
  • A resident spoke in support of application PL/2024/07006 Land at Penn Farm, Capps Lane.


Village updates:

  • Police report – PCSO Alice Moore was not in attendance.
  • Wiltshire Council and Westbury Area Board – Cllr Suzanne Wickham reported the following:
    • The next LHFIG meeting was scheduled for 31st October at the Laverton, Westbury.
    • The next Area Board meetings were scheduled for 2nd October and 4th December at the Leighton Recreation Centre, Westbury.
    • Attention was drawn to the current consultation on WC’s Gypsy and Traveller Development Plan Document and Cllr Wickham outlined the formal process associated with this work, highlighting the webinars and drop in events being organised by Wiltshire Council and encouraging people to respond to the consultation.
    • Cllr Wickham spoke to planning application PL/2024/07006 Land at Penn Farm, Capps Lane reporting that she had ‘called’ the application in to WC Committee. Cllr Wickham confirmed that she had done so on the grounds of highways and sustainability and reporting that the application related to the erection of buildings at the site and not the camping site, for which an appropriate licence was in place. The applicant and a neighbour to the site spoke to Cllr Wickham to state their views on highway matters. In closing, Cllr Wickham restated that the application related to the erection of large buildings at the site, which did not have planning permission.





2024/49 Apologies for Absence and to consider the reasons given

Cllr J Ligo due to a prior commitment, accepted.

Cllr S Lloyd due to a prior commitment, accepted.


2024/50 Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate



2024/51 Minutes of Council Meetings

a)    The minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on 23rd July 2024 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr Jolly, seconded Cllr Cole).

b)    The minutes of a meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group held on 4th July 2024 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr Cole, seconded Cllr Elliott).





Committee and Council representative reports

Members received reports on the following:

a)       Bratton Recreation Ground Committee – Mr Mike Manson had provided a report which had been circulated to members and is appended to the minutes.  Mr Manson drew attention to the good condition of the ground and pitches, the success of the cricket season, the expected bookings for football and the good condition of the equipment at the ground.  Mr Manson also highlighted that the first year grant from the Football Foundation for pitch maintenance would soon  be claimed and that funding had been obtained from the Football Foundation for the erection of a storage container to be sited at the east end of the garage.


b)      Jubilee Hall Management Committee – Cllr Elliott reported the following:

a.       The Hall had been quiet with bookings as many classes did not meet during the summer months, however these were now resuming and bookings were returning to normal levels.

b.       Attendance at the Coffee mornings remained consistently high as did attendance at the Breakfast events, which were seeing over 40 people attending.

c.       The exterior windows had been painted by the Committee over the summer and dates for other works would now be set, weather permitting.

d.       The foyer and noticeboard had also been painted and the wooden floor surface had been revarnished.

e.       The flooring in the toilets would be replaced with non-slip material.

f.        A grant in the amount of £3,000 had been obtained from Hills Waste Group in support of the solar panels, further funding and quotes would be obtained and the aim was to install in November 2024.

g.       A significant number of external parties had been booked at weekends. There was a skittles evening with quiz planned for 8th November and the Hall was hosting the Steeple Rocks choir on 6th December to follow on from the switching on of the Christmas lights.


c)       LHFIG and Highways matters –  the Chair reported the following:

a.       The roundel speed limit reminder at Westbury Road was due to be installed shortly.

b.       The consultation period for the proposed 30 mph speed limit on Imber Road had now closed and feedback on this was awaited.

c.       A Highways Improvement Form had been submitted to LHFIG to ask for advise on how to make travelling from the west of the village across Court Lane safer for pedestrians and wheelchair/buggy users.


d)      Website Working Group –  the Chair reported that the group had not met as there had been no need to do so however, a meeting would take place in the near future.  There had been some issues with emails getting through to PC email addresses, this had been fixed with the support of Netwise. Anyone experiencing issues was asked to let the Clerk know.


e)      Emergency Planning Working Group – No update.


f)        Tidy Bratton Group including CPRE report – Mr Chris Tarling reported the following:

a.       Footpath BRAT24 was now open.

b.       St Anne’s stream required attention and a request was submitted for the erection of a handrail on the concrete steps to make these safer.  The Chairman confirmed he would submit a request to LHFIG.

c.       The Group felt that the whole village was looking better and there was a good turn out to the Tidy Bratton working groups.

d.       The hedge at the bottom end of Court Lane needed to be attended to for reasons of pedestrian safety. The Chairman confirmed that this issue was being considered later on the agenda.

e.       Bury Lane/Tinker Lane was noted to have overgrown vegetation which required attention in the near future. The Parish Steward had reported he was unable to attend to this as he did not have the means to remove the arisings.  The Chairman would raise this with Wiltshire Council, given it held the responsibility for maintaining the footpath.

f.        The report from CPRE following the Best Kept Village competition was noted. The Chairman expressed concern at the comments regarding some of the allotments, which Cllr Franklin, as the lead member for allotments, would look into.  The Chairman congratulated residents and the TBG for its efforts and success in the competition.


g)       Neighbourhood Plan – Mr Rob Drummond reported that the Plan was currently at Regulation 14 consultation stage; the consultation had opened at the end of July and closed in 2 weeks’ time. Two public events had been arranged which had been well attended.  Residents were encouraged to respond to the consultation.  Following the close of the consultation the Steering Group would consider the consultation responses, make any required adjustments to the Plan and then it would be submitted to Wiltshire Council for its comments. It was planned for the referendum on the Plan to take place in the spring of 2025.


2024/53 Parish Council Projects Updates and Reports

Members received and noted the brought forward list as previously agreed for circulation (copy previously circulated) and received updates on the below listed projects discussed at previous meetings:


a)       Castle Road bus shelter replacement – the Clerk reported that the insurance company had approved the claim however, the settlement offer was low and would leave a shortfall against the costs of replacing the bus shelter.  The Chair and the Clerk would investigate the potential use of CIL monies to fund the shortfall and the Clerk would liaise with the Internal Auditor (once appointed) to review the insurance levels. The Chairman expressed concern as to why the insurer could not obtain the costs from the vehicle owners insurance cover.  The Chairman and the Clerk would work together to try to take this forward. The Chairman apologised on behalf of the Parish Council for the significant delays in resolving this matter.


b)      Christmas event planning – Cllr Lloyd had provided a report, which had been circulated to members and was noted. The Chair reported that Cllr Lloyd was preparing a plan for the installation of the lights. The dates for the lights switch  on event had been confirmed as 6th December 2024.  Cllr Elliott confirmed that the Jubilee Hall would not be hosting a Christmas fair given the presence of the Steeple Rocks choir and informed members that minced pies and mulled wine would be provided.


2024/54 Planning applications and consultations


PL/2024/05060 – Folly Stables, Park Lane, Heywood, Westbury, BA13 4NB – Retrospective planning application for the placement of one additional 40ft container (mobile) – No objection (proposed Cllr Cole, seconded Cllr Elliott).


PL/2024/07006 – Land at Penn Farm, Capps Lane, Heywood, Westbury, BA13 4NF – Extension and alterations to existing storage building to provide function room, kitchen, toilets and washing facilities in association with on-site public camping, and associated use of outdoor seating and play space, together with the provision of 1No Gypsy and Traveller pitch, varying application PL/2021/08566 (in retrospect) – Members discussed the application, having regard to the comments made during the Public Forum. The Chairman reported that he had twice sought advice from Wiltshire Council on technical matters relating to the application, but had received no response. Following debate, members resolved that additional technical information and a site visit were required in order for a decision to be made; a further extension would therefore be requested from WC (proposed Cllr Rayward, seconded Cllr Cole).


To receive and consider planning applications received after the issue of the agenda (where the response time falls outside of the meeting schedule and an extension cannot be obtained) – None.

Consultation on the pre-submission draft Gypsies and Travellers Development Plan Document – members considered how the Council should comment on the draft DPD (information circulated). Following debate, it was resolved that Cllrs Rayward, Cole and Jolly would view the recorded webinar and liaise to prepare draft comments for members to consider (proposed Cllr Rayward, seconded Cllr Franklin).


Proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework– Members considered the Council’s response to the proposed reforms to the NPPF and resolved that Cllr Cole would work to prepare a response, which would be circulated to members and submitted following further input from members (proposed Cllr Rayward, seconded Cllr Whittaker).


BRAT24 footpath configuration – Members discussed a proposal from the developers of Site 321 for the configuration of BRAT25 (information previously circulated).  Following debate, it was resolved that the Council would request  a compacted, permeable surface throughout, with the footpath being kept to the original line as per the previous plans (proposed Cllr Rayward, seconded Cllr Franklin). It was further agreed that the PC would seek a meeting with the WC Case Officer and Rights of Way Office to discuss this and the agreed works to link BRAT24 to Court Lane, which had not yet been undertaken.


2024/55 Financial Reports (reports previously circulated)

Members received, noted and adopted the below listed reports (proposed Cllr Rayward, seconded Cllr Cole):

a)     Schedule of payments and receipts to August 2024.

b)    Bank reconciliation statements as at 31st August 2024.

c)     Consolidated Financial Position Statement as at August 2024.

d)    Budget Report (including forecast figures to year-end) as at 31st August 2024.


2024/56 Internal Auditor 2024-25

Members considered the appointment of an Internal Auditor for 2024-25 (information previously circulated).  It was resolved to appoint Mr Rose of IAC Auditing Solutions as Internal Auditor to the Parish Council for 2024-25 (proposed Cllr Jolly, seconded Cllr Elliott).


2024/57 Grant Applications

Members considered grant applications from the below listed (information previously circulated:

a)  Carer Support Wiltshire –  referred to next meeting.

b) Bobby Van Trust – Clerk to request completion of standard grant application form.


2024/58 GDPR and Data Protection Policies

Members considered for adoption GDPR and Data Protection Policies (draft documents previously circulated).  Following debate, the GDPR and Data Protection Policy was duly adopted with the confirmation that the Clerk would act as Data Protection Officer and the addition of the sector standard Document Retention and Disposal Policy (proposed Cllr Rayward, seconded Cllr Cole).


2024/59 Risk Assessments 2024-25

Members reviewed and adopted the risk assessments for the current municipal year (previously circulated), which were adopted (proposed Cllr Rayward, seconded Cllr Jolly). The Clerk would amend the dates where applicable to cover the period up to 31st March 2025.


2024/60 Internal Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures

Members discussed the previously circulated draft procedure, which was duly adopted subject to the addition of an alternative procedure should any complaint or issue relate to members of the sitting Staffing Committee  (proposed Cllr Jolly, seconded Cllr Franklin).


2024/61 Correspondence (previously circulated)

Wiltshire Council re: winter preparations 2024-25 – it was agreed that the Chair would liaise with the Tidy Bratton Group to send the required information back to Wiltshire Council.


Local resident re: hedges at the bottom of Court Lane – the Chair reported on the issues with the overgrown hedge and it was agreed that the Clerk would write an appropriate letter to the landowner.


2024/62 Bratton Parish News

Members agreed the below listed items for inclusion in the next edition of the BPN:

·    Planning application and consultations information

·    Christmas Lights Switch on date

·    Update on 30mph speed limit proposals at Imber Road

·    Update on the Castle Road bus shelter installation

·    Update on the development at site 321

·    Report on new piece of play equipment on the Village Green

·    Thanks to the Tidy Bratton Group


2024/63 Parish Council Calendar

Members received and noted the calendar of parish council meetings and events.  The Clerk would add on the date for a) the Christmas event and b) the next meeting of the Village Green Committee.




Date of next meeting

Tuesday 12th November 2024 – 7.15 pm in the Jubilee Hall.



There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8.40 pm.