Minutes of the Annual Council Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Thursday 23rd May 2024 in the Jubilee Hall, Bratton
at 6.30 pm.
Present: Cllr Keith Rayward (Chair), Cllr Jo Jolly, Cllr Phil Whittaker, Cllr Caroline MacDuff, Cllr Jeff Ligo, Cllr Steve Lloyd, Cllr Eddie Cole, Cllr Andrea Franklin and Cllr Cathy Elliott.
In attendance: Nicola Duke (Parish Clerk) and 2 members of the public.
Open Forum
Members of the public were invited to make representations to the Council on any matters relating to the work of the Council or to raise any issues of concern:
- Two residents spoke to the Council regarding speeding issues at Lower Westbury Road, reporting on the increased volume and speed of traffic and the danger this presented to local residents. The Chair confirmed that this would be discussed during the LHFIG agenda item.
2024/01 | Election of Chair
In accordance with the Local Government Act 1972 ss 15 (2) and 34 (2) it was proposed by Cllr MacDuff, seconded by Cllr Elliott and resolved to elect Cllr Rayward as Chair of the Parish Council for the municipal year 2024/2025.
2024/02 | Declaration of acceptance of office
The Chair duly signed the declaration of acceptance of office.
2024/03 | Apologies for Absence and to consider the reasons given
2024/04 | Election of Vice-Chair
In accordance with the Local Government Act 1972 ss 15 (6) and 34 (6) it was proposed by Cllr Franklin, seconded by Cllr MacDuff and resolved to elect Cllr Cole as Vice-Chair of the Parish Council for the municipal year 2024/2025
2024/05 | Declaration of Acceptance of Office
The Vice-Chair duly signed the declaration of acceptance of office.
2024/06 | Declarations of Interest and Dispensations to Participate
Parish Council Committees and Working Groups
The following appointments to parish council committees and memberships were made for the municipal year 2024/2025 (proposed Cllr Rayward, seconded Cllr Elliott): a) Staffing Committee – Cllrs Cole, Franklin, Ligo and Rayward b) Bratton Recreation Ground – Cllrs Ligo, Lloyd and Rayward c) Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group – Cllrs Cole, MacDuff and Rayward d) Website Working Group – Cllrs Elliott, Franklin, Jolly, Cole and Rayward e) Village Green Committee – Cllrs Elliott, Cole and Rayward
2024/08 | Parish Council banking arrangements 20242/2025
The bank signatories for 2024/2025 were confirmed as Cllrs Rayward, Ligo and Jolly (proposed Cllr Whittaker, seconded Cllr Ligo).
2024/09 | Governance and Policy Reviews
a) Members reviewed the following governance documents (Model NALC documents previously circulated): a) Standing Orders – Model document adopted (proposed Cllr Rayward, seconded Cllr Cole). b) Financial Regulations – Model document adopted (proposed Cllr Rayward, seconded Cllr Cole). The Clerk was asked to provide clarify on article 2.2 of the Financial Regulations.
b) Members considered for comment Wiltshire Council’s Draft Licensing Consultation (previously circulated) and resolved that no comment was required.
2024/10 | Parish Council Lead Member/Point of Contact Appointments
Lead Members/Point of Contacts in relation to the following areas of Council work were appointed as listed for 2024/25 (proposed Cllr Elliott, seconded Cllr MacDuff): a) Highways and Local Highways and Footpath Improvement Group (LHFIG) – Cllr Rayward b) Wiltshire Council Westbury Area Board – Cllr Ligo c) Jubilee Hall – Cllr Elliott d) Allotments – Cllrs Franklin and Ligo e) Reeves Orchard – Cllr Cole f) Bratton Parish News – Cllrs Lloyd and Jolly g) Tree Work Applications outside of meeting schedule – Cllr MacDuff h) Telephone Kiosk – Cllrs Lloyd and Whittaker i) Speed Indicator Device – Cllr Cole j) Footpaths and Rights of Way – Cllr Ligo k) Bratton Week Working Group – Cllr Ligo
2024/11 | New Street Name – Land north of Westbury Road and west of Court Orchard, Bratton, Wiltshire, BA13 4TB
Members noted that the developer was commencing the street naming process for the above development and had asked the Parish Council for four suggestions, listed in order of preference. Following debate, it was resolved to submit the following (proposed Cllr Cole, seconded Cllr MacDuff): 1) Danesmead 2) Forest End 3) Westgate 4) Sandfields
2024/12 | Grounds Maintenance Contract 2024/25
Members received an update on the grounds maintenance contract for 2024/25 noting that Greenacres had been appointed to undertake the grass cutting and strimming at the Village Green and it was noted that the contract price was under budget. Cllr Ligo provided the historical background to the grounds maintenance contract, highlighting the increase in PC funded work since 2020. He further reported that the Tidy Bratton Group had expanded and would be carrying out more works and that it had been established with WC that the Parish Steward would attend to the metal footpaths, which was providing a saving against previous PC expenditure. Members noted the report outlining the additional work plans for the Tidy Bratton Group, which were approved, and resolved to allow the Group to access the available funds in the Parish Maintenance budget up to £1,000 (proposed Cllr Ligo, seconded Cllr Rayward). Cllr Rayward asked for a vote of thanks to be recorded to Cllr Ligo for his work on the maintenance contracts.
2024/13 | Police Drop in Sessions
Members considered the arrangements and Parish Council support for the police drop in sessions (information previously circulated). It was noted that the Parish Council did not have a specific statutory power it could use to fund this and, given the new initiative for the police to visit parishes with their own welfare unit, it was agreed that there was therefore no requirement for the PC to fund any drop in sessions.
2024/14 | LHFIG Requests
Members considered for submission to Wiltshire Council LHFIG requests for Highway Improvements in the parish (information previously circulated):
School signs – the Chair reported that the provision of directional signs for the school was being progressed and the school was allocating the required funding. This project therefore had no implications for the Parish Council.
SID Spigots – Members considered the potential project to install new spigots to relocate the SID to within the correct distance of the 30mph signs. Cllr Cole reported that this, together with other measures, had arisen as a result of the newly issues WC guidance on the deployment of SIDS. It was noted that the PC contribution towards this project was £300. Members discussed the provision of the SID data to the police and noted that a repair would be required to the unit in order to allow this to be downloaded. Following debate, it was agreed that the ability to download the data would be useful, although the costs to do so were noted. It was resolved to defer the decision on this project to enable further liaison with the police in terms of their potential use of SID data (proposed Cllr Cole, seconded Cllr Lloyd).
Speeding Lower Westbury Road – the Chair reported that a site meeting had been carried out, which Wiltshire Councillor Wickham had attended. The Highways Engineer had reported that the installation of signs was not possible for technical reasons however, a roundel on the road could be added to raise awareness of the speed limit. The contribution required from the PC for this work was reported as being estimated at £200. Members resolved to support the proposal and ask the Highways Engineer to investigate further (proposed Cllr Franklin, seconded Cllr Jolly).
Footpath to Fitzroy Farm – the Chair reported that project had been withdrawn due to the significant costs involved and the doubt over its long term feasibility.
Speed Limit Imber Road – the Chair reported on the proposal to extend the 30mph limit on Imber Road to cover Luccombe Terrace, with the limit stopping just past ‘Thus Far’ so that all dwellings would be included. This was felt to be necessary given the level and speed of the traffic using Imber Road. The contribution required from the PC for this work was noted as being £1,000. Following debate, it was resolved to proceed with the planned works (proposed Cllr Jolly, seconded Cllr Franklin).
Given the above decisions, it was noted that the PC would need to contribute a total of £1250 towards the projects. Members were advised that the EMR LHFIG stood at £910 and it was therefore resolved to vire the sum of £340 from the Unallocated EMR to provide the necessary funding (proposed Cllr Whittaker, seconded Cllr MacDuff).
2014/15 | Planning Applications
PL/2024/03812 – 24 Lower Road, Bratton, Westbury, BA13 4RQ – Front and rear single storey extensions –No objection.
PL/2024/04174 – 4 Holme Lane, Bratton, Westbury, BA13 4TF – Single storey rear and side extension with integrated entrance canopy to replace existing dilapidated extensions. New side and rear dormers to replace existing dilapidated dormers. New garage to replace existing dilapidated garage. Demolition of front extension. Re-rendering and insulation of external walls. Repair and replacement of existing dilapidated roof covering. Additional hardstanding to front driveway – No objection.
2024/16 | Calendar of meetings
The Calendar of Meetings for the 2024/2025 municipal year was approved as listed:
Tuesday 11th June 2024– Approval of accounts 2021/22 (if audited) Tuesday 9th July 2024 Tuesday 10th September 2024 Tuesday 12th November 2024– Budget setting 2025/26 Tuesday 14th January 2025 – Precept setting 2025/26 Tuesday 11th March 2025 – Year end 2024/25 Tuesday 13th May 2025 – ACM and APM
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 7.32 pm.
These minutes were adopted by the Council at a meeting held on 11th June 2024.