
BPC Minutes 23 July 2024

Parish Council Meeting Minutes Uploaded on September 5, 2024

Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held on
Tuesday 23rd July 2024 at 7.15 pm in the Jubilee Hall.

Present: Cllr Keith Rayward (Chair), Cllr Jeff Ligo, Cllr Steve Lloyd, Cllr Eddie Cole, Cllr Caroline MacDuff, Cllr Andrea Franklin, Cllr Jo Jolly, Cllr Phil Whittaker.

In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk), Wiltshire Councillor Suzanne Wickham, Mr Mike Manson (Chair, BRGC), Mr Rob Drummond (Chair, NPSG) and 4 members of the public.

Open Forum
Members of the public were invited to make representations to the Council on any matters relating to the work of the Council or to raise any issues of concern:
• A resident addressed the Council in respect of the Soapbox Derby (agenda item refers); outlining the lack of communication beforehand, organisation failures on the day and the impact on residents of due to disruption and sheer volume of traffic. The resident reported he had corresponded with Westbury Town Council, which had indicated willingness to consult with residents in preparation for next year’s event. The resident had three recommendations; 1) better and earlier communication with residents 2) better signage and 3) better traffic management for traffic flow. The Chair reported on his involvement with the issue, confirming that the Council would discuss this under the appropriate agenda item. He further reported that Cllr Wickham had raised the matter with Westbury Town Council on the PC’s behalf, with a view to earlier and more effective consultation and engagement for the 2025 event. Cllr Wickham reported that she had been in touch with Westbury Town Council’s Event Manager and confirmed that the Council had developed a complete plan with WC however, the plan had catered for a large number of people attending by the buses. The essence was that 7,000 people had attended and the Traffic Management Plan had been over run. The Event Manager had taken on some of Cllr Wickham’s suggestion, especially the potential use of the cement works for parking. The traffic management plan was overwhelmed. Commitment had been given to liaise with the Parish Council in future years. The Town Council would therefore review the plans for next year and be in touch with the PC. The Town Council had demonstrated lots of goodwill to engage with the parish and had expressed its apology for the negative impact of the event on residents.
• A resident addressed the Council in respect of the proposals for the 30 mph zone at Imber Road bringing to the Council’s attention the increased number of children resident along the road and confirming the speed issue related to cars travelling both up and down the road. Attention was also drawn to the hidden entrances. The resident asked why Lower Road was 20mph and this road listed to be 30mph and asked how the speed could be reduced to the level of Lower Road. The Chair reported on the original proposal which had been to make all the roads 20mph speed limits however, following a review and confirmation of the costs of the original proposals it had been decided to alter the requests. The resident was thanked for his comments and the Chair confirmed the PC would look at this issue again.
• A resident of Imber Road expressed his agreement with the previous comments, expressing the view that a further reduction to 20mph would be more appropriate. The Chair encouraged the residents to submit their comments to WC, confirming he would raise the issue at the forthcoming LHFIG meeting.
• Mr Drummond echoed and endorsed the comments of residents regarding the proposals for Imber Road.
• A further question was tabled regarding the mowing of the verges, which Cllr Wickham undertook to look into and report back. Members noted that there were several areas in the parish which had not yet been cut following ‘No Mow May’.

Village Updates:

Cllr Wickham reported the following:
• That the enforcement process relating to unauthorised development at the Capps Lane site was ongoing; this was noted to be a complex process. A retrospective planning application was expected to be submitted shortly and Cllr Wickham reported that this was likely to be considered by the Strategic Planning Committee given the status of the site. Cllr Wickham was asked whether the retrospective nature of the application would be a determining factor when considering the application and it was confirmed that no weight could be given to this. There was disappointment expressed at the general lack of enforcement action and Cllr Wickham confirmed that WC had recently invested heavily in developing this department.
• She had been in touch with the WC PROW team in respect of the footpath BRAT24 and officers had confirmed they would report on the processes to deal with the issues with the footpath and provide support to the PC.
• She had also been chasing the progression of matters relating to footpath BRAT29; surveyors employed to review the case had not been able to find definitive evidence of the route of the footpath. The matter therefore remained ongoing.
• Attention was drawn to the forthcoming WC consultation on Gypsy and Traveller sites (running from the beginning of August to the end of October). Note to members – this would be an agenda item for the September PC meeting.


2024/32 Apologies for Absence and to consider the reasons given
Cllr Elliott due to a prior commitment, accepted.
2024/33 Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate

2024/34 Minutes of Council Meetings
a) The minutes of the below listed meetings of the Parish Council were approved for accuracy and adopted:
a. 11th June 2024 (proposed Cllr Cole, seconded Cllr Lloyd)
b. 9th July 2024 (proposed Cllr Cole, seconded Cllr Lloyd)
b) The minutes of a meeting of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group held on 6th June 2024 were adopted, having been approved for accuracy by the NPSG (proposed Cllr MacDuff, seconded Cllr Jolly).
c) The minutes of a meeting of the Village Green Committee held on 9th May 2024 were approved for accuracy and adopted (proposed Cllr Cole, seconded Cllr Jolly).


Committee and Council representative reports
Members received reports on the following:
a) Bratton Recreation Ground Committee – Mr Mike Manson introduced and spoke to a previously circulated report, a copy of which is appended to the minutes. Members also considered a quote in the amount of £676 per annum for the weekly emptying of the BRG bin. Following debate, it was resolved to accept a quotation for a fortnightly service at an expected cost of £338 per annum, the costs of which would be met from the main PC budget (proposed Cllr Lloyd, seconded Cllr MacDuff).

b) Jubilee Hall Management Committee – Sian Morgan reported the following:
a. That the summer period was quieter for the Hall as a number of classes and groups did not meet over the summer months.
b. The reduction in bookings would enable the Committee to focus on maintenance issues; attention would be given to the windows, painting and the flooring.
c. A new noticeboard had been installed outside the building to focus on events at the Jubilee Hall.
d. The website had been re-launched.
e. The Big Breakfast event continued to be popular with approx. 40 people now attending on a regular basis.
f. The Committee was soon to launch its fundraising appeal for the Solar Panel Project and residents would be invited to sponsor a panel (£500 per panel). This would be promoted in the next Bratton Parish News and the project would result in significant savings in running costs.
g. The Jubilee Hall was showing a film as part of the Westbury Festival this coming Sunday afternoon; tickets were available from the Westbury Festival website.

c) LHFIG and Highways matters – the Chair reported the following:
a. That a price had been obtained for the addition of a roundel on Lower Westbury Road, to remind road users of the speed limit. The work would carry a cost to the PC of £150. Members noted that the work had previously been approved and budgetary provision was in place; the works were therefore authorised (proposed Cllr Whittaker, seconded Cllr Franklin).
b. That LHFIG would be asked to consider improvements to the crossing at Court Lane, given the impact of the new development and the increased number of residents using route into the centre of the village.

d) Website Working Group – the Chair reported that there had been no recent meetings however, the website continued to perform well and there had been a significant increase in web based enquiries when compared to the previous website.

e) Emergency Planning Working Group – the Chair reported that no progress had been made as yet, primarily due to the workload associated with the Neighbourhood Plan.

2024/36 Parish Council Projects Updates and Reports
Members noted the brought forward list as previously agreed for circulation (circulated prior to meeting) and received updates on the below listed projects discussed at previous meetings:
a) Castle Road bus shelter replacement – the Clerk reported that the insurance claim had now been settled and the associated funds were expected to be received shortly. She would now liaise with the appointed contractor for a start date.
b) Blossom Day 2025 – Cllr Cole had provided a proposal, which had been circulated to members. He reported that the consideration was being given to holding the event either on the first weekend in May, the early May bank holiday or the weekend of 10/11th May (2025). Members confirmed that these dates did not conflict with any other Council events. The Council resolved its support for this event (proposed Cllr Cole, seconded Cllr Rayward).

2024/37 Planning applications
To receive and consider planning applications received after the issue of the agenda (where the response time falls outside of the meeting schedule and an extension cannot be obtained) – None.

2024/38 Neighbourhood Plan for Bratton
Members referenced the workshop which had been held on 9th July at which BPC members had received a presentation by Rob Drummond, Chair of Bratton’s Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group, of the material being prepared for the NDP.

Members noted the intention to submit for Regulation 14 public consultation between 29th July and 23rd September; with the intent to submit to a referendum for Parish acceptance in May 2025.

The current documents had been made available to Members on the NAS since 23rd July and members resolved the below proposals as referred from the workshop:
a. The Parish Council recorded a formal Vote of Thanks to the Steering Group for their diligent work preparing the impressive documentation (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Lloyd).
b. The Parish Council noted that the documentation was subject to enhancements throughout the period until the Referendum, and resolved its support for the plan, agreeing to adopt the NDP as presented as the Parish Council’s policy (proposed Cllr Cole, seconded Cllr Ligo).
c. The PC asked the Steering Group to continue their good works and submit the Plan for the statutory Regulation 14 public consultation and take it through the remaining stages for adoption by Wiltshire Council (proposed Cllr Lloyd, seconded Cllr Whittaker).
2024/39 Highway Issues

a) Traffic Regulation Order
Members received and considered for comment the proposed TRO for Stradbrook and Imber Road, Bratton – 30mph Speed Limit Order 2024 (copy previously circulated), giving consideration to the comments made during the Public Forum. Following debate, it was agreed that the Council supported the TRO in principle however, the Chair would report the residents feedback to the upcoming meeting of the LHFIG to ascertain what further action could be taken in respect of the request for a 20 mph speed limit.

b) Soapbox Derby – Bratton White Horse
Members received and considered correspondence relating to the arrangements for Westbury Town Council’s Soapbox Derby event, its impact on the parish and future mitigation/liaison with WTC required (correspondence previously circulated. Members also gave consideration to the discussion which had taken place during the Public Forum. Following debate, it was agreed that the Chair would follow up with Westbury Town Council to ensure that the Parish Council was included in future event planning. It was also agreed that a BPC liaison member would be appointed in due course.

2024/40 Financial Reports (previously circulated)
The below reports were duly adopted (proposed Cllr Whittaker, seconded Cllr Lloyd).
a) Schedule of payments and receipts to June 2024
b) Bank reconciliation statements as at 30th June 2024.
c) Consolidated Financial Position Statement as at June 2024.
d) Budget Report as at 30th June 2024.
In response to questions the Clerk confirmed the following:
• The line of admin income related to income from the Clothing Bank.
• Budget forecast figures would be added to the Budget Report from September (this being the half way point in the financial year).
• The agreements in respect of the rent paid by the Pre-School for the use of the Pavilion would be investigated and a report issued to members.

2024/41 Financial Regulations – Authorisation of Council payments due
Members considered the authorisation of Council payments due, referring to comments made in the Internal Audit Report. It was noted that the new Internal Auditor would be carrying out an interim audit in the autumn (once appointed) and it was therefore resolved to make no adjustments to the process at the current time (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Rayward).

2024/42 Fixed Asset Register 2024
Members considered a review process for the Fixed Asset Register (Internal Audit action point) and agreed that this would be referred to the new Internal Auditor (once appointed) for guidance.

2024/43 Correspondence
2024/44 Bratton Parish News
Members agreed the below items for inclusion in the next edition of the BPN (to include planning information), with the Chair reporting that Cllr Jolly had now stood down from her role as Editor.
• Update on the Castle Road bus shelter
• Information relating to the Soapbox Derby
• Maintenance of landowner hedges and footpaths
• Neighbourhood Plan
2024/45 Parish Council Calendar
Members received and noted the calendar of parish council meetings and events (previously circulated). The Clerk was asked to ensure that the Ordinary Elections scheduled for May 2025 were added. The dates for any Christmas events would also be added once the plans were finalised at the September meeting.

Date of next meeting
Tuesday 10th September 2024 – 7.15 pm in the Jubilee Hall.

2024/47 Confidential Information
In view of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted at Agenda Item 2024/48 members resolved that the press and public be excluded from this part of the meeting (proposed Cllr Rayward, seconded Cllr Cole). Such a resolution would be in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 Sec 1 (2), which states “A body may, by resolution, exclude the public from a meeting (whether during the whole or part of the proceedings) whenever publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted or for other special reasons stated in the resolution and arising from the nature of that business or of the proceedings; and where such a resolution is passed, this Act shall not require the meeting to be open to the public during proceedings to which the resolution applies.’’ Reason for exclusion – Staffing matters

2024/48 Wiltshire Pension Fund
The Clerk provided confirmation from Wiltshire Pension Fund as to the exact amount of backdated pension contributions due – £12,243 (June minutes refer). Members noted that the current fund for the contributions stood at £11,000 and that there was therefore a shortfall of £1,243. The Clerk reported that the start date for the pension fund could either be adjusted further or that the shortfall could be vired from general reserves.

At this point the Clerk left the meeting.
Members resolved that the Clerks pension start date should remain unchanged at 1st April 2020 and the additional costs referred to above should be met from reserves. This decision was taken in the context that the PC expected substantial savings in planned expenditure on Maintenance and Neighbourhood Plan costs (proposed Cllr, seconded Cllr).

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 9.07 pm.